Ramattra Overwatch 2
© Blizzard Entertainment

Be a nemesis with Ramattra in Overwatch 2

Shield your allies with Ramattra and tear victory from your enemy’s grasp with these Overwatch 2 tips.
By Samatar Mohamed
9 min readPublished on
Kicking off Overwatch 2’s second season with an explosive entrance, Ramattra joined the hero roster as one of Overwatch 2’s tanks.The fourth unique omnic character (sorry Bob) jumped into the fray with two sets of skills that can be used interchangeably, depending on the pace of the battle. The developers of Overwatch 2 named this style of Ramattra’s gameplay as a “tempo-tank” style as he switches between two forms.
Ramattra starts off in their original omnic form with primary fire coming from their staff and abilities consisting of a barrier plus a (new to the game) ability called Ravenous Vortex. Ramattra’s staff fires tiny projectiles that deal considerable headshot damage as well as reliable damage up close. The projectiles also have no damage fall off, meaning they’ll deal the same amount of damage regardless of travel distance. Ravenous Vortex is the only ability that is consistent with, and can be used in, both forms.
Ramattra’s second form, Nemesis Form, sees them transform into a large hulking Omnic and gain new limbs to punch his enemies and deal piercing damage that can penetrate through most barriers. In this form, Ramattra has access to a block, similar to Doomfist, that reduces damage taken significantly. Last, but not least: Ramattra’s most significant ability, his ultimate, ‘Annihilation’. Ramattra creates a swarm of energy that reaches out to nearby enemies and deals damage over time for all in his reach. The timer for this ultimate does not wind down until there are no enemies nearby or they are all dead. A truly fitting ability for a villian that is at the head of Overwatch 2’s narrative conflict.

Void Accelerator (Omnic Form)

Exclusive to Ramattra’s omnic form, this primary fire is unique from the array of tanks in the overwatch 2 roster. Ramattra fires a stream of projectiles that do not have damage falloff at any range. The rate of fire is incredibly fast and it doesn’t take long to get a good measure on handling the weapon. Like all projectile fire in Overwatch 2, firing at a moving target requires you to fire leading shots to anticipate where the enemy is headed. The projectile speed itself is fairly moderate, so its best uses are for mid to close range engagements.
Taking advantage of the lack of damage falloff, the Void Accelerator is an excellent tool for “poke” damage during long range engagements to help soften up the enemy team as the battles slowly begin. It’s good for pacing enemies trying to travel long distances as well, ensuring that by the time they arrive at the objective, they will have either taken damage or used some abilities.
The Void Accelerator can also deal increased critical damage, generating that satisfying headshot click sound effect as well as beaming down and erasing enemies before they get too close. It’s a strong weapon and has layered utility for any engagement Ramattra may find himself in.

Void Barrier (Omnic Form)

The Void Barrier is a functional combination of the Winston’s Barrier and Mei’s Ice Wall, in the sense that the ability cooldown begins once it’s been placed and it can be stationed anywhere the same way that Mei places her Ice Wall. The shield has a health pool of 1000 and can be placed fairly far away at 35 meters. It lasts for 4 seconds and has a 13 second cooldown. Its duration may be considered short when compared to Ramattra’s tank peers, but its cooldown activating once it’s been cast alleviates some of the time it takes to become available again.
It is an excellent tool that can further accentuate the capabilities of the Void Accelerator, close off healing from backline enemy supports, or block snipers. It can also be used up close to protect Rammattra’s allies or backline supports if they get dived on by the enemy. The shield cannot be altered once placed, but it can be put on top of any terrain or moving surface, like the payload for example. It can even remain in mid-air if the surface is dispelled for whatever reason and, if an enemy tries to circumvent the barrier, Ramattra has other ways of stopping his enemies.

Ravenous Vortex (All Forms)

Ravenous Vortex is an ability that Ramattra can utilize in both Omnic and Nemesis forms. Ramattra fires a small nano ball that only activates once it hits the ground, exploding and pulling any enemies in its field downward. It deals 15 damage over time for its duration of 3 seconds, has a cooldown of 12 seconds, and affects an area 4 meters long and 9 meters high.This ability debuffs enemies caught in its AOE, doling out a 40% movement speed penalty.
This ability is spectacular at helping Ramattra hold the line or disrupt enemy movements. It’s a great control tool that limits enemy mobility and allows Ramattra to defensively distance themselves. Opposing players caught inside the field cannot jump or activate any verticality related abilities, such as Winston or Pharah’s Rocket Jump or Genji’s passive double jump.
This nano ball projectile can be negated by Orisa’s Javelin Spin, D.Va’s Defense Matrix, or Sigma’s Kinetic Grasp and Genji can also Deflect it before it lands. While this ability is good at restraining enemy movement, it can only limit the initial velocity, if they’re inside. If they’re already flying or moving through it, it will simply inflict the damage and movement penalty instead.
The ability also requires line of sight towards its center to be in effect. If you stand in the middle of the field but a pillar or shield rests between you and its center, you will be free from its restraints. Regardless, this is an indispensable tool in Ramattra’s kit that further allows him to keep enemies close and unable to escape his grasp, or to play the long range game with his Void Accelerator and poke at the enemy team, preventing their progress and baiting them into early ability use.
Ramattra Transformation

Ramattra Transformation

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Nemesis Form

Ramattra releases his latent power and transforms into his nemesis form, growing into an overpowering figure with devastating strength and speed. In this form, Ramattra gains 225 armor and a 20% movement speed buff. Ramattra’s omnic abilities, other than Ravenous Vortex, are also replaced with Pummel and Block which are his bread and butter in this form.The cooldown for this form begins when the transformation ends. The form lasts for 8 seconds and the cooldown is 8 seconds as well. You can activate and deactivate this ability while in nemesis form to get it back sooner as well.
The benefits of activating this form is that it instantly gives Ramattra his armor, so it can be used as a failsafe if they reach critical health and are about to die. A bonus feature to the nemesis form is that Ramattra can’t be affected by crowd control and he has access to his quick melee attack. This means that he becomes a veritable storm in close quarters combat since he can move freely and not be affected by any movement penalties.

Pummel (Nemesis Form)

Pummel is the new primary fire that Ramattra gains after transforming into his Nemesis form. A single strike deals 60 damage with a range of 12 meters, with punches coming out quick enough to easily trace over moving opponents steadily, reliably dealing damage. Here’s a quick tip for the punches as well: Using quick melee in between each punch allows you to cancel the recovery animation of Pummel so you can squeeze in more damage, secure kills quicker, and get back to Pummeling sooner.
Pummel’s main draw is that it damages and pierces through enemies and barriers alike, with the exception of Zarya’s bubble (in which case it will pierce through the bubble but won’t damage the opponent inside). Additionally, Pummel cannot be deflected or absorbed by D.Va’s Defense Matrix, meaning there is virtually little anyone can do when Ramattra is facing them down with his power. When combined with a damage boosting source such as Mercy’s damage amplifying beam, Ana’s nano boost, or Kiriko’s Kitsune Rush, Ramattra can reach frightening levels of power and easily wipe out the entire team in one go.
Ramattra has a pretty deep kit

Ramattra has a pretty deep kit

© Blizzard Entertainment

Block (Nemesis Form)

Replacing Ramattra’s Void Barrier is the block ability in Nemesis form. This ability does not have a cooldown or a duration. It is simply activated or deactivated similar to Reinhardt’s shield and Doomfist’s block. This ability grants 75% damage reduction and, while toggled, penalizes Ramattra’s movement speed by 50%. While that might seem like a hefty debuff, it pales in comparison to the amount of benefits the damage reduction provides, not the least of which is hiding Ramattra’s head from the front so that he cannot be dealt critical damage while reducing damage from ultimate abilities such as Molten Core, Death Blossom, RIP-Tire, and others.
Ramattra’s players must be careful using this ability in the heat of battle though. It can get you easily surrounded by the enemy team and turn you into a big, focused target for their damage since your mobility is reduced. It’s definitely a balance to maintain switching between offense and defense with Pummel and Block, but if executed properly with team coordination and match awareness, Ramattra can conquer any battle.

Annihilation (Ultimate)

When activated, Ramattra enters his Nemesis form and unleashes an energy swarm that targets nearby players, dealing damage over time in its radius. If Annihilation is cast while Ramattra already has Nemesis form active, then he regains the armor bonus as well as nullifies the cooldown for Nemesis from, allowing him to reuse it again once the ultimate is over. This ability can be canceled by activating Nemesis Form.
The area of effect for the energy swarm is a 13 meter radius that deals 30 damage per second to any enemy standing within it. The damage may seem weak on paper but, in conjunction with Pummel and some solid teamwork with coordinated ultimate combos or abilities, this ultimate can plow through any hero with 250 health or less. The duration is 3 seconds if there are no opponents standing inside but, if there are, then the duration is increased up to 20 seconds: so long as at least one enemy is tethered to the energy swarm. To be considered tethered, enemies must be within the radius, within line of sight, and not behind any barriers. The damage from the tethers is not affected by any crowd control, and does not affect enemy objects (with the exception of B.O.B) like Torbjorn’s Turret, Symmettra’s Sentry Turrets, and Mei’s Ice Wall.
This ability is overwhelmingly powerful in the right hands, and for a time was able to contest objectives indefinitely before being patched. Still, even with a timer, this ultimate can clutch victory singlehandedly from the jaws of defeat.