Marvel's Spider-Man
© Insomniac Games

17 tips to help you get more tokens in Spider-Man PS4's Challenges

Follow these pointers and watch your tokens go through the roof.
Written by Chris White
8 min readPublished on
Whether you’re playing the main game or the recently released downloadable content (DLC), Marvel’s Spider-Man has plenty of opportunities to earn Challenge Tokens through lots of unique challenges.
You’ll take part in Bomb, Stealth, Drone and Combat Challenges that require skill and speed to earn the most tokens, thus giving you the chance to unlock lots of different Spidey suits, as well as upgrading your gadgets for maximum usage. We've assembled some tips on how to complete them successfully and earn more tokens.

Drone Challenges

1. One step ahead
To beat the drone, one must think like a drone

To beat the drone, one must think like a drone

© Insomniac Games

The drone challenges require you to swing through blue spheres randomly deployed by the drone as it moves through New York City, and it’s not the easiest thing to judge exactly where the next one will be. Always pay attention to its next move, and as you safely make it through one sphere, look ahead and see exactly where the drone is heading next – it can turn corners and drop in altitude when you’re not expecting it to. Always be one step ahead and pay close attention to it as opposed to your own movement.
2. Keep your distance
One thing you’ll want to do is make sure you’re not spending the whole challenge within a few feet of the drone. Not only will you potentially miss hitting the blue spheres, but you’ll also be more likely to unfollow the path of the drone. This is where distance gives you more of an advantage, and allows you to access where it’ll head to next, as discussed in the previous tip.
3. Pause for thought
Stop, Spidey time

Stop, Spidey time

© Insomniac Games

Pressing L2 in mid-air will slow down time and give you a moment to get your bearings if you feel you’re about to swing in the wrong direction. Once you’ve allowed time to halt, let go of R2 and swing in the correct direction, but be mindful of the game’s physics as adjusting to a new swing can affect height and speed.
4. Don’t be afraid to restart
If you miss a blue sphere and still want to get a high score, it’s probably not going to happen. The Drone Challenges rely on successfully hitting each sphere and missing one will reduce your score quite a bit, so pause the game and hit restart to begin again. They aren’t time-consuming, and it’s better to hit each sphere as opposed to taking a bit of extra time to practise the route of the drone.
5. Zip to it
If you find that the drone has deployed a blue sphere quite high up when swinging in the air, but your next swing is unlikely to hit it in time, use the X button to zip towards it. This will help you maintain the same altitude, and by unlocking the Quick Zip Skill via the Webslinger Skill Tree, you’ll be able to press X a second time to stay at the height you want to for longer.
6. Go streaking
A way to get the most points in the Drone Challenges is successfully hitting each sphere in succession without missing one. Getting spheres in a streak will allow your score to build and build until you’ve unlocked the total number of Challenge Tokens.

Bomb Challenges

1. Plan your journey
Get ready to bomb around New York

Get ready to bomb around New York

© Insomniac Games

Speed is everything in the Bomb Challenges, and making sure you get to the bombs in the quickest time possible is key. What you don’t want to do is start this from a stationary position. As soon as the countdown reaches zero, you need to get going, so look for the either the closest location or the shortest distance between them and head for one of the locations to either the left or the right. It may take a few goes to get used to the locations but knowing exactly where you’re going will shave seconds off your finishing time.
2. Perfect your landing
Refine your landing to save crucial seconds

Refine your landing to save crucial seconds

© Insomniac Games

Perhaps the most frustrating thing about these challenges is making sure you land correctly. Spider-Man tends to over-swing and completely speed past, or under-swing and land onto the side of a building, meaning you’ll lose precious seconds getting onto the same platform as the bomb. As you begin to approach the bomb, check the height at which it’s located, and either start swinging lower or reach around 30 feet of the location and stop swinging altogether. Pressing Circle and back on R3 enables you to stop abruptly, which is ideal if you think you’re going to travel past the bomb.
3. Use Point Launch
Make sure your launch is on point

Make sure your launch is on point

© Insomniac Games

There are times when swinging around New York to get to a bomb might not be the best option due to smaller buildings appearing along the way, simply leaving you with nothing to swing from. When this happens, and you’re presented with a rooftop in front of you, use L2 and R2 to find a point to launch yourself from, then – assuming you’ve unlocked the Point Launch Boost Skill – press X as you land on it to boost yourself into the air and gain more momentum. This can also be used if you’re lacking speed for one reason or another, as the boost gives added speed to your impetus.

Combat Challenges

1. Mix it up
Throw the kitchen sink at them

Throw the kitchen sink at them

© Insomniac Games

The best thing you can do when trying to eliminate a plethora of enemies is mix up you attack. This will provide the fastest route to wiping them out while giving you a load of points in the process.
Use the environment to throw objects at enemies by pressing L1 and R1 together and use finishers whenever the opportunity arises to take enemies out instantly. Once you’ve unlocked the Chain Finisher Skill, you’ll be able to perform two finishers in a row, but this’ll be more beneficial when you begin to replay challenges or take part in Screwball’s DLC Challenges; it’s only unlockable once you've acquired every other skill in the Defender Tree.
2. Use the gadgets
Gadgets are key to wiping out a lot of enemies in quick succession. Using them all will have benefits, and mixing up which ones you use will give you more points in the process. The Suspension Matrix is great for raising enemies up in the air and suspending their movement to allow you to take them all out quickly.
The Web Bomb is perfect for blowing enemies into walls and taking them out, and the Impact Web has a similar effect when aimed directly at a single enemy – just make sure your aim is spot on. You’ll also want to make the most of the Trip Mines as they suck enemies together; when there’s a large gathering within a proximity, throw one down, sit back and enjoy the fireworks.

Stealth Challenges

1. Keep it quick
The opposite of a stealthy takedown

The opposite of a stealthy takedown

© Insomniac Games

Stealth missions require speed and precision to complete, and with a timer constantly ticking down, there are no seconds to spare. Make sure you decide on a specific path when taking out all the enemies; snipers should be your priority, followed by anyone else on the ground. Make sure you use distraction methods to split up coupled enemies on the ground, then descend upon them to take the out.
2. Chain together takedowns
A great way to rack up points in the Stealth Challenges is to chain together takedowns. Web Strike Takedowns are the most effective because the speed and efficiency of them help to not only take enemies out quietly, but enable you to move around the area and get closer to your next target. Always scan your enemies to know if it’s safe to take them out because one mistake will cause you to fail, and you’ll be sent straight back to the start.
3. Stay high when you can
It’s imperative that you stay off the ground, because you’ll never be spotted if you’re on top of a roof. Not only does it keep you out of sight, but it allows you to survey the area for any enemies you might have missed. If you must take out an enemy on the ground and there are no other thugs nearby to chain a Takedown, get back on higher ground as soon as possible to remain unnoticed.

DLC Challenges

1. Slow and steady
Screwball’s Challenges offer some neat new ways to earn Challenge Tokens, as the EMP Challenges mixes the Bomb and Drone Challenges from the main game. Using L2 to slow down time is a necessity because it gives you more opportunity to fire at the power banks. After you’ve finished blowing them up, you can head to the next one while maintaining a decent height at which to continue swinging from.
2. Don’t get snap happy
A brand-new mechanic has been included for Screwball’s Challenges where you have certain opportunities to take a photo for her social media channels. These camera opportunities come up automatically, and pressing R1 when the bar is at its fullest gives you the most amount of points. Keep your cool and make sure you press it at the last available moment possible.
3. Look for the purple zones
Say cheese!

Say cheese!

© Insomniac Games

In Screwball’s Combat Challenges, neon purple zones automatically generate. Any enemies taken out in these zones will earn you a photo opportunity where you can use the previous tip to gain plenty of points. Always wait for Screwball to tell you when they pop up before jumping into the zone and enticing enemies towards you. To avoid enemies leaving the area, use the Suspension Matrix gadget to keep them all within the purple zone and take them out one by one to gain plenty of additional points.
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