Give wings to your career

Red Bull Wingfinder is a personality assessment that focuses on your strengths, the things that you’re naturally inclined to be good at, and gives you the tools and coaching to be even better.

Every month, tens of thousands of people from companies around the world take Wingfinder for both recruitment and development purposes.

Wingfinder offers a modern alternative to the traditional personality assessment. Originally developed for Red Bull’s selection process, Wingfinder is now available for companies to use at no cost, supporting Red Bull's mission of Giving Wings to People and Ideas by helping companies and individuals gain valuable insight and develop their strengths and weaknesses.

The model behind Wingfinder is based on over 30 years of psychological research, and focuses on the factors that most influence career success and employability. Upon completing Wingfinder, participants receive insightful, balanced developmental feedback on their individual strengths, along with insights from top athletes who share those same strengths.

Wingfinder in the media

"For individuals to make better choices themselves, they’ll need some data, and in recent years there have been some efforts to democratize personality assessments and offer free, career-related feedback (like these two by our respective companies wingfinder.com & hoganassessments.com ). The war for talent, in other words, is at least partly personal: If organizations want to turn around current trends and start unleashing human potential, one good place to start is simply helping individuals understand their own talents–and limitations–a lot better."

"Assessments are being gamified so answering questions can be made interesting and fun for the test-taker. Some of these, such as Red Bull’s Wingfinder – an assessment that focuses on your strengths, the things that you’re naturally inclined to be good at, and claims to give you the tools and coaching to be even better (...) even serve to attract potential employees."

"The survey, conducted by Red Bull’s skill assessment tool, Wingfinder, on about 1,300 recent and soon-to-be college graduates, found that most respondents don’t believe social media will negatively affect their employment opportunities. Some, in fact, believe it could help them."

"In what is probably the most comprehensive public version of a scientifically robust gamified assessment, Red Bull Wingfinder enables participants to identify their best career-related aptitudes by completing picture based personality test and quick logical- reasoning quizzes. The test evaluates the RAW components of talent and provides participants with a free report on their job potential and vocational strengths."

"Follower characteristics also play a critical role in employability. Research shows those who are smart, are creative, are easy to get along with, can solve problems, and get things done are much more likely to get hired and keep a job than those who are dumb, unimaginative, lazy, and difficult to be around… Red Bull, has worked with a group of prominent psychologists to develop Wingfinder, an online assessment designed specifically to assess a person’s employability. The assessment is free and can be accessed at wingfinder.com. Your Wingfinder results will tell you whether or not you are employable."

"One key tool for being self-aware is to understand your personality. Your personality is basically the story you have about yourself. This story is consistent over time and it shapes how we see the world, how we interact with people and, in turn, how they respond to us. Free psychological assessments such as Red Bull Wingfinder can help you do just that. Through psychometric testing, Wingfinder reveals what your personality is and gives you insight into your reputation, or how others probably see you. Such psychometric assessments take your internal story and use that to predict how you will behave and in turn how others see you."

"Although scientifically-robust, Wingfinder offers a playful and light-hearted approach to explore four influential factors for determining employability and career success: connections, drive, thinking style, and creativity… It could be particularly engaging for students or those in the early stages of their careers as the assessment focus on what makes you successful at work."

"Red Bull shifted candidate assessments to the front of the hiring process to prioritize candidates with the most potential to succeed. Their assessment, Wingfinder, focuses on success indicators that show potential in any role, in any company."

"One of the key principles of Hiring Success is to deliver a compelling candidate experience ... Red Bull is taking this principle one step further. They don’t just strive for ease of use, they deliver real value and insight for both their candidates and their hiring team. How so? through their very own psychometric assessment, Red Bull Wingfinder."

"With a branded assessment experience Red Bull Wingfinder allows smart candidates to make better career choices even before they apply for a job."

"Wingfinder is positioned as a 35 minute experience that includes engaging and fast paced exercises, breaking the mold of what is typical of traditional personality assessments."

"Red Bull have recently launched their brilliant Wingfinder tool to help them recruit and they have gone for similar qualities; drive, creativity, the ability to make connections and “thinking” – smart, analytical problem solving. These attributes work well in a fast-paced world and can be demonstrated in a range of contexts and personal styles."

"A new breed of psychometric tests for recruitment focuses on enhancing the candidate experience. These tools apply gamelike features, such as real-time feedback, interactive and immersive scenarios, and shorter Blocks, which make the test taking more enjoyable… For instance, Red Bull’s Wingfinder is available to the general public and used to attract candidates through the drink company’s social media channels. Candidates are provided an extensive report on their strengths and weaknesses, regardless of whether they are formally considered for a position"

"Wingfinder is taking a more candidate-centric approach to the problem, asking how we can help job seekers become more self-aware so they can make better employer decisions? Starting from the perspective of the job seeker is a winning strategy."

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The Wingfinder Model

Wingfinder provides actionable insight that brings value to recruitment and development.

Red Bull Wingfinder evolves the strengths-based approach of positive psychology by providing individuals with a balanced view that focuses not only on top strengths, but also on overused strengths and potential blind spots, according to four key areas of professional success.


Connections measures how you manage relationships and how you manage yourself.


Creativity measures how you adapt, create alternatives and seek out novel information or experiences.


Drive measures your motivation, ambition and self-discipline towards pursing goals and handling setbacks.


Thinking looks at your ability to reason abstractly and solve complex problems.

Wingfinder reports

Developed using user centric design, Wingfinder provides two separate, individualised reports:

Feedback Report

The Feedback Report talks to the individual and offers personalised coaching advice to help the recipient leverage their strengths and manage their weaknesses. The report describes real-world, practical steps users can take to drive career success and includes embedded video content with coaching advice from world-class athletes who share the same strengths as the Wingfinder user.

Talent Passport

The Talent Passport talks about the individual in a one-page report summarising the users' strengths. The Passport is designed to be included alongside a CV. Typically, CVs give potential employers an overview of what the applicant has done, while Wingfinder gives insight into how they have gone about it and how they are most likely to achieve future success.

Wingfinder for recruiting

Wingfinder measures personality, a prediction of future behavior that is consistent over time. Personality assessments are used in selection as they are efficient, more accurate and less discriminatory than classic evaluation methods such as: CV screening, interviews and abilities assessments.

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Optimise selection

With Wingfinder included at the beginning of the selection process, you can instantly see which applicants are more likely to be successful. Ideal for smaller companies, recruiters can use a web-based portal to view each applicant's overall Wingfinder score and report. For larger organisations, Wingfinder is already integrated with 16 major applicant tracking systems; custom integrations are also possible. This offers a simple, fast and compliant solution in line with standards required by organisations both local and global.

Reduce turnover

When Wingfinder is used during the recruitment process, potential risks can be identified in advance of the hiring decision. This insight can be used to create stronger, individualized onboarding and tailor-made development plans from day one leading to an enhanced overall employee experience.

Increase diversity

As Wingfinder is free of charge, its placement at the beginning of the selection funnel is easily justified. This allows all applicants to complete Wingfinder, highlighting individuals that are more likely to be successful as they proceed through your selection funnel. Wingfinder assesses basic requirements, necessary for all companies, in all knowledge-based roles uninfluenced by information shown in a CV which may create unintentional bias.

Elevate candidate experience

Wingfinder provides the opportunity for all candidates to receive valuable feedback and personalised insights through the 19-page Feedback Report. This in turn helps candidates through the rest of the selection process and onboarding with your company or further target their job search. Wingfinder seeks to add value and deliver a positive experience to all applicants, not only those who proceed in the selection process. A highly engaging experience, 93% of all users that start the Wingfinder assessment complete it.

Wingfinder for Development

Wingfinder is used by many organisations globally ranging from the world's largest recruiting companies such as Randstad, to tech startups to your local courrier service. Wingfinder is an important component for many organisations' employee development programs offering personalised and actionable self-insight, adding value throughout action planning and development processes. Universities are also using Wingfinder to assist students in their career guidance.

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Employee self-service

The Wingfinder assessment itself, along with the design of the Feedback Reports, allow for employees to take Wingfinder and then directly action the feedback in their reports independently. Thanks to the user-centric design, interpretation of the feedback and incorporating it into individual development plans can be done independently. Video coaching guidance is provided from world class athletes on the individual's top strengths as well actionable insight provided as 'start', 'stop' and 'keep' doing suggestions .

Complementary e-learning

The ‘Develop yourself with Wingfinder’ e-learning is designed to help you identify the right career for you and also develop yourself in your existing role.

Career coaching

Wingfinder is used by Universities around the world, both within lectures and classes and by career counselors. Wingfinder also makes an appearance in the 9th Edition of Leadership; the worlds' number one selling text book on leadership.


High performance at work with Wingfinder.

Provide your alumni or staff with an exclusive workshop that focuses on helping them to achieve high-performance at work through self-insight. The workshop is suitable for both managers and individual contributors.

Benefits of participating in our one-day workshop

  • Gain insight into how to lead yourself and realize your impact on others
  • Recognize the value of self-insight and the significance of personality
  • Pinpoint what is enabling and hindering self-performance
  • Understand the value of growth mindset in adapting to be more successful
  • Identify ways to create an environment that increases the opportunity to be successful
  • Create an action plan to become more effective and help others do the same
  • Make progress on a current challenge you face
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Give wings to your career.

Red Bull Wingfinder is an accurate, free personality assessment that focuses on your strengths.

Start Wingfinder

Red Bull Wingfinder

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