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Doom Eternal
© Bethesda
7 best weapon mods in Doom Eternal
Get a head start on the exhilarating first-person shooter with these best weapon mods.
Written by Andi Hamilton
5 min readPublished on
There’s a load of variety within Doom Eternal’s already quite varied arsenal of weapons, with almost all of them having two mods you can attach when you find one of the mod droids hidden throughout the game. Once found, you have to choose which mod you wish to unlock, which can be quite a tough choice as there are so many plus points to each one.
To help you out, here's a list of the most superior mods and the ones placed to help you deal with the demon hordes...

Combat Shotgun: Sticky Bombs

Adding Sticky Bombs to the Combat Shotgun will give you great range
Adding Sticky Bombs to the Combat Shotgun will give you great range© Bethesda
A grenade that will stick to any surface and enemy, doing decent damage when it explodes. As well as giving you some much-needed early game firepower, a well-placed grenade on an Arachnotron’s turret, or into the mouth of a Cacodemon, will help you out no end with two of the tougher enemies you encounter in the first few levels of Doom Eternal. It can also be upgraded to rapidly fire off FIVE sticky bombs.

Heavy Cannon: Precision Bolt

The Precision Bolt is an essential part of your arsenal in the game
The Precision Bolt is an essential part of your arsenal in the game© Bethesda
Although the Micro Missiles upgrade is tremendous (and one of the best available in DOOM 2016), the Precision Bolt is an essential part of your arsenal in Doom Eternal. It turns your machine gun into a mid-range sniper rifle that is perfect for pinging off enemy weak spots. It will destroy an Arachnotron’s turret, Mancubus’ arm cannons and the Revenant’s rocket pods with a single, well-placed shot, severely limiting the enemy's attack options. One later enemy is best taken out with a headshot, which is much harder if you don’t have this mod to hand.

Plasma Rifle: Heat Blast

Heat Blast allows you to destroy most enemies with one shot
Heat Blast allows you to destroy most enemies with one shot© Bethesda
Returning from DOOM 2016, the Heat Blast is a shockwave of energy that discharges from the Plasma Rifle after you charge it up – through firing the thing in the first place. It now has three levels of charge, with the top level destroying most enemies in one shot, or seriously damaging the tougher ones. It’s absolutely brilliant for finishing off weakened enemies and crucial for crowd control when things get hectic – and they will!

Rocket Launcher: Lock-On Burst

Lock-on Burst can be used as an escape tool to get out of sticky situations
Lock-on Burst can be used as an escape tool to get out of sticky situations© Bethesda
In a game where not only the enemies can dart around at a rapid pace, but you are encouraged to do the same to stay alive, being able to fire and forget a barrage of extremely high damaging missiles towards a target is an extremely useful tool! In the late game, when you’re battling some of Doom Eternal’s hardest demons, being able to lock onto an enemy and fire off a shot, while diving into a safe area, is a skill you will be needing to survive.

Ballista: Arbalest

The Arbalest is deadly against airborne enemies
The Arbalest is deadly against airborne enemies© Bethesda
As amazing as the Destroyer Blade is, the charge up time can get you killed if you use it in the wrong situation. The Arbalest, however, charges up a lot quicker and is absolutely deadly against airborne foes. Two of the toughest enemies in the game – the Cacodemon and the returning Pain Elemental – can be offed in one or two Arbalest blasts, allowing you to quickly dispatch them when they appear in a firefight and crack on with dealing with the grounded demons.

Chaingun: Energy Shield

The Energy Shield is the more versatile one out of the Chaingun's two mods
The Energy Shield is the more versatile one out of the Chaingun's two mods© Bethesda
Both Chaingun mods are really good, but the Energy Shield has much more versatile uses. First of all, it can protect you from incoming damage, which is always useful, but it also allows you to charge into enemies using your dash and cause them to stagger, stopping their attacks and leaving them vulnerable. When fully mastered, firing upon enemies with the shield up will eventually launch the shield forward like a projectile, travelling across the terrain and also causing enemies to go into a stagger state.

BFG and the Super Shotgun

Neither of these weapons can have mods attached, but both have a few quirks that are worth learning, to maximise the amount of damage you can inflict with them. The BFG is the one-shot-kill-smart-bomb-screen-clearer, but there is a trick to it. By firing it across a room rather than directly at a target, the further it travels, the more enemies it will kill and the more damage it will do, so it is best to move into space so you can shoot your BFG shot across the entire length of a room.
The Super Shotgun is the best gun in Doom Eternal, like it is in every Doom game it appears in. As well as pumping out some serious damage at point-blank range, it now has a grappling hook attachment that will allow you to close distance on a demon, as well as grab onto an enemy and pull yourself into an advantageous position. When you complete the mastery objective for this gun, the grappling hook will set the enemy on fire when you hit them, gaining you some extra damage and some armour shards for doing so. A very useful power up for a gun that will become your ‘go-to’ weapon once you’ve picked it up.

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