Normally when you think BMX, you think dusty dirt jumps and dingy skateparks. It’s not something you tend to associate with moody lighting, techy cinematography, movie sound stages, cleverly constructed mechanical sets and Hollywood-type directors.
Kriss Kyle’s Kaleidoscope will make you rethink that notion. Teaming up with esteemed set designer and first-time director Ben Scott of Ridley Scott Associates, the Scottish biker’s latest labour of love is truly a game-changer in every sense.
The results of their collaboration will leave you gobsmacked. And an exclusive Red Bull TV documentary about how Kaleidoscope came together will make you appreciate it that much more. Watch the in-depth look at the making of Kaleidoscope in the Red Bull TV documentary here.
The documentary shows how Kriss and Ben's ideas for Kaleidoscope were turned in to reality following a project that was 18 months in the planning. We also see the obstacles Kriss had to overcome when he first rode the innovative moving objects and how he became acquainted with them for a film shoot that lasted two weeks. Throughout the film, friends and fellow riders talk about Kyle, his personality and unique riding style.
For more insight into the making of Kaleidoscope, let Kriss Kyle be your guide in the video below as he shows you how his Kaleidoscope set-up came alive.
Don't forget you can watch the full finished Kaleidoscope film now and there's further video content to watch on theKaleidoscope microsite.