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Professional dancers Majid, Ukay, Franky Dee and Batalla performing in Salzburg, Austria.
© Leo Rosas
What to expect at a jam session and how it brings dancers together
The competitive scene drives a lot of dancers, but in the end it's when they come together to jam and exchange that the vibe really becomes all about the enjoyment of a shared love for dancing.
Ditulis oleh
5 min readPublished on
Contests on the street dance scene are a big focus of many events, with dancers all around the world training endlessly to be the best. Whenever a group of street dancers come together outside of competing however to jam and exchange, an undeniably good vibe takes over the cypher. Find out what jamming is all about and why it's a central piece of street dance culture.
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What is jamming?

Just like musicians get together to have a jam session, where they play songs together, improvise new material and simply enjoy being in the company of other musicians who love music, a jam session with dancers is the same – an environment where dancers come together to share, exchange and enjoy moving to music in the company of other dancers, sometimes with a DJ spinning.
Long before organised competitions it was all about going to the jam, party or club and getting down together, exchanging in the circles and doing the newest dance steps together that were created for the latest popular tracks.
When different styles of dance come together at a jam they all bring their own unique way of sharing and exchanging into the mix.
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Some have a circle/cypher in which dancers go in sometimes together or sometimes one at a time. House dance is a style where two dancers can be in the circle at the same time, moving and dancing together, sharing the moment and reacting to each others movements. Whereas with breaking one person goes into the circle and it's more about sharing your moves.
A lot of dance styles also have well-known sequences and routines, like hip-hop freestyle, which came out of party dances and always brings that vibe to a jam, where one or two dancers will start a well-known routine or step and everyone will join in and follow. Locking has the 'lockers handshake', a well-known sequence of movements that two lockers perform together. Poppers have famous sequences from groups like the Electric Boogaloos that they might all join in doing at a jam.
B-Boy Junior performs at the Felsenreitschule in Salzburg, Austria.
B-Boy Junior breaks on stage at Salzburg's Felsenreitschule© Leo Rosas
Jamming can also involve dancers simply freestyling together, while encouraging and hyping each other. Krumpers are big on hype and when they jam it's a lot about giving verbal encouragement and feeding off the energy of the person that dancing. Voguers also bring an energy of encouragement, verbal motivation and playfulness whenever they get together to jam.
You could be a breaker, hip-hop freestyler, popper, locker, house dancer, krumper, voguer or waacker, but at a jam everyone mixes and vibes together, sharing the love for the street and club-born styles of dance that everyone loves and lives.

Where to expect jam sessions

Block and house parties have always been a place for dancers to jam together since hip-hop culture first started. People turn up dressed fresh and ready to have a good time, and maybe show off their new moves. There's usually a DJ on the decks and when they drop those popular tracks it's all about joining in with the dance steps for that song.
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Sometimes, a jam session is organised at a set location and time. It could be a dance studio, a regular meet up or practise spot, like a train station or a park in summer, a river side spot or skate park. All that's needed is the time, place and for someone to bring a speaker and some music and the jam session vibes can begin.
Many cities around the world also have well known club nightsthat dancers attend to regularly to jam. Usually, these nights are fuelled and made popular by the DJs on the decks, who carry a reputation of always playing the freshest tracks, popular classics or the newest songs, with dancers going to get down to their sets.
Also, sometimes a famous DJ might be in town doing a one-off set at a club and dancers will all go, as they know that DJ is going to bring a musical vibe that makes that club night a must-go.
Most events have a pre-party and after-party, or both, where you'll find dancers getting down together. Circles will always pop up and party steps moving to the left, right, back and forth will always happen at some point.
Professional tutting dancer Nelson pictured performing on stage at the Felsenreitschule in Salzburg, Austria.
Nelson shows of his Tutting© Leo Rosas
If there isn’t a pre or after party, it's usually always guaranteed that some type of jam session will spring up at the hotel, usually in the lobby or outside. All it ever takes is for someone to start playing some music on their phone or a speaker and dancers will start jamming together.
Even when there's a focus on winning a competitionthere's always breaks in the battles when dancers can jam together, with the DJ spinning tracks to keep the atmosphere and mood of the event high and enjoyable, with the host on the mic keeping the vibe going.

Coming together

Jamming together is a reminder that the street dance styles were all in some way shaped or formed in a social setting, to be shared and enjoyed together. Even when dancers don't come from the same countries, speak the same language or have the same heritage, they're connected through dance and the music that inspires the rhythm they express through our bodies.
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Whether it's with their crew, friends or dancers they just met. Whether it's making up fun routines, learning new or creative steps, or even just coming to be a part of the vibe, jamming is a free and open time to explore, exchange and share. All that truly matters is enjoying coming together to dance.

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