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Gaetan Vige rides a pump track with a fellow MTB rider.
© Sven Martin
The Red Bull Pump Track World Championships return for 2019
The ultimate pump battle is set to travel the globe once more to find the world's fastest berm rippers.
Shkruar nga Ric McLaughlin
2 min readUpdated on
The inaugural Red Bull Pump Track Championship was a worldwide hunt to find some of the very best two-wheel talent, regardless of where they came from or what they rode.
Velosolutions pump tracks across the globe hosted qualifying events which pitted MTB against BMX as riders from all walks of life went head-to-head to reach the World Finals held in the US. This season, things are set to get even bigger and even better...
Check out the best of the action from the 2018 Finals here:
1 minutaRed Bull Pump Track Worlds finals highlightsAll the action from the biggest pump track race in the history of earth in one minute.
Building on the success of last year, the 2019 series will see qualifiers held across 25 events with competitors drawn from a registered 5,000 entrants.
Once again, the series will take place in conjunction with Claudio Caluori's Velosolutions company and the charity #pumpforpeace. The winners of the individual national finals/qualifying rounds will be sent to compete at a grand final at the Red Bull Pump Track World Championship Finals.
Mountain bikers take on a pump track in Brooklyn, New York.
Pump track racing at the Velosolutions track in Brooklyn, New York© Velosolutions
The season is set to kick off in Chile in February.
Pump tracks combine rolling jumps with banked turns. Riders use the track features to gain momentum and attack the track as fast as possible. They offer the perfect fix for mountain bikers in urban areas, young or inexperienced riders or for people who simply want to experience mountain biking but mightn't have access to mountains. The equipment requirements are minimal too – all you need is a bike!
There will be races held in Europe, Africa, South America, North America, Canada, India, South East Asia, Australia and New Zealand. Dates and venues are as yet TBC. WATCH THIS SPACE FOR MORE INFO.
Depending on the track at each qualifying event, racing will take place in either a head-to-head battle or a time-trial format, as per last season.
Andrew Neethling banks on a pump track turn.
Pump track riding is never boring with continuous rollers, berms and jumps© Sven Martin
We're extremely grateful for all the adventures, new friendships, countries and cultures we have experienced around the world during Velosolutions' pump track constructions. Through our partnership with Red Bull we can now give something back
Claudio Calouri
Claudio is the unofficial king of the pump track and through Velosolutions he's focused a lot of his time and efforts into building tracks in countries in the underdeveloped world in an effort to open up the sport of mountain biking to new communities.
Participants cycle on the pump track at #pumpforpeace in Lesotho.
Teaching kids at #pumpforpeace Lesotho© Velosolutions
For more information and news on the Red Bull Pump Track World Championship, visit www.redbullpumptrackworldchampionship.com
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Red Bull UCI Pump Track World Championship

The Red Bull UCI Pump Track World Championship is back for its second year, with more than 20 qualifying events taking place around the world.

SwitzerlandBern, Switzerland
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