Emil Johansson performs at Crankworx Slopestyle in Innsbruck, Austria on June 23, 2023
© Bartek Wolinski/Red Bull Content Pool

"The fear is always there" – we can all learn from Emil Johansson's courage

Mountain bike slopestyle star Emil Johansson tells Mind Set Win why courage is his biggest mental strength before podcast hosts Cédric and York uncover how it can be for you as well.
By Thomas Peeters
4 min readPublished on
How to develop courage and push your comfort zone is the theme explored on this episode of Mind Set Win, with Emil Johansson providing insight from his record-breaking career.
The most successful slopestyle athlete in the history of mountain biking spoke to host Cédric Dumont about how trusting his instincts and having the courage to believe in himself has been key to his dominant victories.
A Triple Crown of Slopestyle winner on three occasions, the Swede has become a master at sending down incredible runs full of jaw-dropping tricks and flawless technical skill at Crankworx events around the world.
Like most memorable moments in life though, it doesn’t come easy and Johansson has had to cope with uncomfortable emotions like anyone else on his way to developing into the rider he is today.
"The fear is always there," the 24 year old says. "But it depends how much you tune into it and how much you listen to it. My biggest mental strength is the courage of believing in myself and not second guessing myself. That comes from years of trial and error, and getting to the point where I'm confident my instincts are correct."
We’re all born with a gift, what we do with it is what separates us
Dumont believes it's courage like this that can be the difference maker in our lives, as it pushes us to take action and overcome our fears. So was Johansson born with natural courage or was it something he had to cultivate?
"As humans, we're all born with a gift," Johansson says. "What we decide to do with it is what separates people from one another.
"People over the years have said I'm so talented. Realistically though, I'm not, I was just willing to put my head down and pursue it."
Emil Johansson performs at Slopestyle during Crankworx Innsbruck on June 19, 2021.

Most people need slow motion to understand what goes on during Emil's run

© Boris Beyer/Red Bull Content Pool

My biggest mental strength is the courage of believing in myself and not second guessing myself

Episode takeaway

In the takeaway section of the episode, the Head of Mental Performance at Red Bull's Athlete Performance Center wants everyone to know that courage is something everybody can train. "It's not something lucky ones are born with and others aren't," York-Peter Klöppel explains.
His advice for developing the courage needed to continue to grow and learn new skills focusses on finding a situation that makes us uncomfortable every day. Let's look through some tips we can all action in our daily life.
  • Firstly, find something that will take you out of our comfort zone and put you in a slightly uncomfortable situation every day.
  • It doesn't need to be a huge leap straight away, but just something that requires courage to complete. This could be taking a cold shower, telling someone you love them, or trying a new recipe.
  • If something feels scary, try to understand and come to terms with exactly what it is you're afraid of.
  • Be rationale in your thinking and try to avoid negative self-talk like 'I can’t do it' or 'I don't want to do it'.
  • Instead, be your own inner coach and be constructive in your instructions and advice to yourself. No one knows you as well as you do.
  • For additional techniques on how to push your comfort zone, listen back to Dario Costa's appearance on Mind Set Win.

5 min

Emil Johansson's winning run – Red Bull Joyride

Emil Johansson has an undefeated season as he seals the victory at Red Bull Joyride 2023 in Whistler, Canada.


Johansson's elite level mindset was on display in 2023 with him enjoying the 'perfect' year, going undefeated in Crankworx Slopestyle events.
To go and ride my bike is something that gives me purpose
Despite being the most successful rider in his discipline's history, though, his passion and fire is burning as brightly as ever ahead of the 2024 season returning in New Zealand in March.
"To go and ride my bike is something that gives me purpose, something that makes me stoked to wake up and want to go at it for another day. I wouldn't trade it for anything at the moment."
Find out more – including simple exercises to do at home – in Mind Set Win.

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Emil Johansson

Swedish slopestyle star Emil Johansson is an inspiration on and off the bike, both for his athletic prowess and his personal strength.

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