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A hero strikes down a knight with a sword in Elden Ring.
© From Software
The 10 hardest Elden Ring bosses, ranked
Boss battles in Elden Ring can get emotional: fear, frustration and triumph are all extremely closely linked every step of the way. We list the toughest fights in the game.
Written by Matthias Regge
5 min readUpdated on
Boss fights are the essence of Soulsborne games and even though Elden Ring has many new and exciting experiences in store for players, it is these encounters that will stay with adventurers in the long term. Some in a positive way, some less so. Some fights obviously feel fairer than others, while some can be made much simpler with a bit of cheesing. Anyway, without further ado, we wanted to list the 10 toughest bosses in the game.
Spoiler alert! This list contains information and names of characters and bosses from throughout the main game (but not the DLC), including some that only appear in the endgame.

Rank 10: Margit, The Fell Omen

Margit The Fell Omen, the first boss from Elden Ring
"Put those foolish ambitions to rest!" - Margit is merciless© From Software
Before everyone starts complaining, of course Margit is, on the whole, not as difficult as a lot of other bosses in the game. However, for many players, he is the first Great Enemy they encounter in the early stages. The anger and frustration Margit has caused among a large portion of the player base alone means that he deserves his spot on the list.

Rank 9: Starscourge Radahn

A giant warrior with two swords roars towards the sky in Elden Ring.
Starscourge Radahn is one tough cookie© From Software
Radahn can be something of a rollercoaster ride. One time he might be far too easy due to a bug and rides ahead of you without attacking; another time he destroys you in a few seconds. That's why you hear so many different stories from players. Some found it boring, others found it a challenging, superbly staged fight.

Rank 8: Commander Niall

A warrior in armour attacks a hero with a lance in Elden Ring.
Three against one; Commander Niall doesn't play fair© From Software
One of your weapons is used against you here. Not only do you have to deal with Commander Niall, but also with two summoned spirits. The fact that you have to take care of three targets at the same time while Niall throws gigantic hitboxes around makes the fight extremely exhausting for many players.

Rank 7: Fire Giant

A giant stands against a backdrop of flames in Elden Ring.
A gigantic hothead: Fire Giant guards the endgame© From Software
In the past, there were a few ways to cheese the Fire Giant. You could make him fall off a cliff, or cover him with Rotten Breath and run away from him until his health bar drops to zero. If you approach him "as intended", phase 2 of the fight is a real hurdle. A relatively safe place to attack him is behind him. Unfortunately, he takes less damage from this position.

Rank 6: Astel, Naturalborn of the Void

A gigantic scorpion with transparent wings and a skull for a head in Elden Ring.
Watch out! Gravitational magic! Astel keeps you at a distance© From Software
Visually, Astel is one of the most spectacular bosses in Elden Ring. The fight is superbly staged, and even if he doesn't have the most complex attack patterns, the game's camera work often makes him more of a problem than he should be. Melee fighters will barely see his attack animations should they decide to attack the Space Scorpion.

Rank 5: Mohg, Lord of Blood

A monster in humanoid form. Wrapped in a robe. Several horns on its head.
Mogh quickly causes blood loss© From Software
The fight against Mohg will be challenging at first glance, but fair. However, there is a second phase that is much more difficult if you don't know his gimmick. There is a medical ingredient that negates the curse he casts. But even without this curse, the fight can quickly come to an end for many players. Since almost all of his attacks cause blood loss, even a large health pool is relatively useless.

Rank 4: Godskin Duo

One thin and one fat humanoid opponent wrapped in white robes in Elden Ring.
Double trouble: the Godskin Duo present problems© From Software
You will encounter the Godskin Duo several times in the game. However, if you have to fight both at once towards the end of the story, it will be stressful. Both have attacks that take up an incredible amount of space, chase you and leave you little room to sort yourself out. Most of the time, their attacks come from a blind spot. The fact that they revive each other after the first victory doesn't make it any easier.

Rank 3: Maliketh, the Black Blade

A creature that looks like a dog in armour and wields a great sword in Elden Ring.
Bad dog! Maliketh wields a mighty sword© From Software
The first phase of the fight is relatively easy (against the context of the rest of the encounter, anyway). However, as soon as you have to take on Maliketh, the real challenge begins. Despite his size, Maliketh has impressive mobility and literally flies through the arena. He uses an arsenal of attacks that will wipe out even characters with a high Vigour value in no time.

Rank 2: Radagon of the Golden Order + Elden Beast

Elden Beast boss from Elden Ring.
Too big for the camera: the fight against Elden Beast can be frustrating© From Software
It comes as no surprise that the final story boss is a tough fight. Radagon, however, is a little easier here. Although it suffers from the same "problems" as many other boss designs in Elden Ring: strangely delayed attacks with area damage and strong tracking, it's still possible to learn its patterns quickly.
The Elden Beast, on the other hand, is simply too big. Once again, as a melee fighter, it's almost impossible to see what this boss is doing if you decide you want to beat it up. One of its projectile attacks, which is almost impossible to escape, is also a thorn in the side of many players. Even sprinting is often not enough to escape the attack and its particle effects also obscure the Elden Beast's animations.

Rank 1: Malenia, Blade of Miquella

A warrior with a long sword and red hair holds her injured arm in Elden Ring.
Malenia drives players to despair by the dozen© From Software
I don't think anyone will be surprised to see Malenia at number one on this list. She heals herself, her attacks chase you, have a gigantic hitbox and kill many players in a single hit. Her fight is so demanding that a player named Let Me Solo Her became a legend by supporting players in the fight while wearing nothing but a pot on his head.
For many, Malenia is the true final boss of the game.

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