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FC 25 Ultimate Team gameplay with a duel between two players.
© EA Sports
FC 25: The most important new features
Wondering how the gameplay has changed in FC 25? Here we present the most important new features and asked RBLZ_Ebru for her opinion.
Written by Christian Knoth
4 min readPublished on
"The gameplay in FC 25 is very similar to FC 24," that's what creator RBLZ_Ebru from RBLZ Gaming says after testing the new football game from EA Sports in advance. But how much is the same? The publisher has announced many new features, which suggest some changes that can be overwhelming initially. We'll get to the heart of the matter here - and introduce you to the most important new features in the gameplay of FC 25.
We've already explained the new FC IQ 25 team management system. That's why we won't go into it here; instead, we will focus on other new gameplay features in FC 25.
RBLZ_Ebru smiling in side profile with RBLZ Gaming jersey.
Ebru is a content creator at RBLZ Gaming© RBLZ Gaming


Goalkeeper movement
Goalkeepers can now only be moved manually one or two steps in any direction in FC 25. After a short delay, the goalkeeper returns to the starting position. This is to prevent the manual movement of the goalkeeper from being used too often, for example, in 1 vs 1 duels with strikers. However, this does not apply to corner kicks and free kicks. The manual movement of the goalkeeper for set pieces works as before.
Update of the animations
All goalkeeper saves (e.g., foot defence, diving save and fist defence) should now be animated more realistically.


Defence should be more realistic and better than ever. EA Sports justifies this with faster player changes, improved goalkeeper movements and revised core mechanics. New feature: the professional foul.
Professional Foul
Also known as a strategic or tactical foul. This allows you to stop a promising attack by your opponent. You will always receive a yellow card for a professional foul. However, if you use it too often, a professional foul can also lead to a red card in a match.
Professional Foul application: R1+X (PlayStation) / RB+A (Xbox)
Further updates for defending
  • Reaction time modifier: A new setting to control the speed of the next player change. This allows you to adjust the reaction time to your needs.
  • Slide tackles: An improved animation should lead to more successful tackles.

Passing game

Passing accuracy
A revised system for passing accuracy should bring more authenticity to the virtual pitch. More specifically, it aims to mirror the challenges of real-life football in making accurate passes under pressure, from different angles and in different situations. The passes are now based more on the player's personality and take more account of the player's skills and characteristics. This change is designed to increase realism and reward you more for making the right individual passing decisions with your players.
New slide animations
Is it raining, and is the pitch wet? Players may now slip after a powerful pass. These animations are only triggered in matches with rainy or snowy weather conditions in non-competitive mode. Also important to note: The animations are visual only and do not affect the outcome of the pass.
Tight angle and powerful passes
There are new animations for powerful passes from tight angles. This is designed to add variety and realism by making difficult passes look and feel more authentic.

Attack and shooting

Levi De Weerd celebrates a perfect strike© Tom Doms/Red Bull Content Pool
Some general changes have been announced for the attacking game but only briefly touched on by EA for now:
  • New skill moves
  • Ability to run the ball to create space
  • Improvements to passing, shooting and dribbling
All these changes are designed to give you, as a player, more control and precision to make your attacking play more successful.
More information from EA can be found in the shooting section - these new features await you:
Shooting accuracy
Similar to passing accuracy, the players' fundamental skills, such as playing style and mastery of specific situations, are now better reflected in the shooting accuracy. Shots in difficult situations will also feel more challenging. This is due to new animations for shots from difficult angles, for example.
Another change to shooting is off-balance follow-through. You can now trigger off-balance animations. This considers the shot's angle and power and adds another layer of depth to the shooting mechanics.
In conclusion, RBLZ_Ebru had this to say about the gameplay after she tested FC 25: "Of course, many new features have been announced by EA. As I said, I haven't noticed many changes yet. But that doesn't mean that nothing will change. There is certainly a new meta that the community will have to orient itself to. It's not yet clear which direction it will take. Especially as a lot will change again throughout the FC season anyway due to the many patches."
On September 27, FC 25 is released, and you can see the gameplay for yourself. We wish you a successful start to the new season. Until then, check out the deep dive below.