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Sorting Factory gunplay in Apex Legends
© EA
Where we droppin'? Top 5 Apex Legends landing locations on World’s Edge
Apex Legends' newest map has plenty of places you can drop if you want an early edge
Written by Jack Grimshaw
6 min readPublished on
There are plenty of decisions that need to be made in a round of Apex Legends, and where you drop can be the difference between winning and losing.
In all likelihood Respawn is going to give World’s Edge a few changes for season 4 — or perhaps bring King’s Canyon back, if we're lucky — but as it stands right now, it is a fun mix of environments with some nice variations in playstyles dictated by sightlines and engagement distances.
When choosing where to land you have few things to consider such as loot potential, enemy density, and where you want to move onto afterwards - and you should probably consult with your team before slinging yourself and your team down from the sky. That is, unless your matchmade jumpmaster decides to go for Capital to get two or three quick kills before getting turned into a meaty paste, disconnecting, and heading off to ruin someone else’s game.
Always consider the line of the dropship and be ready to change your mind if a lot of players have similar plans. Here are five of the best spots for you to land if you want a good chance at that final circle.

Train Yard

The Train Yard is a solid drop site if you want to get scrappy
The Train Yard is a solid drop site if you want to get scrappy© EA
Train Yard is a good drop if you want a quick early game fight. It doesn't have the scale of Capital, but it's rarely quiet. Usually, you’ll come up against one or two squads for some poorly geared scraps where any weapon is good enough. Once the fighting stops there is a good amount of mid-tier loot that can set you up for wherever you head to next. Train Yard also has the benefit of being close to a vault, and cargo bots often drift through carrying keys. If you can get into the hanging train cars you can control the fighting going on below, though this requires serious skills while diving.
Once in you get a grace period where getting to you is difficult until Pathfinder’s zipline ultimate charges, giving you the edge in these early brawls. If Train yard is looking too busy, redirect to Drill Site in the north-west. Here you can get your gear together before pushing in and mopping up the fights at the yard.

Sorting Factory

Two large interior spaces totally dominate Sorting Yard
Two large interior spaces totally dominate Sorting Yard© EA
Sorting Factory is a collection of buildings with two large interiors that completely dominate the zone. These wide spaces allow for some fast-paced indoor fighting. Survive some close-quarters shootouts with a couple of squads and there is more than enough loot available that you can completely avoid conflict until you have some armour and a decent weapon.
The loot quality is good enough to fully equip your squad by the time it’s cleared out. Like Train Yard, this location is close to a vault and has frequent cargo bot flyovers so the chances of getting a key for it are good.
However, the trip to the vault usually takes you towards the edge of the ring, even though the rewards are worth the burn. It’s unlikely that you’ll come out of the area without enough gear to get right into the fragging.
From Sorting Factory there are a lot of ways to rotate out; straight into Capital, across to Geyser, or into Train Yard. But with all of the gear you've gotten at Sorting Factory, you can also play safe until the final circle.


refinery.png© EA
Refinery has one large main building with a few ancillary locations like the cooling towers and cabins. It can be a quiet drop with the occasional second squad to contend with. The main building is a good source of loot and when you’re ready, the train can provide quick travel to your next hunting ground. What makes this a good drop is the route you can take as you peel out. From Refinery, you can head to Epicentre, and then on to Capital or the small settlements around it without fear of anyone being behind you, as Refinery is the most south-eastern point on the map, giving you control of that chunk of the map and letting you move forward knowing you've cleared everywhere behind you. If the ring is too far away, it’s easy to follow the tracks and hop onto the train as it comes by, giving you quick traversal across the map.


Overlook is the quietest location on this list as it is an Eastern border settlement with one side over an abyss, making it a safer drop but giving you fewer options to move forward. The loot is usually good enough to get you through a fight but it isn’t end game equipment. The reason this is a good spot to land is, for more patient squads, it can give you breathing space to get some gear and advance towards the circle while visiting several smaller location on the route out. You’ll be able to take on enemy squads with a lower chance of third parties showing up and by the time you reach the thick of the fighting near the ring you’ll have collected enough to be competitive. While looting Overlook always make sure you look before you leap. Those falls can be embarrassing.


Skyhook is a dense urban area built around the eponymous Sky Hook facility. The tower block buildings provide plenty of loot and allow for easier disengagement from fights you might not be interested in. Weaving around the buildings can get you plenty of distance to find the high tier loot dotted around without an ongoing firefight. If fighting does occur, you can use the interior to make the most of close-range weapons like submachine guns and shotguns, while the rooftops give snipers and light machineguns an advantage. However you are geared, you can make skyhook work to your advantage. The train station has plenty of loot and can offer a quick escape route if you need to catch up with the ring or avoid a dicey fight. Skyhook is the most northern part of the map, giving you a clear route to loot on your way towards the ring and allows some confidence that you aren’t going to have someone on your tail as you move.