Solves controversies and arguments from time immemorial, and is a clear release for your imagination
Who doesn’t like a good crossover? Everyone wants to know who does how well against whom, especially when you’re sure they’re never going to meet, ever. Time for a crossover to see how things go, and even if that’s not it, just looking at how they balance move-sets out is reason enough. So here, we’re going to look at a few titles that one should definitely look at, because they’ll pique your interest, no doubt.
For Ryu Hayabusa is the best known Ninja on the planet (kind of ironic for someone who operates from the shadows, but oh well), and he’s made his name as a staple in not one but two series. The second is Dead or Alive. Several years after his exploits in Ninja Gaiden, he moves to the US, and has ever since been a part of every DOA tournament. But DOA crossovers don’t end with him, there’s still DOA 5, which brought in Akira Yuki, Pai Chan, and Sarah Bryant from the Virtua Fighter series. Definitely worth checking out (for Ryu), because of how all these other characters play out.
Namco X Capcom: One of the biggest crossovers ever, it has characters from both studios taking sides and battling it out. We’ll leave you to check the plot for yourselves, but it features characters from Street Fighter, Tekken, Resident Evil, Soul Edge, Soulcalibur, Darkstalkers, The Tower of Druaga, Final Fight, Burning Force, Valkyrie no Bōken: Toki no Kagi Densetsu, Mega Man and many others. Nothing more need be said about this 2005 PS2 release.
Soulcalibur IV in particular. The already fabulous game is made even more of a fan favourite by the addition of the legendary Jedi , from the Star Wars franchise. You have Yoda, Darth Vader, and the Apprentice from Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, and even otherwise, Soulcalibur keeps bringing in interesting characters like Ezio Auditore (Assassin’s Creed 2), Link (Legend of Zelda), Kratos (God of War), Spawn (Image Comics), and Heihachi Mishima (Tekken) to name a few.
This one was developed by Capcom, and released featuring character’s from Namco’s Tekken series as well. The trailer alone is a selling point of a game that people have wanted to see happen for a long time already. Fans of the Street Fighter series will love the style of play as the game was developed by Capcom, and favours the Street Fighter mechanics, with Namco just a part of the licensing procedure for the appearance of its roster.
Tekken X Street Fighter: Ah, yes, but that’s because Namco is developing its own take on the crossover, and like Capcom, it’s favouring the 3D style and fighting mechanics best loved by fans of the Tekken franchise. This game is still under development and kept tightly under wraps, with an official statement last year only telling fans that the game was still under development. Five years down the line though, it could be any time soon, so watch out for this one! Not one to be missed…
This is a MOBA, developed by Blizzard Entertainment that features characters as a combination from series created by Blizzard - Warcraft, Diablo, and StarCraft . It is up for release next month, and pitting these characters against each other in a battle arena is any fan’s dream come true. We know someone here who wants to make killing Arthas his mission in life (people have issues?). Very interesting, and extremely powerful roster they have here. Check it out.
It’s got the Marvel comicverse going head to head with the characters of Capcom, and there’s a whole series of these titles. Why are we still reading this? We recommend starting with Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds, it had a respectable number of characters featuring, and the plotline wasn’t altogether ‘meh!’. Dante going up against X-23 is worth the fight!
Forget the story, forget what the premise is, and just look at the series titles that are featured here – Metal Gear, BioShock, Infamous, Devil May Cry, Tekken, Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Gravity Rush, God of War, Twisted Metal, Sly Cooper and the list goes on! Also, yes, it most likely has all the characters you have in mind that are featured in the series (Big Daddy? Drake? Dante? Kratos? Raiden? Yes, we know!).
Honourable mentions here are Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2, and Asura’s Wrath, for featuring Tekken 6 's Lars Alexandersson and Street Fighter’s Ryu/Evil Ryu and Akuma respectively.