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Drew Bezanson wins Red Bull Framed Reactions
The BMX Freestyle elite tore up a unique park when Red Bull Framed Reactions came to Amsterdam.
Written by Redbull.com team
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Drew Bezanson wins in Amsterdam
Drew Bezanson wins in Amsterdam© Romina Amato/Red Bull Content Pool
There are no limits to the ingenuity of BMX course designs. The set-up at Red Bull Framed Reactions involved moving parts, something that has never been done before in a BMX contest.
X-Games course designer Nate Wessel was the creator of the 1,800 square metre course that sat in the courtyard of the Westergasfabriek, Amsterdam’s Culture Park.
“Nate is the best ramp designer of the world”, said rider Drew Bezanson who took the crown of the contest in the heart of the Dutch capital. “He just wakes up in the middle of the night with the sickest ideas for a new ramp.”
For the first time in history a BMX competition took place at a park with movement and interaction. In the bowl, riders tried to touch the two lanterns. By touching them the two moving elements, a train and a typical Amsterdam bridge, came in motion. This meant that the participants had an influence on the park while flying on this very special course.
Nate Wessel pushing the limit
Nate Wessel pushing the limit© Rutger Pauw/Red Bull Content Pool
The final saw the riders showcasing their finest tricks with the Canadian Bezanson impressing the judges the most.
“It was an extraordinary contest today”, said Paul de Jong, one of the judges. “The level of the competition was extremely high, the audience was enthusiastic and besides some small bruises, everything went well. It was kind of hard to judge, because the top 3 was very evenly matched. We are pleased that Framed Reactions made Freestyle BMX top of mind in the Netherlands.”
Local hero Daniel Wedemeijer
Local hero Daniel Wedemeijer© Romina Amato/Red Bull Content Pool
Red Bull Framed Reactions is part of the anniversary ‘Amsterdam 2013’. A number of memorable anniversaries make this a very special year with the purpose of showing that Amsterdam, with its rich history, is a vibrant, modern and sporty city. The Dutch capital already saw enlisting local BMX rider Daniel Wedemeijer pulling off an epic backflip over the Passeerdersgracht canal a few weeks ago.
That was the first BMX treat in the Netherlands but most certainly not the last as Framed Reactions was packed with an incredible range of extraordinary BMX tricks. And the Dutch loved it.
Results Red Bull Framed Reactions 1 Drew Bezanson 2 Ben Wallace 3 Pat Casey 4 Gary Young 5 Daniel Sandoval 6 AJ Anaya 7 Harry Main 8 Alessandro Barbero
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