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Brayton handling the slippy rocks like a boss
© Boris Bayer
Red Bull Hardline 2017 finals rider list
These are riders competing in finals on Sunday September 24 after a difficult qualifying session.
Written by Ali McCarthy
1 min readPublished on
The qualifying results are in and we have our final riders list for finals. Adam Brayton managed to pip Bernard Kerr to pole, meaning he'll be the last rider to drop in.
Frenchman Alex Fayolle steamed down the course with style and finished qualifying in third. A special nod to Kaos Seagrave, who despite being a junior racer is keeping the more seasoned riders on their toes, and will be the first rider to drop in for finals.
Scroll down for the full qualifying results and times.
  1. Adam Brayton (GBR) - 2.27.63
  2. Bernard Kerr (GBR) – 2.29.66
  3. Alexandre Fayolle (FRA) – 2.30.64
  4. Craig Evans (GBR) – 2.33.00
  5. Dan Atherton (GBR) – 2.35.83
  6. Taylor Vernon (GBR) – 2.40.62
  7. Graeme Mudd (AUS) 2.40.71
  8. Laurie Greenland (GBR) – 2.41.93
  9. Al Bond (GBR) – 2.43.19
  10. Kaos Seagrave (GBR) – 2.46.98
Watch Red Bulll Hardline 2017 here on September 24 at 6pm (BST).