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Bottom looking up the pipe
© Red Bull
First Look: Double Pipe course animation
Riders can transfer from pipe to pipe utilising rails, wallrides, and other unique features.
Ditulis oleh
1 min readPublished on
1 minDouble Pipe Course AnimationRiders can transfer from pipe to pipe utilizing rails, wallrides, and other unique features.
You've read the announcement, you know the facts, you've looked at the photos, but now it's time to watch the video on how side-by-side superpipes will work.
Here's the first look at the Red Bull Double Pipe course.
The two superpipes will be 55m wide, 167m long and 6.70m tall with an approximate 1.20m wide spine located in between each pipe.
How will the best halfpipe and slopestyle riders in the world utilise the pipes? Since its never been done to this magnitude, we'll have to stay tuned to find out.
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REPLAY: Red Bull Double Pipe

Two halfpipes, constructed side-by-side, complete with rails, wallrides and other unique features.

United StatesAspen, United States
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