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The leap of faith
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Mission Complete: Highlights from Red Bull Stratos
Ready to witness the epic adventure that was Red Bull Stratos again?
Written by Red Bull UK
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3 minMission Accomplished!Highlights from Red Bull Stratos, Felix Baumgartner's record breaking jump from the edge of space.
Austria's Felix Baumgartner earned his place in the history books on Sunday reaching an estimated speed of 1,342.8 km (Mach 1.24) jumping from the stratosphere, which when certified will make him the first man to break the speed of sound in freefall and set several other records while delivering valuable data for future space exploration. For more go to www.redbullstratos.com
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Felix Baumgartner

Felix Baumgartner will forever be the man who fell from space – indelibly linked with the moment when he jumped from a capsule nearly 40km above the New Mexico desert and the world held its breath.

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