
Why Top Boy needs to come back

Drake is right – someone needs to recommission this British TV classic, and pronto.
Written by Ian McQuaid
2 min readPublished on
Top Boy: Could Drake bring it back?

Top Boy: Could Drake bring it back?

© [unknown]

It’s time we faced facts, Britain: we need Top Boy back. The Channel 4 crime drama, which ran for two seasons between 2011 and 2013, has put UK street culture on the map in a completely unrivalled way. Outside of Top Boy, the only way that a bunch of road men are ever going to be appearing on screens round the world is a) someone burns down Tottenham again or b) Kanye West plays the BRITS. Seeing as we’re hoping a) doesn’t happen and we’re pretty sure b) won’t happen, we need option c): Top Boy, Season 3…
Top Boy put UK street culture on the map in a completely unrivalled way
As you may or may not have heard, we’re not the only ones who believe it’s time to bring Top Boy back – Drake is all over it. Yesterday Drizzy took a break from whatever it is he does in the day to post a still from Top Boy to his Insta timeline. “Top Boy will rise again,” he wrote underneath. The thing is, this being Drake, and Drake loving UK culture in general and Top Boy in particular, that statement may be more than just wishful thinking. It turns out that back in October, 2015 Aubrey and Ashley Walters – who played Dushane in the show, for those not keeping up – exchanged a series of texts about Top Boy's future.
According to Walters, Drake was looking into funding a Top Boy comeback from his own pocket. He told the Daily Mirror
Drake was like, ‘You need to break America'. He wanted to help. We were going into meetings. Top Boy is the sort of brand we knew would sell to Netflix, Amazon. The numbers speak for themselves. So we had that power and the production company still owned the rights. And Drake made an offer and they turned it down. I don’t know what is going on with it – but I heard they are talking about a Top Boy Chicago.
So now with the new picture on Instagram and that mysterious caption, maybe – just maybe – Drake knows something that we don’t. And, yeah a new series of Top Boy would be wicked, but we’ve got a far better idea than moving it to Chicago – which, let’s face it, just makes it the same as every other gritty US gangland drama. Nah bruv.
What we need is …. [drum roll] the Top Boy/Luther crossover! BLAM. Say that isn’t a banging idea. I know you can already picture it: Idris Elba chasing after Kano and Asher D as they leg it through the back streets of Bow, Stormzy rinsing it out on the soundtrack. Energy levels 100. Make it happen Drake, and Britain salutes you.
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