Jason Polakow gets ready for his 360 adventure
© Veja360

JP Chronicles: Jason goes full circle in Hawaii

See dynamic windsurfer Jason Polakow score some stunning panoramic shots with a pole-mounted camera.
Written by Tim Sturtridge
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1 min

Jason Polakow handles 360 GoPro technology

Dynamic windsurfer Jason Polakow gets to grips with 360 GoPro camera technology.

As action sports continue to evolve bigger and better tricks, so the technology used to film these stunts must improve to keep pace with the athletes. In this latest episode of JP Chronicles we see what happens when Jason Polakow got his hands on the latest method the boffins have come up with of capturing panoramic shots of high-paced daring deeds.
The new GoPro cameras are light and extremely reliable, and the quality is amazing
– Jason Polakow
During Jason’s summer trip to Hawaii he met up with Charles Boggiss of panoramic professionals Veja360. What followed was access-all-areas filming of a motocross, skateboarding, stand-up paddle and windsurfing adventure the likes of which had never been witnessed before.
Jason Polakow gets ready for his 360 adventure

Jason Polakow gets ready for his 360 adventure

© Veja360

Rather than simply strapping the camera to Jason’s helmet, the pair dreamed up a scheme to keep Jason in shot at all times. Before filming the windsurfing section (featured in the player up top) a 4ft (1.2m) curved pole was secured to Jason’s harness that sat the camera about 20in (50cm) away from his head. The results not only give the viewer the opportunity to see everything that Jason sees but also the chance to catch his reactions as he rips through the waves with fellow Red Bull team rider Robby Naish.
I really think the 360° images that we can get in the future will really help the fans experience a whole new dimension of photography and cinematography
– Jason Polakow
“The person who is looking at the 360° images can really feel like they are a part of the action clip and get a better understanding of what we do and how we do it,” Jason explains. “Even for myself I see benefits. I can view my board carving through the water or view upwards to look at how the sail is performing.”
Go for an immersive action ride with Jason. Watch the fully functional 360° clip here.