Like the kick-off in football, the pistol rounds have always been part of Counter-Strike and decide whether the game gets off to a good or bad start. Whoever wins here takes the momentum with them. The introduction of the MR12 system in CS2 has made them even more important. Although there is no golden strategy, the following tips can give you the necessary advantage to gain the upper hand in the first round.
USP, Glock, P250 and Co. - Which pistol should I use?
Both sides can choose from a range of different pistols. The starting weapons of both sides are already good options and the best choice for beginners. The CT side's USP is accurate at long range, but has limited ammunition. In this case, it is better to shoot accurately so as not to use up the three available magazines too quickly.
The Glock-18 on the T side has sufficient ammunition and is significantly better for run & gun compared to the USP. At long range, however, it is inferior to all pistols. A unique feature is the right-click firing burst, which delivers a quick burst of three bullets. However, you should only use it in exceptional cases, as the increased spread of the bullets is very unpredictable.
If you still want a better pistol, the P250 is a significant upgrade over the USP and Glock. Increased damage and stronger armour penetration make the opponent fall much faster, but targeted shots with little movement are also recommended here.
Those who are not afraid of the cost will find strong options in the Tec-9 and the Dual Berettas. While the Tec-9 is ideal for rushes on the T-side, the Dualies can mutate into a one-man army at close range. An often-used tactic is to drop one of the two weapons to the best player in the team, who then combines it with their own purchase of a Kevlar waistcoat.
Grenades or Kevlar - which equipment makes sense?
The question of the right equipment often depends on team strategy and the game map. With only $800 starting capital, the choice of purchases is limited, which is why you should think about what to spend the money on in advance. You should invest in any case. As the Pistol Rounds determine the start of the game and possibly the subsequent rounds, you should not save your money!
In many cases, you will have to choose between grenades or armour. Newcomers in particular should consider buying the Kevlar waistcoat as the best option. Not only does it prevent the so-called "aim punch", i.e. the wobbling of your screen when you are hit in the body. It also increases your resistance to pistol shots considerably and keeps you alive for longer.
Buying grenades can also be useful for the T-side. A smoke grenade can reduce the enemy's visibility and control over the bomb spot. Flashes, on the other hand, are ideal for blinding enemy players during rushes. Note, however, that only one to a maximum of two players should buy support nades. Those support players should also be able to handle the utility well.
The same applies to the CT side, whereby the purchase of the Kevlar waistcoat should also be prioritised here. A popular option is for a player to buy a defuse kit combined with some grenades to make it easier to retake a bomb spot. However, always be aware of where the defuse kit is located should the carrier be eliminated. The defuse kit reduces the time it takes to defuse the bomb from 10 to 5 seconds.
On T-side - Massage your forces
The following applies to the T-side: Mass your forces to one point. If you attack a bomb point as a whole team, you will almost automatically outnumber the CTs - use this to your advantage. Agree with your team in advance which bomb spot you want to attack - Rush B is not the only option!
Once discovered by the CTs, hesitation is no longer an option. Overrun the enemy point as quickly as you can before the other opponents can rotate. Utilise the strengths of the Glock, which is good for rushes due to its high rate of fire and acceptable accuracy while running. Look for close-range combat - this is where the Glock has an advantage over the USP.
Don't put all your eggs in one basket as a CT
The following applies to fighting on the CT side: Put distance between you and your opponent. If you consider the strengths of the USP and the opponent's Glock, every CT has an advantage if there is a large distance between you and the attacking opponent. With its significantly higher accuracy, the USP is the best choice for fending off an attack with targeted shots.
If the Ts attack a point with the entire team as usual, you are automatically outnumbered as the defender. Therefore, try to gain as much time as possible during an attack and not put all your eggs in one basket. Look for good cover at a greater distance and stay alive for a long time to give your team-mates the time they need to rotate.
All tips in honour: In Counter-Strike, it's always practice, practice and more practice! In addition to good communication, a few hours on the deathmatch server with pistols can definitely help. Combined with the basic knowledge of equipment and tactics, you are ideally placed to climb up the rankings in CS2.
Be sure to watch 'Memories of CS:GO – The Early Years' for free on Red Bull TV!