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10 helpful pro tips for EA's latest football game FC 24

Want to get off to a flying start like the world champions of RBLZ Gaming? We have 10 hot tips to help you improve quickly in FC 24 and win significantly more games.
By Christian Knoth with updates from Stephen Farrelly
26 min readUpdated on
EA FC 24 has enjoyed a decent outing in its FIFA-free era which EA hopes will not only continue, but grow in leaps and bounds. And why not, the developer-publisher has been behind the series that was FIFA for what seems like eons and knows what it's doing, and now with no governing body to answer to, many shackles have seemingly been released. And so it wasn'tjust the name in the former FIFA that was new as many punters have found out, but as with each annual series like this, we get to bargain bin season as the next entry's release edges ever-closer, which means stragglers find themselves picking up the aging product as reasonable prices, and in this current economic climate, we can't blame them. So we've gone and put together 10 helpful pro tips if you're new to the game and for those who might have put it down for a while but are feeling that annual itch creep up, maybe these pointers will help you get back into a bit faster!
Our EA FC 24 guide is the perfect companion for the entire season, and whatever's left iof it. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced player, you can definitely take something away with you for your personal progress in FC 24. One thing is clear: with these tips, you'll be a big step ahead of your opponents at the start of FC 24!


Don't worry: you don't have to learn everything from scratch at the start of the new season. The basics remain the same in FC 24. If you've mastered the basics in FIFA 23, you'll soon be able to do the same in FC 24.
Basics chapter I: The defence. As the saying goes? Offence wins games, defence wins championships. A solid defence is the basis for long-term success. If you put these six tips into practice, your opponents will bite your teeth out.
6 basics for the defence
1. do not pull centre-backs out of the defence
Pulling one of your centre-backs out of the defensive line is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. This creates large gaps that can be mercilessly exploited by opposing players for dangerous high passes.
2. running back with a midfielder
In order to leave the centre-backs in the defensive line but still be able to defend with a player well in front of your goal, you should run back with one of your midfielders. This way, you will also generate an outnumbered defence and have another player with whom you can block your opponent's attacks. This makes it more difficult for your opponent to find gaps in your defence.
3. the right pressing
With targeted pressing, it is possible to force your opponents to lose the ball. To do this, use the R1 or RB button to build up constant pressure on the player with the ball with another player. The more aggressively you do this, the more you will confuse the attacker. But beware: At the same time, pressing the R1 or RB button aggressively opens up your defence line for other strikers. So weigh up how often and how aggressively you want to press R1 or RB.
Since FIFA 19, you can see which additional player you can use to build up pressure when you decide to press R1 or RB. While your selected player has a red symbol above his head, you will see a grey symbol above another of your players. This is the player with whom you can build up pressure with R1 or RB. This is also the player that is selected when you switch players (L1 or LB). With this feature, it is now less likely that you will have a different player selected when you change players than you actually wanted.
4. L2/LT defence remains mandatory
One thing you can't do without in FC 24 is defending with the L2 or LT button. If you don't press L2 or LT when an attacker is coming towards you, you won't be able to get a grip in the duels and you'll let your opponents pass too often. With L2 or LT, you stand better, move in a smaller radius and can optimise your defence by moving faster in a small space. There was already an important innovation in FIFA 20: sprinting is no longer disabled when pressing L2/LT. If you press L2/LT and R2/RT at the same time, you move faster and still only have your eyes on the player with the ball.
Even at high speed, you can now defend superbly with L2/LT. However, there are still situations in which you should briefly dispense with L2/LT. For example: A sprint duel takes place on the outer line and you need your maximum speed to prevent your opponent from running away. To keep up with him in terms of speed, you only press the R2/RT button. As soon as you no longer need this much speed and it's time for a duel, don't forget to press L2/LT again in addition to R2/RT.
5. manual defending pays off
In recent years, many players have been happy to leave defending to the CPU players. On the one hand, because they had problems with it themselves and, on the other, because the CPU players behaved intelligently for the most part. The latter has now been significantly toned down. We have been advising you not to rely solely on the CPU defence since FIFA 20. Our recommendation: Defend more manually, as this has been more worthwhile since then. This development is also confirmed in FC 24, where the CPU players can be very helpful. Conclusion: Especially in high-level games, you will fare better with optimal manual defending than with a primarily CPU-controlled defence. Practise manual defending with our tips above and defend yourself!
6. reward for correct duel timing
Since FIFA 21, the timing of duels has become more important than ever before. This is because the ball doesn't bounce straight back to the opponent if your tackle is made at the right moment. This is also the case in FC 24. If you are optimally positioned with your defender and then tackle at the right moment, you will also get the ball. The "ping pong" of previous years has (thankfully) come to an end.
However, you can't expect a player with an overall rating of 60 and a tackling value of 40 to win every duel - just because you're in the right position. The rule is: the higher the tackling value, the greater the chance of success when tackling. The fact that you are also rewarded with more ball wins for optimal tackling also speaks in favour of taking care of your defence yourself and not just trusting the CPU.
Those were the basics. You're now well equipped for the start of the season. You'll soon be getting more tips on defence in FC 24 here!

Game structure

Basics chapter II: The build-up play. It's important to keep calm in order to build up play safely - even if your opponent is putting you under pressure. If you act restlessly and are too hectic, there is a high risk that you will play misplaced passes, run into counter-attacks and concede unnecessary goals. Good ball control and confident passing are the be-all and end-all when building up play!
Good ball control
For good ball control, you first need the necessary composure. You must not get nervous when an opponent approaches. Have confidence in your abilities and stay calm. If you start to rush, you have often already lost. In addition to calmness, coolness and self-confidence, good ball control also requires effective dribbling. If you have mastered dribbling, you will be better able to withstand your opponent's pressing. In confined spaces, you can keep the ball close to your foot and use lightning-fast movements to keep your opponent off the ball.
Safe passing
Calmness and patience are also required for a safe passing game. If you press the X or A button too frantically, you will play an inaccurate pass and, in the worst case, a bad pass. Important: When you play a pass, the direction of the pass should also be the direction in which the player is facing. For example, if you look forwards with your player and pass to the left or right, the ball may not reach your team-mate accurately or at all. So try not to play a pass until you are looking at your team-mate. In the end, it's just like in real football: the players have no eyes on the right, left or back!


Basic Chapter III: The offence. There are many different ways to score goals. You can play through the centre and down the flanks or try long-range shots. One thing is crucial: choose a mix of all these options and don't play too monotonously. If you always choose the same move, you are too easy to predict and will not be successful in the long term. Variability is particularly important in the offence.
Attacking through the centre
If you choose to play through the centre, you can expect to have to make a lot of quick decisions in a confined space. A quick passing game, dribbling and skill moves are essential in order to let the many opponents run into nothing. At the right moment, the pass into the gap must be made to create a scoring opportunity. Steep passes in particular can be very effective at the right moment - especially with top players like Kevin De Bruyne. This is also due to the fact that players are now choosing their running routes very intelligently.
Attacking play via the outsides
You often have more space when playing down the flanks than when playing through the centre. That's a positive thing at first. However, you are naturally further away from the opponent's goal and at some point you have to decide how you want to get the ball back into the centre. There are various options for this. Either you choose the simplest solution and hit a high cross into the centre from far out. With high crosses, however, you often have to cover a long distance and therefore the accuracy sometimes leaves a lot to be desired.
So if one of your players is not completely exposed in the penalty area, you should think twice about whether you want to deliver the ball with a cross or keep it on your foot. Another option is to move from the outside back into the centre - either with quick, targeted short passes and powerful passes into the penalty area (X/A + R1/RB) or a skilful solo run - peppered with skill moves. Your opponent often doesn't expect this, is overwhelmed and the defence is unsorted. Moving from the inside to the outside and then from the outside to the inside again can therefore be effective.
However, we would like to talk about high crosses again. Crossing is much more rewarding than in previous FIFA games! Especially if you have players with strong headers in the centre of attack, we recommend that you play high crosses from time to time. There was already an interesting new feature for headers in FIFA 21: With manual headers, you can take complete control and decide better than ever exactly where you want to head. This applies to both goal attempts and passes that you play with your head.
Extra tip: Even with corners, you should occasionally intersperse high balls into the centre and not always take them short!
Shoot more from distance
We've been preaching it for years and still do in FC 24: Shoot more from distance and don't always try to carry the ball into the goal! Shots from outside the penalty area are more effective than many of you might think. What's more, the improved goalkeepers have made it more difficult to score inside the penalty area. However, you can't shoot from every possible situation. If you shoot from distance, you should have the right player and spot for it. You need enough space and the ball should be on your strong foot. Do you have both? Then take the shot!
Extra tip: Finesse shots to the far corner are a particularly good way to score - the intelligent use of timed finishing increases your chances of scoring. By regularly interspersing long-range shots, you will become even more variable when finishing goals and create moments of surprise. This will make it difficult for your opponents to guess what you are planning in your attacking play.
More tips on the FC 24 offence will follow here in the coming weeks - so keep checking back to make sure you don't miss anything!

New dribbling techniques

Strong dribbling is essential for a successful attacking game in FC 24. We would like to introduce you to two new dribbling techniques that will drive your opponents crazy - but only if you master these techniques perfectly and use them effectively!
1. controlled sprint
Execution: R1/RB during the sprint with R2/RT
As the name suggests, the controlled sprint gives you more control while you sprint. The ball is closer to your foot, your movements with the ball are faster and therefore harder to defend against. Our tips for the controlled sprint:
Practise in the training arena
Practise the controlled sprint in the training arena first and see how you get on with this technique. Only when you have mastered the technique should you use it in a match.
You need enough space
Before you start the controlled sprint, you should make sure that you have enough space and that there is no opponent directly in front of you. Otherwise, there is a risk that your opponent will anticipate the controlled sprint and separate you from the ball before you can get going with the controlled sprint.
Starting advantage
The controlled sprint is extremely difficult to defend against when executed optimally. Every player in FC 24 must first learn this technique. Using the Controlled Sprint correctly can therefore be very effective, especially in the first few weeks after release.
Pay attention to the PlayStyle ball control
Players with the "ball control" PlayStyle are particularly good at performing the controlled sprint. So pay attention to this if you want to include the controlled sprint in your dribbling repertoire.
2nd Effort Dribble Touch
Execution: Move R1/RB + right stick in the desired direction
The Effort Dribble Touch is another new dribbling technique in FC 24. EA promises: The Effort Dribble Touch is the fastest way to move the ball away from your opponent with your player - before he even has a chance to make a tackle. Now comes the BUT: executing it is anything but easy. It's difficult to find the perfect timing.
Our tips for the Effort Dribble Touch:
Practise a lot
You need to practise a lot to achieve a positive effect in your attacking play with the Effort Dribble Touch. But with a little patience, you can do it. And once you have the technique down and get a better feel for how to use it perfectly, you won't regret investing the time in training!
Surprise effect in the penalty area
The use of the Effort Dribble Touch is particularly recommended inside the penalty area. By suddenly changing direction, you can create a dangerous element of surprise. In the best case scenario, you will get past the defender - or you will be fouled and a penalty will be awarded.
Extra tip: You can also combine the controlled sprint and the effort dribble touch. If you switch directly from the Controlled Sprint to the Effort Dribble Touch, this can be a very effective and powerful move that will overwhelm your opponents if executed correctly!
Last but not least: You can use the Effort Dribble Touch for the first contact with the ball after a pass to control the ball and pass directly past your opponent. EA also has a special term for this - the Controlled First Touch. The Controlled First Touch is ideal for a pass to your outfield player or striker, who takes the opponent by surprise with one movement and leaves him standing. But: Intelligent opponents may let you do this to them once or twice - after that they will know and will defend you differently. The controlled first touch is therefore a move for a moment of surprise once or twice. After that, it becomes more difficult to get past the defender.
We'll have a video here shortly showing you the two new dribbling techniques and examples of how to use them!


We have already emphasised that a confident passing game is sometimes crucial to your success. In principle, every player should be aware of this. Nevertheless, controlled passing is often neglected. Instead, players frantically press the X or A button to get forwards as quickly as possible. There were certainly FIFA games in the past where this worked. Nowadays, however, it no longer works. You have to think about every pass. If you lack accuracy, the result is often a bad pass.
5 tips for an accurate pass
  1. Look at your centre of attack and don't stand to the side or with your back to them
  2. Don't stand too far away from the centre of attack
  3. Make sure that there is no opponent in the path of the pass
  4. Play controlled balls - if possible with receiving and taking the ball beforehand
  5. Only press the X or A button for as long as the passing path requires (for a very short pass, for example, it is sufficient if you only tap the pass button briefly)


On the way forwards, it is not enough just to master the passing game. An effective way to bridge spaces and create dangerous situations in FC 24 is to switch sides or make crosses. Unlike a few years ago, they are hit with more speed - the balls no longer fly through the air for so long and reach your team-mates more quickly.
A good overview is particularly important here. Are you being put under pressure and see a player standing free on the other side of the pitch? Then don't hesitate and pass the ball across in a high arc! It's also a good idea to keep an eye on the radar - here you can see exactly where there are open spaces on the pitch.

Skill moves

When it comes to skill moves, many players are still quick to shy away. Special moves are generally too complicated, take too much time to learn and ultimately lead to nothing. We have already dispelled this myth for good in recent years! There are numerous moves that are not complicated at all. And the best thing about them is that they are extremely effective and improve your game enormously. We introduce you to three new special moves in FC 24 and three basic skill moves!
Top 3 of the new skill moves
There are some new skill moves in FC 24, but not all of them need to be integrated into your game. In the following video, we show you three new special moves that will definitely enhance your game - the Ball Roll Drag, the Drag Back Turn and the Flair Nutmeg.
By the way: The fourth and final new skill move in FC 24 is the Flair Rainbow. However, as this is a 5-star move, it is not one of our top 3 new skill moves. The reason for this is that the 5-star moves can only be performed by some players in FC 24, are sometimes complicated to execute and are more of a show than an efficient move. Simpler moves are not only easier to learn, but usually also make more sense to play around your opponents.
3 Basic skill moves
The harder, the better? That doesn't necessarily apply to skill moves in FC 24. These three simple special moves can make all the difference. Our recommendation: make sure you have them in your repertoire!
The drag back - two-star skill move
The drag back has been one of the most popular FIFA skill moves for years. And there are two good reasons for this: It's simple to perform and you can eat up your opponent in some game situations.
To perform the drag back, first press R1/RB and at the same time pull the left stick backwards from the direction of your player's run. If you are running straight towards the right-hand goal, press the left stick to the left; if you are running towards the left-hand goal, press the stick to the right.
This will first pull the ball back. Now comes the decisive movement that makes the drag back so unpredictable and effective. You can perform the drag back exit move in any direction. This means that you can either keep the left stick pressed backwards, or you can press it to the right, left or front.
The beauty of the drag back is that it can be used in many game situations. The various possible exit move directions make it difficult for your opponent to guess exactly what you intend to do with the drag back. To name just two examples of possible applications:
  1. You are caught by a defender during a sprint. If you use the drag back successfully, you let your opponent run into nothing and create space for yourself again.
  2. You pass to your striker in the penalty area. You can use the drag back to let your opponent off and get into a shooting position.
The fake shot - one-star skill move
The fake shot is often enough to make your opponent look old. Most of you are probably familiar with the classic fake shot, but the key thing is the different versions.
You first press the shoot/flank button and then immediately press the pass button to execute the fake shot. At the same time, you use the left stick to determine the direction in which you move after the feint. This also allows you to decide whether you want to maintain the speed or take it out with a complete change of direction, for example. It is also possible not to touch the left stick at all. In this case, you perform a standing shooting trick. You can also perform a feint shot followed by a speed boost. How does that work? Quite simple: You press L1/LB in addition to the normal shooting trick. So if you want to perform a shot feint diagonally to the right or left, for example, and want to gain speed, definitely use the L1/LB button. If you use it to get past your opponent, it will be extremely difficult for them to catch up with you.
The fake shot helps you in numerous situations. For example, you can use the fake shot in the penalty area and around the sixteen to get yourself into promising finishing positions. The standing fake shot can be used to break up running duels with your opponents. If the opponent continues to run, you have space again for a short time and you have the opportunity to create new playing situations. The shot deception with speed boost is particularly useful on the flanks when you need extra speed for sprints with your wingers.
The ball roll - two-star skill move
The ball roll is another useful special move that is extremely simple to perform.
All you need for the ball roll is the right stick. You press the stick in the direction in which you want to perform the ball roll. Example: If you are running straight towards the right-hand goal and you want to perform a ball roll to the right, press the right stick to the right. Important: In order for the ball roll to work, you must hold the stick in the respective direction for a short time. The longer you press the stick in this direction, the more ball rolls your player will perform.
To optimise the use of the ball roll, it is particularly important to choose the right time. For example: You are running forwards with your player and an opponent is running towards you. You anticipate that your opponent will now go into a tackle to take the ball from you. The ball roll comes into play just before the tackle. With the ball roll, you avoid the tackle and let your opponent tackle you into space. You can easily get past your opponent and get a little closer to the opponent's goal. But as I said, it's all about timing. If you use the ball roll too early or too late, it won't bring the hoped-for added value and, in the worst case, your opponent will take the ball from you.
Extra tip: In FC 24, it is more important than ever to use your skill moves in a targeted manner and with the right timing. If your timing is off, it is now easier for your opponents to separate you from the ball. In other words, it takes more skill and ability to get past your opponents with special moves. It's no good just using skill moves somehow. The timing must be perfect in order to achieve the desired effect and gain an advantage with the various special moves.

Penalty kick

After a long period of little to no changes to penalties, the system was completely overhauled in FIFA 23. This system is now back in FC 24.
How the penalties work
There is now a circle around the ball, which alternates between large and small. To take the optimum penalty, press the shoot button when the circle is as small as possible. The better the penalty taker, the slower the size of the circle around the ball changes and the easier it is to catch the right moment. After pressing the shoot button, there is no longer a cursor with which to place your penalty. You can press the Iinken Stick completely in the desired direction - without having to worry about the ball flying miles past the goal. After having a very sensitive cursor in FIFA 22, it is now much easier to take a precise penalty kick.
Extra tip: When pressing the shoot button, the length of the press still determines the power of the penalty kick. This means that if you press for too long, the shot may miss or go over. More power means a greater spread. In other words, more power increases the likelihood that the ball will not land exactly where you are aiming. You can reduce the spread by shooting penalties with high-calibre players. In FC 24, it is therefore more important than ever to start with a good shooter. You select the shooter with the R2/RT button. For the power of the penalty kick, we recommend about half the power bar, maybe a little more.
Conclusion: Despite the elimination of the cursor when aiming, a little finesse is still required to convert a penalty kick safely.
Finesse and lob
In addition to the normal shot with a circle or B, you naturally also have the option of converting your penalty kick with a finesse shot or a lob. To take the final shot, press Circle/B and the R1/RB button as usual. If you want to lob the ball, press Circle/B and the L1/LB button.
Penalty kicks with timed finishing have not been available since FIFA 23.


In terms of gameplay, you are now well prepared for FC 24. But mastering the gameplay isn't everything. You also need to be mentally on top of your game. Be honest: you know this scenario: You dominate the game, but the ball just won't go in at the front. And then you concede an unfortunate goal. You boil with rage, freak out, leave the game and/or even destroy your controller. There's no doubt about it: emotions - both positive and negative - are just as much a part of the game as they are in real football. Everyone wants to win - and if that doesn't work out, you're not happy. But the freak-outs won't get you any further! If you lose your nerve, you lose the game.
Our tip: If you're behind and nothing seems to be working, keep calm. Try to keep your concentration high and stay mentally strong. FC 24 is also a matter of the head! If you start to get worked up about match situations, your players or FC 24 in general, you are immediately on the losing side. Because then you'll get into it and start criticising every little thing. This will destroy your game and you won't be able to play to your potential. Only those who are mentally strong throughout and remain focussed throughout the game have what it takes to become the FC 24 champion.


Last but not least: There are many esports players who produce learning content and give you a lot of help in their streams. If you still haven't had enough after our pro tips and the many other FC 24 tips on and want to learn more, then visit the YouTube, Twitch and TikTok channels of the pros from RBLZ Gaming - the FC 24 team from Bundesliga club RB Leipzig and current Club World Champions in eFootball. Red Bull athlete Umut Gültekin and his teammates regularly provide you with exciting and helpful content about FC 24 and Ultimate Team in particular.
Our tip: Don't just watch tutorials. Take the time to watch complete matches of the Leipzig pros on YouTube or Twitch. Follow the live stream of professional tournaments from time to time, for example, and try to analyse for yourself and find out what makes the pros so strong. At best, you can learn defensive and offensive behaviour, moves, standard variations, goal finishes and much more and integrate what you have learned into your own game.
Have you read and internalised all our tips? Then you can now start sweeping your opponents off the pitch in FC 24. But remember: practice makes perfect - not everything will work straight away. We wish you every success!
About the author
Chris is a former professional eFootball player. He was a German national player, became European champion and competed against the best players in the world at national and international championships. Chris has now been a coach for many years and has also coached esports players in the Virtual Bundesliga - the official German championship in EA FC 24. On, Chris accompanies you on your way to becoming a better player and regularly gives tips on EA FC 24.
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