Instil confidence in your daily decision-making with Leonardo Fioravanti
Episode 10 of the Mind Set Win podcast uses all the experiences and techniques of the Italian surfer to help create a practical exercise we can all follow to improve our decision-making skills.
Italian surfer Leonardo Fioravanti features alongside host Cédric Dumont on the latest episode of the Mind Set Win podcast and over the course of 15 minutes the duo dive into a relatable topic - decision-making.
From the moment we wake up in the morning to closing our eyes at night, we are continuously making decisions. Whether consciously or not, large or small, significant or insignificant, research shows we all make hundreds of decisions every single day.
For Fioravanti, this comes in the form of making choices out on the water in World Surf League competitions, his mindset when travelling to new destinations and how to react when caught in the middle of a formidable wave.
So how can we all become more confident in our decision-making and what benefits will being a decisive decision-maker bring? Dumont reveals all…
Listen to the podcast in full and take advantage of Dumont’s two-step exercise that provides the optimal mindset for making better decisions.
Read on to learn just a few of the highlights from Fioravanti's appearance on Mind Set Win.
The ocean, you cannot control most of it, you can only control what you do and the choices that you make in those moments
“You have to put yourself in those positions many times before you’re confident you won’t get frustrated and start to make bad choices as you’re acting on emotions," says Fioravanti.
The 25-year-old shares how using his experience helped him make the right decisions during his win at the EDP Vissla Pro Ericeira in October 2022.
After a “horrible” start in the semi-final where he was “making bad choices” he used all his knowledge of the location to adapt to the conditions. By moving his starting position further inside to catch a wave and get a crucial score, he set himself up for victory.
The Italian explains how he’s learned the hard way that calmness is key to making the right decisions and being the best version of himself when out on the water.
“I’ve had plenty of heats when halfway through I’ve started getting frustrated, where if I hadn’t, maybe I’d have been able to turn the heat around as I did in the semi-final [in Ericeira]," explains Fioravanti.
Whatever situation he’s in, whether he’s made a mistake performing a trick or he’s caught in a wave with “washing machine” like power, it’s by remaining calm in the moment that gives him the clarity to get back on track.
Only control the controllable
A life spent in unpredictable seas requires you to be ready for anything at any moment. Fioravanti remembers surfing in Teahupo'o, Tahiti and falling off his board during the take-off. Running out of air, he resurfaced and had less than half a second to decide what course of action to take before another giant wave broke on his head.
In those moments, Fioravanti knows making the right call is paramount: “The ocean, you cannot control most of it, you can only control what you do and the choices that you make in those moments.”
“I want to make sure I enjoy what I do, that I collect memories all around the world," says Fioravanti. "I want to make sure I make the most out of the trip and the moment that I’m there.”
One of the key decisions Fioravanti has made in his career doesn’t involve his surfboard or a wave, it’s about his mindset.
The 25-year-old refuses to let results or performances solely define his mood or determine the outcome of a trip. By taking a step back and enjoying being in the present, he’s able to look at any decision in front of him in a positive frame of mind.
Find out more – including simple exercises to do at home – in Mind Set Win.
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