From exciting new landmarks and thrilling multi-discipline races, there’s a lot to see in The Crew Motorfest.
The Season 6 update for The Crew Motorfest is full of new content to check out. New vehicles, new playlists, map changes and a lot more mean there’s plenty to have fun with. However, there are certain new features and events you should check out before anything else. We’ve highlighted the top five additions for Season 6 that you should check out as soon as you jump back into the game.
Red Bull Speed Clash - The High Clash
If you do nothing else in The Crew Motorfest Season 6, make sure you reach the final two races of the Red Bull Speed Clash playlist. The second-to-last race is called The High Clash and it lets you choose between driving the iconic RB20 F1 car or piloting the Red Bull plane. It’s an impressive showcase of the new Multi-VCat mode, seeing both vehicles race simultaneously around slightly different courses. Jump in Max Verstappen’s championship-winning car and watch as the plane flies overhead while you’re at 300kph.
Red Bull Speed Clash - Speed War
Following The High Clash, the Red Bull Speed Clash finale is the highlight of the whole playlist. This time, you can choose between the Ford Puma Hybrid, the RB20 and the KTM motorbike. All three vehicles hit the track at the same time to crown the champion. The best part of the whole playlist is the replaybility the races offer. You can play Speed War three times, choosing a different discipline to represent each time.
The giant Red Bull cannon
If you visit the Red Bull Playground in Maui, you’ll spot a giant Red Bull can dominating the skyline. It’s not just there for decoration, though. If you head to the bottom of it, you can drive through it and be launched across the map. Not only is it an impressive landmark, but the launch gives you a stunning look at the whole of the Motorfest map.
Long Jump Feats
Some of the best aspects of open-world racing games like The Crew Motorfest are the little tasks and challenges you can do as you drive around. Billboards to smash in Burnout Paradise, speed traps in Forza Horizon and slaloms to complete in Motorfest are irresistible when you stumble across them. Season 6 of Motorfest adds a new challenge. Long Jump Feats now litter the map, and you get points for jumping as far as you can. They’re also great as shortcuts to get where you’re heading next.
Motorfest: The Podcast
The final highlight of The Crew Motorfest Season 6 is the new radio show, Motorfest: The Podcast. You can listen to chats with Red Bull drivers from various disciplines, as well as other people from the world of cars. While it’s tough to focus on at times - particularly during intense races - you’ll hear some fascinating conversations while exploring Hawaii. You can even listen to the podcast away from the game, with it being available on the podcast apps like any other.
All of this content is live from the start of The Crew Motorfest Season 6, which began on March 5, 2025.