Red Bull 64 Bars
© Ali Bharmal

What is Red Bull 64 Bars?

A quick and simple explanation to the concept of a unique global project that is challenging eight rappers in India in season 2.
Written by Anurag Tagat
2 min readPublished on
Red Bull 64 Bars is a global project which challenges new, notable, and seasoned hip-hop artists to step up and speak their mind.
The series features eight rappers and three producers in season 2 in India, with Karan Kanchan, Sez on the Beat, and Parimal Shais crafting the beats that challenge MCs from across the country to produce a unique flow.
The format is straightforward, although it does involve a bit of understanding of music.
Rappers are challenged to rap for 64 bars straight over a beat given to them by the respective producer. A bar is a measure of four counts over a beat. In rap music, several bars make up a verse, and alongside other elements like hooks, ad-libs, rhythm, etc, they form the structure of a song.
With Red Bull 64 Bars, the rapper is challenged to just drop 64 bars of lyrics one after the other, with no pauses, hooks, ad-libs, or other elements. It is all about speaking your mind for 64 bars straight, which amounts to little over two minutes of dedicated lyrics.
Here are the songs, rappers, and producers who are part of Red Bull 64 Bars season 2.

‘Torrie Wilson’ by Paal Dabba x Sez On The Beat

‘Top Tier Talk’ by Fejo x Parimal Shais

'Vazan' by Sambata x Karan Kanchan

‘Kill Switch’ by Reble x Parimal Shais

'Soot Samet' by Raga x Karan Kanchan

'Minnal Pinar' by MC Couper x Parimal Shais

'History Books' by tricksingh x Sez on the Beat

'Kakori Kaand' by MC SQUARE x Sez On The Beat