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Mikaela Shiffrin trains at World Championships 2017
© Alain Grosclaude/Agence Zoom
Watch Mikaela Shiffrin’s best dance videos
While super serious in the start gate, Mikaela loves to let it all out when singing and dancing.
By Marion Schmitz
1 min readPublished on
Mikaela Shiffrin is probably one of the most serious athletes of the race circuit when it comes down to putting in hours and hours of bone hard training and striving for perfection in every move, every training, every race, every day, any day.
But what many don't know is Mikaela's playful side, her love for letting her hair down in fun little dance clips or while belching out some Adele songs...
Here are Mikaela Shiffrin's best dance and singing videos:

Chilean Snow (Step) Dance

Dancing on the Stairs

Snow Disco

Garage Thriller

Scorpion Dance

Adele lip sync

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