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© Sony Interactive Entertainment
Here's how to craft every item in The Last of Us Part II
Ellie is quite the crafty customer
Written by Lloyd Coombes
2 min readPublished on
Just as it was in the first game, crafting is a key component of The Last of Us Part 2. Offering both restorative and offensive items, learning to gather as much from the environment as possible is key to surviving.
While Ellie begins the game with a handful of crafting recipes, there are more to learn throughout her adventure. Here’s a spoiler-free look at what she can kitbash together, but remember - crafting in the middle of a firefight can be lethal, so pick your moments.

Health kit

Able to heal Ellie, you need Alcohol and a Rag to be able to craft a Health Kit.


The Last of Us 2 gas station
The Last of Us Part 2's unofficial motto? Everything burns© Sony Interactive Entertainment
Perfect for crowd control or for trapping enemies, Molotov Cocktails burn for quite some time. They use the same ingredients as Health Kits (Alcohol and Rags) though, so ensure you have plenty remaining.

Smoke bombs

While they make a great distraction, Smoke Bombs are also perfect for a tactical retreat and allow Ellie to slip away into the smoke. You’ll need a canister and an explosive to be able to craft one.

Trap mine

Perfect for combining with throwables, Trap Mines will blow up as soon as an enemy gets near. Place them in doorways or behind objects and lure someone with a bottle for an easy kill. You’ll need a canister and explosive to craft one.


The Last of us 2 weapon crafting
Upgrading your weapons is invaluable in The Last of Us Part 2© Sony Interactive Entertainment
Able to silence Ellie’s pistol of choice, preventing the chances of enemies hearing gunshots, the Silencer is handy in a pinch - but only works for three shots, so aim for the head! You can craft one with a rag and a canister.

Melee upgrade

Need to add some extra blades to your axe? Melee weapons are satisfying (if a bit gruesome) to use, but they break after a set number of uses. Luckily, you can repair them and increase their damage potential with this crafting recipe. You just need binding, a blade, and your melee weapon of choice.


Bow in The last of us part 2
Silent, deadly and with craftable ammo - what's not to like?© Sony Interactive Entertainment
Unlocked once Ellie gains the bow, arrows are silent but require time to be drawn. They’re also pretty unforgiving, so you’ll need maximum power and good aim to take down an enemy without them living long enough to tell their friends. Thankfully you can recover some arrows from headshots, and craft new ones with binding and a blade.

Explosive arrows

One of the more adventurous weapons, explosive arrows are ideal for groups of enemies in close proximity. You can craft them with explosives and binding.

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