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Russian Twist
© Joey Terrill / Red Bull Content Pool
10 HIIT exercises to do in the gym
These exercises will help you to shed the pounds and leave you feeling fit in no time. Best of all most of these exercises you can also do from the comfort of your own home!
Written by Heather Snelgar
7 min readUpdated on
The world’s top athletes have long been reaping the benefits of high intensity, interval training (HIIT) and over the last few years, the masses have also started to cotton on. In a nutshell, HIIT workouts will allow you to burn more calories in less time - sounds too good to be true doesn’t it?! But thankfully it’s not. Short sharp workouts with periods of high effort rates, followed by short periods of active recovery have been proven to burn up to 900-calories per hour, boost endurance, increase cardiovascular fitness and improve overall body tone and appearance.
If you are looking to get the most of your time in the gym but don’t quite know where to begin, then we are here to offer you a steer in the right direction. We have rounded up 10 exercises that are super simple and are guaranteed to leave you feeling fit and strong in no time. Before you begin you will need to decide how long you want to spend on each exercise - it can be anything from 30-seconds to one minute. Each period of exertion should be followed by a short period of rest as your move on and set up for your next exercise.
It is really important to ensure that you are doing all of the following exercises correctly, so if you are unsure about anything do ask one of the trained professionals in your gym to demonstrate the correct technique for you.

Kettlebell swings

The benefits:
Kettlebell swings are brilliant for improving posture. They also effectively work the core, shoulders, quads, hamstrings, glutes, and back muscles.
How to:
1. Choose you weight - if you are starting out, we recommend that you take something on the lighter side (you can always build up the weight as you perfect your technique).
2. Get in position - Stand over the kettlebell with your feet hip-width apart. Your chest should be up and your shoulders should be down. Your kettlebell should be in line with the middle of your feet.
3. Hold the kettlebell (your arms and grip should be loose and relaxed).
4. Stand tall and get ready to swing - Gripping the kettlebell, keep your arms long, retract your shoulder blades and engage your core. Keep your knees soft as you shift your bodyweight into your heels. Lower your backside towards the wall behind you (ie back and out).
5. At this stage you want to use the hips in a hinge motion, keeping your legs solid, driving through your heels, contracting your core and your glutes, allowing the torso to move forward, swinging the kettlebell from between your legs to chest-height in front of you with your arms extended.
6. Let gravity take the weight back to the start position before starting the motion again.

Rowing Machine

Rowing machine
Rowing machine© Lukas Pilz/ Red Bull Content Pool
The benefits:
Rowing works almost every major muscle group in the body while putting very little pressure on the joints. With each stroke, you will work your legs, hips, backside, back, shoulders, arms and core.
How to:
1. Push with yours legs first.
2. Pivot backwards at the hips so your shoulders pass your pelvis, then pull your arms into your chest.
3. Once your hands are pulled into your chest, reverse the order to go back to starting position, and repeat.

Russian Twists with a medicine ball

Russian Twist
Russian Twist© Joey Terrill / Red Bull Content Pool
The benefits:
This exercise works the whole abdomen. In particular, it works the oblique muscles at the side of your body. The Russian Twist also helps to strengthen your lower back.
How to:
1. Get a medicine ball, weight plate or dumbbell.
2. Lie down on the floor with your knees bent at 90-degreee (your feet should be firmly on planted on the ground).
3. Lift up your upper body so you have a V-shape between there and your thighs.
4. Hold the weight straight out in front of you, keeping your back straight.
5. Twist your torso as far as you can to the left and then repeat the motion to your right.

The Assault Bike

Assault Bike
Assault Bike© RogueEurope.eu
The benefits:
The assault bike will not only help to build strength in your arms, core and quads, it also has cardiovascular benefits too.
How to:
1. Make sure the saddle is set to the correct height - there should only be a very slight bend in your leg at the bottom of your stroke.
2. Move your arms back and forth as your pedal in the same way as you pedal a normal stationary bike.
3. Keep your chest high and your head up.

Jump the PLYO Box

The benefits:
Box jumps are a brilliant way to build strength and explosive power in your quads. They are also very demanding on the metabolic system which in turn makes them a great addition to any fat-loss training programme.
How to:
1. You will need a stable surface to jump on to - a plyometric box (found in most gyms) are preferable. The box should be between 12 and 36-inches high, depending on your ability.
2. Your feet should be shoulder width apart. Get into a quarter-squat position before swinging your arms and extending your hips, thus propelling your body on top of the box.
3. You should aim to land on the box as quietly as possible in a squat position with your chest up. Hold that position for a couple of seconds before standing up and stepping gently down from the box.


The benefits:
Burpees are great for working your arms, chest, quads, hamstrings and abs all in one go.
How to:
1. From a standing position, drop into a squat with your hands on the ground just in front of your feet.
2. Kick your feet back behind you, keeping your arms extended so you are in a raised plank position (those who are feeling strong can even throw in a press-up at this stage to add to the challenge).
3. Jump your feet back up towards your hands.
4. Leap into the air, thrusting your arms straight above your head.


Plank© Dan Sheridan/ INPHO
The benefits:
The plank is an easy yet effective way to build strength and endurance in your core. It also works your glutes and hamstrings and helps to correct posture.
How to:
1. Get into the press-up position.
2. Bend your elbows and rest your weight on your forearms.
3. Ensure that your body is in a straight line, all the way from your shoulders to your ankles.
4. Engage your core to ensure your back does not arch.
5. Hold this position, engaging your core and glutes for your allotted time.


The benefits:
Short, sharp sprints are great for explosive power, strength and overall cardiovascular fitness.
How to:
1. Find a space in the gym that is approximately 15-metres long.
2. Run as fast as you can to the end marker, turning as quickly as possible at each end.
3. Aim to stay in control of your body at all times - you should not rely on a wall for turning or stopping.

Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers engage the majority of major muscle groups in the body. They will benefit both muscular and cardiovascular fitness, while simultaneously improving flexibility and overall strength.
How to:
1. Get into the press-up position, making sure that your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles.
2. Lift your right foot and raise your knee as close to your chest as you can. Bring your foot back to the starting position and repeat the same motion with your left foot.
3. Continue alternating your feet in this motion as quickly as possible for the allocated time.

Battle Ropes

Battle ropes are not only great for working your upper body, they are also effective at building strength in your abs, back and glutes too.
How to:
1. Grab the rope (some gyms will have just one rope to grab onto, but others will have slung the rope around an immovable object meaning you have two ends of the rope to hold) in each hand.
2. Bend your knees slightly, keeping your back and core engaged, holding the rope at arms length in front of you.
3. You can either choose to alternate raising each arm or lift both arms together as fast possible, sending a ripple through the entire rope.
4. Keep moving your arms in this motion for the allocated time.

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