© Phoenix Labs

The best Dauntless armour sets that you need to use

Take your monster hunting to the next level with this tips guide to the best armour in Dauntless.
Written by James Busby
6 min readPublished on
Slaying the beastly behemoths that roam the wild lands of Dauntless is no easy task, so you’ll need some decent gear if you wish to make it back in one piece. Phoenix Labs’ monster slaying title is absolutely brimming with all kinds of toothy terrors for players to track down and slay, so it’s only natural that there is a bountiful amount of armour and gear that can be crafted.
While all of Dauntless’ armour sets offer various skills and bonuses, there are a few that really stand out from the crowd. Having decent armour sets that you can rely on in the heat of a fight is imperative, especially if you wish to cut down those kill times and increase your damage in a hunt.

1. Drask Armour

The Drask armour set is great if you want to keep moving and deal damage

The Drask armour set is great if you want to keep moving and deal damage

© Phoenix Labs

  • Strength: Shock
  • Weakness: Terra
  • Cell slots: Power Cell (x2), Utility Cell (x2)
Having armour that comes with Cell Slots is incredibly useful in Dauntless as they allow you to add even more utility and DPS. Both the Draskscale helmet and Draskscale Plate offer a total of two Power Cell slots and give the player the Aetheric Attunement perk, which increases your Lantern charge whenever you hit a Behemoth. The two Power Cell slots allow you to gem in key offensive skills like Overpower (increased damage vs staggered Behemoths) and Ragehunter (increased damage against enraged Behemoths), so prioritise building both the helm and chest piece if you wish to make use of these skills early on.
The Draskscale Gauntlets come with the Sharpened skill and one utility slot, giving you increased part damage and the chance to increase your attack speed by slotting in the Conduit Perk. Lastly, the Draskscale Greaves give slayers access to the Fleet footed perk (increased movement speed after dodging) and offer another utility slot, making it a fantastic set for players that want to stay on the move while dealing decent amounts of part damage. Consider pairing the Drask armour set with the Sword, Chain Blades, or War Pike to make the most of the set’s Aetheric Attunement and Sharpened perk.

2. Rezakiri Armour

The Rezakiri armour set in Dauntless

The Rezakiri armour has high offensive capabilities

© Phoenix Labs

  • Strength: Radiant
  • Weakness: Umbral
  • Cell slots: Technique Cell (x2), Utility Cell (x1), Mobility Cell (x1)
The Rezakiri armour set is one of the best sets in the entire game due to its high offensive capabilities and the number of Cell Slots it has. For example, the two Technique Cells allow you to gem in powerful perks like Molten, Evasive Fury, and Predator – in fact, these skills alone make up for this set’s complete lack of Power Cell slots. The Light’s Walk greaves reduce the stamina consumed when dodging, making both Predator’s overall damage increase and Evasive Fury’s bonus attack speed incredibly potent when weaving in and out of attacks.
Meanwhile, the Rezikari plate offers the Cunning perk which grants slayers’ a chance to deal double damage when attacking a Behemoth. It’s not hard to see why this set is so powerful and you should prioritise crafting it as soon as you can. The Rezikari set greatly enhances agile weapons like the Ostian Repeaters, Chain Blades, Sword, and War Pike. You’ll be rewarded for dodging Behemoth attacks, constantly charging up your Lantern thanks to Conduit, and also increasing your chance to deal double damage with your lightning-fast attacks.

3. Hellion Armour

Dauntless Helion armour set

The Helion set is great for players who use slower weapons

© Phoenix Labs

  • Strength: Blaze
  • Weakness: Frost
  • Cell slots: Technique Cell (x2), Power Cell (x2)
If you’re after an offensive set that doesn’t skimp on the defensive side of things, then you may want to consider adding the Hellion armour set to your hunting collection. This set is great for Slayers that enjoy using the game’s slower weapons like the Great Axe and Hammer thanks to the Fortress Perk. The Fortress perk grants a small shield after you’ve avoided damage for a short period of time, allowing you to pull off some heavy hits without being punished. Meanwhile, Ragehunter allows you to deal more damage against enraged Behemoths, giving your charged and explosive hits with the Great Axe and Hammer increased lethality.
The increased attack and movement speed granted from the set’s Molten perk also makes it easier to land those all-important charge attacks, while also keeping you on your toes when things get heated. Having two Technique Cells and two Power Cells also allows you to ramp up the damage even further, especially if you slot in Molten, Evasive Fury, and Predator. If you find yourself struggling in the late-game and are tired of being defeated by enraged Behemoths, then make sure you craft the Hellion armour set to help alleviate your troubles.

4. Shrowd Armour

Shrown armour set in Dauntless

Learn a behemoth's moves and you'll get the benefits of Shrowd armour

© Phoenix Labs

  • Strengths: Umbral
  • Weaknesses: Radiant
  • Cell slots: Power Cell (x2), Utility Cell (x2)
When you find yourself up against a particularly tough beast, it can sometimes pay to take on a more supportive role within your hunting party. The Medic perk greatly improves your ability to revive downed allies, while both the Rage and Nine Lives Perk allow you to play a bit more recklessly in your pursuit of victory. Rage is an incredibly powerful perk thanks to its huge damage potential, but you’ll need to lower your health if you wish to really reap its full offensive benefits.
Fighting a Behemoth with only a minuscule amount of health may seem like a rather foolish thing to do, but the Nine Lives perk helps minimise these risks of a toothy demise. This game-changing perk not only grants you the opportunity to reduce incoming damage, but it also gives you the ability to occasionally cheat death itself.
Being able to both help allied slayers who have been downed while still dealing huge amounts of damage is absolutely huge, especially when you want to reduce your kill times without increasing the risk of failure. Consider slotting in Ragehunter and Conduit to increase your damage to enraged Behemoths and bolster your attack speed to boost your overall DPS during the hunt. This armour set may seem rather risky to use, but if you have learnt a Behemoth’s moves and attack patterns, then you’ll greatly benefit from its offensive capabilities.

5. Riftstalker Armour

  • Strengths: Umbral
  • Weaknesses: Radiant
  • Cell slots: Utility Cell (x2), Mobility Cell (x2)
The Riftstalker set not only looks great, but it also performs incredibly well when paired with the Ostian Repeaters and Chain Blades. The Conduit perk allows you to fire off more rounds and synergises well with the set’s Aetheric Attunement skill, giving you increased Lantern charge from your attacks. Lastly, the Evasion perk makes it incredibly easy to dodge through Behemoth attacks thanks to the added invulnerability window, so don’t be afraid to stick to your target and keep up your assault. Consider slotting in Vampiric (heal when a Behemoth is wounded) and Fleet Footed (gain movement speed after a dodge) to keep you healthy and on the move during a fight.
The Riftstalker armour set is a pretty simple offensive set and you’ll mainly want to combine the helm, chest, and greaves with other armour pieces that compliment your playstyle. Both Conduit and Aetheric Attunement are prominently featured in various late-game armour sets, so be sure to use these perks if you want to deal as much damage as possible.