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Fitness trainer Karan Bagri performs a Shaolin stretch in his home gym.
© Defocus Diary
Fitness Training
Five Shaolin stretches to get you started on your fitness journey
Karan Bagri walks us through a step-by-step process to learn five basic Shaolin stretches for achieving ninja-level flexibility and fitness.
Written by Omkar Dhareshwar
5 min readPublished on
Karan Bagri is a Kolkata-based fitness trainer and martial arts expert.
His journey in martial arts started when he was just eight years old. He started off by practicing Taekwondo and competed in his first nationals when he was in the third grade. He progressed quickly to get his black belt when he was in the sixth grade. By the time he was 19 years old, he was a fourth-degree black belt and the youngest international Taekwondo instructor in India.
After 16 years of dedicated practice to Taekwondo, Karan’s interest in overall fitness led him to practice animal flows, bodyweight training, calisthenics and even gymnastics.
He’d always been fascinated with kung fu and the legends of the Shaolin temples which he had watched in movies. But a chance encounter with an old student helped him realize that he could actually apply to train at the Shaolin temples in China.
The next thing he knew, he was on a plane to China where he trained for six months in 2018, learning the arts of kung fu, weapons training, tai chi, sanda (Chinese boxing), drunken fist, and more.
Once back in India, he used his recently-learned martial arts expertise to teach flexibility and movement. As a fitness trainer, he has used his knowledge in martial arts to cultivate special fitness programmes that help people who are looking to achieve a certain fitness goal.
If you are beginning your own personal journey to fitness and flexibility, Karan suggests starting with five basic Shaolin stretches. All you need is a waist-high parallette bar.
Before you begin: Remember to only stretch as much as you can manage comfortably to avoid the risk of injury. You can adjust the height of the parallette bar to increase or lower the difficulty level of the workout. Hold the stretch position as long as possible to get the best workout. You could practice the stretches with a bench if you don’t have a parallette bar.

1. Shaolin single leg leans

Fitness trainer Karan Bagri performs a Shaolin stretch in his home gym.
Karan Bagri performs Shaolin single leg leans© Defocus Diary
  • Step 1: Stand facing the parallette bar. Now lift your right foot and place it on the bar with toes pointed upwards. Your left foot should be planted into the ground and knee shouldn’t bend.
  • Step 2: Lean forward slowly, bending at the hips. Your left leg and the upper half of your body should form a 90-degree angle.
  • Step 3: Leave your upper body loose and let your arms hang down; just as a wet cloth hangs on a string to dry, allow your arms to hang without any resistance. Repeat the stretch on your other leg.
Benefits: This stretch works on your calves, inner thighs and hamstrings. This stretch also helps assess the flexible of your back muscles; if you can’t perform this stretch, your back muscles need to be stretched more.
Take it up a notch: Hold a dumbbell in your hands while performing the stretch.

2. Shaolin single leg side bends

Fitness trainer Karan Bagri performs a Shaolin stretch in his home gym.
Karan Bagri performs Shaolin single leg side bends© Defocus Diary
  • Step 1: Stand with the parallette bar on your right. Lift your right foot and place it on the bar with toes pointed upwards. Your left foot should be planted into the ground and knee shouldn’t bend.
  • Step 2: Bend at the hip, leaning sideways to your right, towards the parallette bar. As you bend, reach your left hand over your head and hold the toes on your right foot. Repeat the stretch on your other leg.
Benefits: This stretch works on your calves, inner thighs and hamstrings. It will also open up your sides, which are generally ignored during stretches.
Take it up a notch: Hold a dumbbell in your hanging hand while performing the stretch.

3. Shaolin single leg forward bend

Fitness trainer Karan Bagri performs a Shaolin stretch in his home gym.
Karan Bagri performs Shaolin single leg forward bend© Defocus Diary
  • Step 1: Stand with the parallette bar on your right. Lift your right foot and place it on the bar with toes pointed forwards. Keep your left foot planted into the ground.
  • Step 2: Bend at the hips and lean forward trying to touch your forehead to your standing left leg. Bend as much as possible comfortably. This is an advanced stretch so build up to the flexibility level needed to practice this stretch. Repeat the stretch on your other leg.
Benefits: This stretch will work on your adductors and hip flexors.
Take it up a notch: Increase the height of the parallette bar to increase difficulty level.

4. Shaolin wall butterflies

  • Step 1: Sit with your back flat against a wall and bring your ankles close to your groin with knees pointing out. The wall prevents your back from rounding.
  • Step 2: Place your hands on your knees and slowly push them down towards the ground to stretch your thighs and groin.
Benefits: Great for opening up your groin and knees. This stretch also improves blood circulation in the lower half of the body and is known to help relieve menstrual pain.
Take it up a notch: Sit on yoga blocks to get a deeper stretch.

5. Shaolin baby bridge

Fitness trainer Karan Bagri performs a Shaolin stretch in his home gym.
Karan Bagri performs Shaolin baby bridge© Defocus Diary
  • Step 1: Lie down on your back, bend your knee and place your heels near your glutes. Hold your ankles with your hands, wrapping your fingers tightly around your ankles.
  • Step 2: Slowly lift your lower back up off the ground. Your knees should be at a 90-degree angle. Only your feet, upper back and head should be in contact with the floor.
Benefits: Helps you open up your chest and strengthen your core. It also strengthens your hips. This stretch also helps for mobility.
Take it up a notch: Move to a full bridge or the yoga ‘chakrasana’ once you’ve perfected the baby bridge. You could also place yoga blocks under your feet to increase difficulty while doing a baby bridge.
Fitness Training