An image of motocross rider Jett Lawrence in Austin, Texas.
© Michael Starghill/Red Bull Content Pool

The True Story Behind Jett Lawrence’s Flight Plan

Everything you need to know about Jett Lawrence’s premiere season “Flight Plan”.
By Eric Shirk
5 min readPublished on
At 18 years of age, Red Bull motorsports rider Jett Lawrence lives the life that many dream of. However, behind the lavish cars and hard fought championships lies a normal kid that just loves riding his dirt bike, playing golf in the afternoons, and spending time with his tight knit family. So, when Jett expressed interest in doing a reality show, it was a no brainer that we create Flight Plan - a behind the scenes look at the life of Jett Lawrence, his family, and some special guests handpicked by Jett.
The young Australian was winning world championships by age 11 and he hasn’t taken his hand off the throttle since. In the coming years, the entire Lawrence family uprooted to the states, allowing not only Jett but his brother Hunter’s career to blossom as well. After Jett’s success at many USA amateur nationals, he made his professional debut and managed a win at only his third ever professional Supercross race. Then, as many know, Jett went on to win his first AMA Pro Motocross 250 Championship this year and was the first Australian to ever accomplish this. Don’t let his professional accomplishments fool you though. Jett practiced Hip-Hop dancing before starting motocross and lets his zany personality shine as he makes his way through success in the big leagues.
Jett Lawrence celebrates at the 250cc Motocross Championship.

Jett Lawrence celebrates at the 250cc Motocross Championship

© Garth Milan / Red Bull Content Pool

Jett’s personal favorite part of his series was the behind the scenes footage with his friends and family. “My favorite part is the behind the scenes, family part of like Hunter and I wrestling or like just talking crap. The more kind of fun side of us just being kids. I like that more because everyone puts us on a pedestal of like these athlete riders blah blah blah and it’s awesome I'm not complaining. But like I said, it's cool because people actually get to see like, hey, we’re just actually normal kids riding dirt bikes and having a blast at it.” Said Jett.
For viewers who aren’t familiar with Jett’s family, let’s take you through the tight knit group of Australians who make up the Lawrence’s. Featured on Flight Mode will be Jett’s father Darren Lawrence, his mother Emma Lawrence, his brother Tate Lawrence, and his other brother Hunter Lawrence — all who play a heavy role in Jett’s career and life as a whole. “Everyone in my family has a part, like my brother. Hunter. He helps me with a lot of things. Just like being a big brother. Then my dad obviously helps me with on-the-bike stuff. Also with (riding) lines and he’s just a really smart guy. He helps with a lot of real life stuff like with my bank stuff. And like, knowing when to put your money where. My mom, she helps me cook, the food and laundry and basically makes sure I stay alive. And my brother Tate, he always keeps a smile on our faces really. He keeps us always in a good positive mood always laughing. So yeah, everyone's got their roles.” Said Jett.
Jett mentioned that his family has done exceptionally well with filming thus far, and is even open to seasons in the future. It sounds as though we just might need to call and give Emma Lawrence a heads up first. “Mom's a bit off. She freaks out a bit if she doesn't get any warning to try and make sure the house is clean. So it's pretty funny.” Said Jett.
Flight Mode has also given Jett a platform to have some in depth discussions with and showcase some of his favorite influences. Some of these guests include Travis Pastrana, Josh Hansen, and plenty more that you will see in episodes to come. Jett touched on his interaction with Josh Hansen as being especially meaningful as he’s been a fan since he was 8 or 9 year’s old and even has a photo with him from that time period. “It's funny that (photo) was probably like a good ten, ten or so, years ago. I was Tiny and it was funny. Looking at that, like, we met back then. And then the next time we met was when I came over to California, when I came from Europe in like the end of 2018.” Said Jett.
Jett Lawrence and Marc Márquez talk after they ride pit bikes in Austin, Texas, USA.

Jett Lawrence and Marc Márquez chat after they ride pit bikes in Austin

© Michael Starghill / Red Bull Content Pool

Lawrence said he had high hopes for the future of this series, and even dreams of bringing high profile guests like Kevin Hart, The Rock, Michael Jordan, Stephen Curry, and Christian Ronaldo on just to name a few. ”
Filmed on location at Jett’s newly purchased home in the states, at the supercross/motocross races, and on vacation at different events around the world, Flight Mode is sure to be a thorough look at what living the high profile life of newly crowned motocross champion Jett Lawrence entails. All the while, Jett hopes Flight Plan might normalize his life to some fans, and allow them to relate to the normalcy that he lives outside his high-intensity lifestyle — even if living life on the edge is his favorite part. ett told us, “What drives me is just being on that edge. Just getting that drive and trying to win. I mean you can't get any other feeling as winning, to be honest. So that feeling of winning is what really wakes me up in the morning”.
Catch new episodes of Flight Plan on Red Bull Motorsports YouTube on Dec 7th, 8th, 15th, and 22nd.

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Jett Lawrence

After winning multiple 250 AMA titles, Australian Jett Lawrence stepped up to dominate the 450 MX series and stake his claim as the world's best racer.

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