There are very few games in which the end credits indicate the start of something, but The Division 2 is one of them. After you liberate Washington, D.C. you’ll find that not only does the game go on, but there’s a wealth of other activities to invest yourself in and even better gear to pursue.
So, how do you find this new gear? What’s this about another faction? And why was my level replaced with gear score? There are a lot of questions to be answered and we are gonna answer them as best we can here in this guide.
1. Ascend the World Tiers
After finishing the campaign and completing the initial strongholds you’ll be notified that the Black Tusk have invaded the map. Black Tusk will have taken over the strongholds you’ve just liberated and they’ve started to look into those missions you finished earlier. This new map will be classed as World Tier 1. To level it up you'll need to complete the invaded missions and build towards overthrowing those newly captured strongholds. Completion of each stronghold will level up the world and in turn you will gain access to higher gear scored items, which in turns demands the player also have higher gear scored equipment.
2. Upgrade your workbench even further
With each successful World Tier you advance, you'll gain access to further upgrades to the workbench. That means better gear and more options to create better builds. As mentioned in our crafting guide, this will cost you a sizeable number of resources and will continue to increase with each successful level. It's entirely worth it though, as it'll help you drag up some of your lower gear score items to take on further challenges.
3. Find and craft the exotic weapons (Chatterbox and Liberty)
It’s one thing to craft your basic gear from a workbench, but it’s another to create the elusive exotic weapons on offer. The first of which is the Chatterbox. To gain access to the Chatterbox you’ll first have to find Hyena Keys in the sewers, then you’ll have to go seek out the Hyena caches in the world and use these keys to obtain the specific parts of the weapon. Once you have all three parts, you need to play through the Bank Headquarters and open the final cache to get the blueprint, from there you need to return to your workbench and craft the weapon.
The other exotic weapon you can craft, Liberty, can be obtained through completing missions on hard (American History Museum, Viewpoint Museum, and Space Administration HQ) and the first piece will be given to you upon completing the initial Capitol Building stronghold. When you have those pieces, you’ll also want to find a high-end D50 pistol out in the wild before you finally craft the Liberty.
4. Increase your gear score
The ultimate goal of the end game is to push that gear score up, because level 30 was never enough. While it’s not entirely obvious at first, your gear can go as high as 500 by the time World Tier 5 drops in a few days. With a near non-existent gear score after you complete the campaign, you’ll need to make sure you have the right gear in your possession to take on the aforementioned strongholds. Each stronghold within the world has a minimum gear score required to take part, so you’ll need to make sure each piece of gear in your possession is either higher than this cap or your average overall gear score is higher than the cap.
There are some quick tips to get a boost, the first of which is to join other player’s missions that are a higher gear score than you and benefit from their World Tier or convince them to drop some of their gear for you, but that’s a little sneaky. The honest way would be to pick up bounties and craft gear to push that score up.
5. Hunt the Hunters
It’s a little known secret, but there’s an elusive group of ex-Division agents that roam the streets from dusk ‘til dawn. These agents are known as Hunters. Each Hunter wears their own unique mask, but getting your hands on them is going to prove very tricky. If you manage to kill any of the 12 Hunters you earn their mask to wear as your own. There are a few tricks to finding these Hunters, from there all the requirements vary wildly. Some will require you to salute graves of the fallen, others need you to to take the Washington Monument control point, destroying lightbulbs on the street, and even creating a specific build that can kill the Hunter in one shot to ensure that they don’t escape. No matter the mask, you’ll be required to follow a set of rigid steps to finding and killing the Hunter of your choosing.
6. Create the perfect build through specialisations
After you finish up the campaign you unlock specialisations. These will influence everything about your builds, from the weapons you use right down to the the perks on your equipment. To gain access to all the perks in the specialisations you’ll need to grind out experience points by completing the strongholds, finishing bounties, and completing any other activity that offers specialisation points. As you can actively switch between the different specialisations, you’ll be able to make different builds that compliment them. So don’t just stop at completing one, make sure you master them all and source the weapons and perks to match.
7. Replay the story missions on hard (and later Heroic)
Some of the toughest challenges post-completion are certainly the hard mode missions; trying these out will be the ultimate test for anyone looking for further challenges. Each mission will offer increased rewards and crafting materials. There’s even a further, more challenging mode that released on April 5 called Heroic difficulty that seeks to test player builds and their strategy by removing the checkpoints in missions.
8. Grind out blueprints
On top of completing missions, you’ll also want to squeeze the rewards out of every activity possible. As there are 180 blueprints in total, it’ll take you quite some time to amass all of them. However, when you eventually find those special pieces of gear’s blueprint you’d been scouring The Division 2, you’ll be able to craft as many as you like.
The thing with The Division 2’s end game is that it’s non-linear, you can pick any of the activities above and do them in any order you’d like. That’s the beauty of it all, you control how you play after you complete the story but it would help to have some better gear. The end game is also a moving object that will continue to develop and expand as Ubisoft add more activities, like World Tier 5 and have a road map for the rest of the year.