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Red Bull Music Academy tour the UK this October
Liverpool, Glasgow, London, Leeds – this is what you’ve got in store.
Written by Red Bull UK
1 min readPublished on
Big news for you. Red Bull Music Academy is returning to the UK this October for a massive month-long tour calling at four UK cities – Liverpool, Glasgow, London and Leeds.
Glasgow gets down at the RBMA UK tour in 2015
Glasgow gets down at the RBMA UK tour in 2015© Athena Anastasiou / Red Bull Content Pool
Highlights include:
  • Lectures from Dizzee Rascal, Krept & Konan and Kano
  • Jackmaster taking over a coin-operated launderette
  • DJ Harvey’s first Leeds show in over 25 years
  • A modular synth workshop featuring Mumdance, Russell Haswell and more
  • A Rhymeantics spoken word session from D Double E, AJ Tracey and Lady Leshurr
  • Hip-hop provocateurs Young Fathers in conversation
  • A showcase from Atlanta’s Awful Records
And much, more more. Tickets for all shows go onsale August 23. For more details, check out the RBMA UK tour site.
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