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Red Bull Neymar Jr's Five 2022 India
Red Bull Neymar Jr's Five India19 locations, India
29 April 20220:00 UTC
Ambedkar Stadium, DelhiIndia
Red Bull Neymar Jr’s Five returned for its sixth year in India! The 2022 edition of the championship featured qualifiers in 19 cities across India. The qualifiers took place through the months of March and April. The national finals took place on 29th April at the Dr Ambedkar Stadium in New Delhi.Joga Bonito of Bengaluru won the national final to become the Red Bull Neymar Jr’s Five India Champions 2022. They will get a chance to compete in the world finals in Qatar (alongside the 2021 champions Kalina Rangers). They will also get an opportunity to meet superstar footballer Neymar Jr.
The tournament is based on the belief that footballers never earn their skills in big stadiums at big clubs. Their journey almost always begins on the streets, with their friends, like it did for Neymar Jr. In the streets, their main obstacles are not the opposing defenders but the hard gravel, sweltering heat and the blinding dust. Neymar Jr’s journey started with a street and a dream, and continues with a stadium and a fairy-tale.
The signature football tournament saw more than 1,00,000 people taking part across 40 countries and six continents in the Red Bull Neymar Jr’s Five 2019, with the hope of making it all the way from the qualifiers to the World Final in July at the Instituto Projeto Neymar Jr in Praia Grande, Brazil.