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© Respawn / Electronic Arts
How to play as Octane in Apex Legends
These tips will help you get the most out of Apex Legends' lastest character.
Written by James Busby
6 min readPublished on
Apex Legends’ first new post-launch character is not only very fast, but he’s also incredibly deadly when used in the right hands. Octane is a death-defying adrenaline junkie who places his superior speed above everything else, giving players the tools they need to pull off some seriously stylish kills.
The champion’s speed-altering Stim ability allows him to get right into the thick of a fight, while his ultimate gives the Adrenaline Junkie plenty of opportunities to either flee or dive headfirst into combat, forcing players to pull off risky plays to unleash his full potential.
Respawn’s resident speed demon has proven very popular among both pro and casual players and he’s been busy tearing up Kings Canyon with his game-changing abilities.
Apex Legends’ latest champion can be a true terror when used aggressively, but you’ll need a good understanding of his mechanics and how best to use them if you wish to crush your foes with his high-speed agility. If you’re looking to outplay and confuse your opponents, then the Adrenaline Junkie might be the champion you’re looking for. If so, these Octane tips will help you get the most out of him.

How to make the most of Octane’s abilities

Swift Mend (Passive)
When not taking damage, Octane restores one point of health every two seconds. This passive health recovery may seem incredibly lacklustre, but it can really help Octane get out of some tricky situations, especially when he doesn’t have access to any med-kits or friendly Lifeline drones.
If you’ve taken a few hits during a firefight and don’t want to waste precious healing resources, then try to regain as much health back with Swift Mend. Octane’s passive also synergises well with his self-damaging Stim ability, so make sure you use this passive heal whenever you need an extra health boost.
Stim (Tactical)
Octane’s greatest asset is his lightning-fast speed and it’s his Stim ability that allows him to move 30% faster for a total of six seconds. While Stim may offer Octane the agility he needs to outmanoeuvre and flank his enemies, it does come at a hefty price. In order to use this ability, Octane must forgo a portion of his health.
If you constantly use Octane’s Stim ability without healing, you can quickly find yourself in some rather precarious situations. It’s also important to note that Octane’s Stim lessens the effects of in-game slows such as Caustic’s Nox Gas Traps and enemy Arc Stars.
Launch Pad (Ultimate)
The Adrenaline Junkie’s kit wouldn’t be complete without his trusty Launch Pad. This ultimate catapults players through the air and can be used to reach various vantage points. If you want to make a quick getaway or simply wish to bamboozle your enemy, then throw down your ultimate and give your pursuers the slip.
This ability really ramps up in the late-game as you’ll have plenty of opportunities to close the gap during firefights, and get the jump on enemy squads before they can even react. Octane’s Launch Pad has a 90-second cooldown, so be sure to pop it whenever you see an opportunity to surprise your foes.

Octane strategy and tips

Octane is an aggressive character
Octane is an aggressive character© Respawn / Electronic Arts
Be aggressive
Octane favours a highly-aggressive approach to combat and really shines when he’s able to get right into the heart of a firefight. His high mobility allows players to rush down unsuspecting squads, running rings around them before they fall in an exhausted heap. As a result, flanking enemy champions is incredibly easy and often results in some quick early-game kills.
Meanwhile, the Adrenaline Junkie’s Stim and Launch Pad make him incredibly difficult to hit, especially when you’re trying to knock him down at range. Even if you do manage to land a few hits on him, Octane’s passive will heal his missing health. When you combine these abilities together, you have a truly terrifying champion that can greatly impact the outcome of a fight.
How to use your Stim
To get the most out of Octane, you’ll need to know when to use your Stim and when to simply avoid combat altogether. The risk vs reward nature of Octane’s Stim forces players to think carefully before deciding to use the Adrenaline Junkie’s speed boost. It can be incredibly tempting to use Stim all the time due to its two-second cooldown, but excessive use can quickly leave you with little health, forcing you to play defensively in future firefights.
While using Stim to quickly loot the best weapons and gear from your surroundings may seem like a great idea, it can also land you in some pretty precarious situations – after all, what’s the point of grabbing all the great gear if you don’t get to use it? Many Octane players make this mistake in the early-game and often fall long before they even get to use their shiny new guns, so think carefully before using your Stim in non-combative situations.
If you find yourself struggling in a fight or simply wish to disengage before things take a turn for the worse, then don’t be afraid to use Stim and drop Octane’s Launch Pad. This combo can give you the advantage you need to turn a fight in your favour, especially when you have decent coordination with your teammates. Just be sure to pay special attention to your health before using Stim as this will allow you to avoid any untimely deaths. During firefights, focus on rushing down your opponent with Stim and follow this up with Launch Pad to flank around them. Octane excels at confusing and disorientating his foes, so try to be unpredictable in your movements and you’ll find yourself winning more engagements.
It takes a bit of time to get used to playing as Octane
It takes a bit of time to get used to playing as Octane© Respawn / Electronic Arts
Use Octane’s passive to repair wounds
When your health is getting low and you feel you’re in a relatively safe area, simply let Swift Mend’s passive do its work. You can save yourself a lot of time and healing items if you let Octane’s passive repair his wounds, but make sure to use medkits whenever your health drops significantly. There’s no point forgoing med-kits if your health is very low, so use them before diving headfirst into your next engagement. Consider pairing Octane with Lifeline as this will ensure that the Adrenaline Junkie can unleash his full potential, without having to constantly hammer on the breaks whenever his health bar starts to drop.
Which weapons should Octane use?
Octane’s overall speed lends itself to close-quarters fights and he favours a run and gun approach to combat over the more methodical cover to cover playstyle. As a result, picking close-range guns like the R-99, R-301, Peacekeeper, and full-auto Prowler really allow Octane to dish out the damage needed to take out his targets.
Play as a team
If played well, you can effectively force players to burn their tactical and ultimate abilities, allowing your team to capitalise on enemy squad misplays and mistakes. Try to get your teammates to distract your foes before flanking round and delivering a deadly surprise they never saw coming.
Respawn’s latest champion may take some getting used to, but once you’ve mastered his lightning-fast kit, you’ll be netting yourself plenty of game-winning plays in no time.
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