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Jinx has received a rework for 2XKO
© Riot Games
These fighting games await us in 2025
Fans of fighting games can expect more content for established games and exciting new releases in the coming year. We present the highlights.
By Matthias Regge (@PrinnyTonic)
5 min readPublished on
Fighting games are no longer part of the gaming niche. At least since the strong efforts of Tekken 8 and Street Fighter 6 to offer a lot of content for new players and provide a springboard into the complex mechanics, more and more players are taking a liking to the classic genre. These titles have become an integral part of e-sports anyway.
And we can also expect some exciting new releases in the world of fighting games in 2025. We have taken a look at the biggest confirmed releases of the coming year.

Street Fighter 6 - Season 3

We are currently in the middle of the second season of Street Fighter 6, with Mai Shiranui from the Fatal Fury series waiting in the wings as the next DLC character, and Capcom has already presented us with a first teaser. The returning fighter Elena will then round off the bonus fighter package.
Season 2 offers two guest characters
Season 2 offers two guest characters© Capcom
After that, it is still unclear what the next steps for the game will be. Of course, additional fighters can be expected again, but drastic balance changes can also be expected over the course of the year. Some characters are still waiting for their chance to keep up with the stronger fighters in the title. Grappler Lily and Drunken Master Jamie have struggled to keep up in the tournament world since the beginning.
The Capcom Cup is once again about big prize money
The Capcom Cup is once again about big prize money© Capcom
The 11th Capcom Cup will take place in Tokyo from 5 to 9 March. By then at the latest, we will know what the plans are for Street Fighter 6 in 2025.
1 minThe Art of Street FightingThe world's top Street Fighter V players prepare for the fight of their lives at Red Bull Kumite.

Tekken 8 - Season 2

The first season of Tekken 8 is coming to an end. With Clive Rosefield from Final Fantasy 16, the final character of the first downloadable roster was recently released. Bandai Namco has also already presented initial information on the Season 2 update. The trailer shows some changes to characters and additional content. Particularly attentive viewers can also spot a possible hint that Nina's sister, Anna Williams, will once again be part of the character selection in the second season.


For the League of Legends fighter from Riot Games, it is also not yet clear where the journey will take us in 2025. The title has already completed its first public play sessions and alpha tests. At the moment, there is still talk of a release in 2025, which is more likely to happen in the second half of the year or in winter.
In 2XKO, you play a team of 2 fighters.
In 2XKO, you play a team of 2 fighters© Riot Games
Fans were recently given a new look at the revised Jinx. She was part of the confirmed roster from the start, but has now been reworked and equipped with a completely new move set.
According to Riot Games, the next alpha test will take place in spring 2025. So there will be another chance to play 2XKO here.

Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves

In 2025, we celebrate the return of a veteran of the genre. With Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves, SNK is bringing back the game series that helped them establish themselves alongside Street Fighter.
Rock Howard is the poster boy of City of the Wolves
Rock Howard is the poster boy of City of the Wolves© SNK
Many of the characters from City of the Wolves, such as Rock Howard, Terry Bogard and Mai Shiranui, are probably already familiar to fans from King of Fighters. These titles bring together fighters from various SNK series such as Samurai Shodown, Art of Fighting and Fatal Fury.
City of the Wolves brings back fan favourites
City of the Wolves brings back fan favourites© SNK
In addition to a stylish look full of half-tone effects and bright colours, Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves is said to offer a gameplay system that focuses primarily on a variety of options in offence and defence. The title will be released on 21 April.

Capcom Fighting Collection 2

Excitingly, two guest characters from Street Fighter will be playable in the aforementioned City of the Wolves: Ken and Chun-Li have already been confirmed for SNK's fighting game. Why is this relevant? Since we've already received a visit from SNK in the form of Terry and Mai Shiranui in Street Fighter 6, there's a lot to suggest that we might be getting a new instalment in the Capcom vs SNK series.
Capcom brings back a classic
Capcom brings back a classic© Capcom
The fact that Capcom has now announced the release of the Capcom Fighting Collection 2 only fuels this hope. As things stand, the collection will include the following games:
  • Capcom vs. SNK
  • Capcom vs. SNK 2
  • Capcom Fighting Evolution
  • Street Fighter Alpha 3 Upper
  • Power Stone
  • Power Stone 2
  • Project Justice
  • Plasma Sword
For many of these games, this is their first release on a modern platform. Capcom has already made first-class steps for the availability of its classic fighting games in the past with the Capcom Fighting Collection and Marvel vs.

Hunter x Hunter: Nen Impact

Anime fans are also getting a new fighting game. The popular Hunter x Hunter series is getting its first fighting game adaptation. The title is being developed by 8ing, who have been responsible for legendary titles such as Bloody Roar 2 and Marvel vs Capcom 3 in the past. Most recently, they developed the Dungeon Fighter spin-off DNF Duel for Arc System Works and Nexon.
Main character Gon must not be missing in Nen Impact
Main character Gon must not be missing in Nen Impact© 8ing
Like a few of their earlier works, Hunter x Hunter will also be a team-based fighting game. In Nen Impact, three characters per side will face each other, and you can switch between them at any time. In terms of gameplay, the title is strongly orientated towards Marvel vs. Capcom 3, which can also be seen from the fact that some of the fighters use animations from this game.
Nen Impact is a 3-on-3 game
Nen Impact is a 3-on-3 game© 8ing
The release of Hunter x Hunter: Nen Impact is currently scheduled for the third quarter of 2025.
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The world's top Street Fighter V players prepare for the fight of their lives at Red Bull Kumite.

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