If fighting huge ogres or swinging from building to building at high speeds is something you enjoy in a game, then Extinction is probably right up your street. There's something special about climbing up of the back of a gigantic foe that's 100 times bigger than you and being able to carve it up with ease.
But the idea of giant monsters that could crush you with one swipe can be intimidating if you don't know what you're doing so we've prepared a list of tips to guide you to victory. Let the battle commence!
1. Complete the campaign
Whilst you don't have to finish the story campaign before attempting the Skirmish and Extinction modes, it's actually quite beneficial for you to do so. As you play, you earn skill points – or SP – which you can use to upgrade Avil's abilities, unlock new combat moves and improve his overall health. Upgrading not only makes the campaign easier in later chapters, it also improves your chance of survival in the other modes too, especially Extinction mode where one hit from a giant can wipe you out completely.
The campaign has seven chapters, with each one containing several subchapters. You're given a primary objective to complete and a list of optional bonus objectives which give you a higher score and more SP upon completion, making them worth the extra work.
2. Take out the huge monsters first
It's important to make sure you take out the giant ogres first over the smaller Ravenii enemies as they're powerful enough to obliterate you with one swipe. While this won't cause you much damage except annoyance in the campaign and Skirmish modes, being crushed by an enormous fist means game over in Extinction mode, so be careful.
To take out one of the enormous enemies, you need to hack off the armour on its arms and legs so you can slice them off. Once they've all been removed, you're able to perform a 'Kill Strike' on its neck, cutting off its head and executing the giant permanently. Be careful though: its severed limbs will regenerate if you're not quick enough. You can juggle between limbs with the charge attack if you need to dodge any lethal hits but only if you land a critical hit first.
3. Rescue the civilians
During all modes, civilians will crowd around white portals waiting to be rescued from the ongoing turmoil. You need to stand in the vicinity of the portal and charge it up in order to send them away to safety. In Skirmish and Extinction modes, our score will decrease if any civilians die, so you need to make sure you keep an eye on the portals at all times to see if any people have gathered around them.
Saving civilians also boosts your Kill Strike meter, making defeating giants quicker than if you were to just whack off their armour. You can also unlock a skill using SP that enables you to increase the portal charge time, which you can upgrade five times for even quicker rescuing. This will help you tremendously in other modes where you're more pressed for time.
4. Mobility is everything
If you want to succeed, simply hacking away at enemies just isn't enough – you need to use your surroundings to your advantage and zip around the city as fast as you can. Keep an eye out for points on buildings that allow you to grapple across the level in order to avoid enemy attacks, as well get to your objective as quick as possible. Trees and tents will bounce you into the air which creates a killer enemy-defeating combo when combined with the speed of jumping from rooftop to rooftop.
Extinction leaves little leeway for dodging attacks so speed is everything. A single smash of a giant's fist can kill you so if you're not moving constantly, you're pretty much guaranteed a gruesome demise.
5. Know when to walk away
Picture this: you're in the middle of an epic and grand battle with a giant Ravelii and suddenly, you're met with the 'Game Over' screen because of civilian deaths over the other side of the city. How infuriating would that be? That's why you need to balance your multitasking. Remember: just because something is going well in your immediate vicinity doesn't mean the same can be said for another location.
There will be many moments throughout the game where you need to refocus your objective. It's far too easy to get tunnel vision when you're set on one thing, but sometimes you just have to cut your losses and prioritise another situation in order to succeed.