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Gregor Schlierenzauer (right) and Simon Wallner perform during the Wings for Life World Run App Run 2021
© Andreas Schaad for Wings for Life World Run
Fitness Training
7 running motivation tips that really work
Running with buddies can elevate your run, and the annual Wings for Life World Run is the perfect event for bringing runners together. Use our tips to help hit those goals and bring the fun!
Written by Johannes Stühlinger
6 min readUpdated on
Many runners enjoy the aspect of community while running. Sharing success, joy and even pain unites people through every stride. Together, we're simply able to to help endure physical and mental strain better.
Sharing your runs with a trusted partner, or even a whole group, is a surefire way to amplify your running success and keep spirits high. And when it comes to the world's largest running event – the Wings for Life World Run – there's no better race for rounding up your buddies and embarking on a challenge where running for a cause plus having fun are your two biggest priorities.
No matter if you join a Flagship run or via the Wings for Life World Run app, you can choose exactly who you want to cross the start line with come race day. So round up and sign up now ahead of the 2025 run on May 4.
And before the big day arrives, get to grips with our seven tips below on how to best support and motivate your running buddy – and vice versa! – so that you can get the best out of each other, together.
Marco Odermatt (C-L) and Simon Ehammer (C-R) of Switzerland perform during the Wings for Life World Run Flagship Run in Zug, Switzerland on May 05, 2024.
Running with friends is a key motivation tool© Dean Treml for Wings for Life World Run

Distract each other

We all how it feels during a hard run when you inevitably start to think about the upcoming incline, the sheer endless straight ahead, or the gusts of wind blowing against you. At times like these, the minutes start to feel like hours and the metres like kilometres, making the run feel like an act of persecution. But distraction is everything. Take your running partner’s mind off things by chatting and ask them questions about – almost – anything. But most importantly, avoid advising someone while running NOT to think about the impending tribulations of the run!

Freshen up your running fashion

Let’s face it, running in new clothes is much better than the old kit you’ve been wearing for years. And we’re not just talking about your running shoes. A cool tee, a stylish pair of running pants, or even new functional underwear often works wonders and can boost strength during training. So it goes without saying that your running buddies would definitely appreciate a little motivation in the form of a new piece of running kit – gift idea sorted!
What's more, when you sign up for the Wings for Life World Run, you'll be able to get your hands on the 2024 t-shirt from adidas to add to your running collection and wear on race day.
Two men running wearing Wings for Life World Run t-shirts
Sign up for the Wings for Life World Run for your 2025 t-shirt© Wingmen Media / Red Bull Content Pool

Together > solo

One of the most important things in run training is goal setting. And it’s even better if you can do it as a pair. Draw up your training plan together with a running buddy and focus on what's achievable for you both. Set small goals on the way to a larger goal. Mastering these individual stages as a team will not only give you strength for the next steps together, but motivate you both as you take time to mark those milestones along the way. And when it comes to Wings for Life World Run race day, you'll revel in outrunning the Catcher Car at every kilometre you reach!
Participants perform during the Wings for Life World Run Flagship Run in Zadar, Croatia on May 7, 2023.
That feeling when you're running toward a cure for spinal cord injury© Tomislav Moze/Wings for Life World Run

Join a team

Join a running crew or build your own – it's truly up to you what your Wings for Life World Run dream team looks like.
You can even team up with sporting greats! Imagine running on race day with rugby superstar Siya Kolisi as your team captain, or record-setting hurdler Karsten Warholm, or even a whole football team behind you with RB Leipzig. Yep, they're just some of sport's big-hitters that have set up their own teams for the 2024 run. And anyone can enlist to experience the fun and motivation that comes along with having a famous captain that's got your back.
South African professional rugby star Siya Kolisi holding rugby ball out to camera.
Your Wings for Life World Run team captain could be rugby hero Siya Kolisi© Craig Kolesky / Red Bull Content Pool
Explore all the Wings for Life World Run teams plus get more tips and tricks on how to join or create the perfect team for an amazing race day experience.

Get creative and switch up your running routine

We can all be creatures of habit. Many of us have a regular route we have been plugging away at for what feels like an eternity. Here, you know every streetlight and every blade of grass. But when you run with other people, there should be no limits to voyages of discovery. Firstly, other people know different routes and other areas. Secondly, you will certainly feel more at ease if, for example, you explore previously unknown forest paths or secluded trails and lanes together. Creativity prevents tedium in any relationship, and it’s no different for a running friendship.
If you're running the Wings for Life World Run via the app, now's the time to switch up your go-to routes and uncover pastures new around your area as you train for the big day on May 4, 2025.
Runner in black and pink tutu jubilantly jumping during the Wings for Life World Run in Poznan, Poland amongst a crowd of other runners.
The Wings for Life World Run may even have you jumping for joy © Damian Kramski for Wings for Life World Run

Use word of encouragement

Affirmations aren't just for motivational posters and social media – they can give you an energy boost too. Just take in a few wise words from legendary German extreme athlete Stefan Schlett, who declared, “Pain fades, pride remains.” Motivational sayings can be enormously helpful, so try them out and tell your running buddy. Especially, if they're finding it tough. As runner Dean Karnazes professes, “Run, when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up.”

Treat each other – you’ve earned it!

Participants run during the Wings for Life World Run in Zadar, Croatia, on May 6, 2018.
It's all peace and love running with your buds at Wings for Life World Run© Tomislav Moze for Wings for Life World Run
If all the distractions, clever sayings, new running routes or other motivational boosts don't do the trick, there’s often only one thing left to do – focus on the reward at the end! Plan a shared treat for you and your running partner after your workout, whether that's a protein shake or a fancy dinner with wine. Simply enjoy and look forward to the next time – it'll provide a great motivational boost for the upcoming workout.

More about the Wings for Life World Run

Once a year, the Wings for Life World Run takes place around the globe. All participants start at the same time worldwide and run either individually with the Wings for Life World Run App or together in several Flagship Runs. The best part is that any form of the run is all about being there. It doesn't matter how well, fast or far you run, whether you're a professional athlete, hobby runner or an absolute beginner. It's all about having fun while running.
Lukrecija Tomusic performs during the Wings for Life World Run 2024 in Zadar, Croatia on May 5, 2024.
Run, walk or roll at the Wings for Life World Run© Naim Chidiac/Wings for Life World Run
For this reason, there's no traditional finish line. Instead, 30 minutes after the start, either a virtual or – in the case of the Flagship Runs – a real Catcher Car picks up the chase and overtakes one runner after another. Results aren’t measured in time, but in distance achieved. Best of all: 100 percent of entry fees and donations go directly to spinal cord research. In the editions of the Wings for Life World Run that have been completed to date, over one million registered participants from 195 nationalities ran, walked and rolled on all seven continents and together raised a total of over €43 million to find a cure for spinal cord injury.
Join thousands of people around the world at the exact same time. We run for those who can't. Sign up now
Part of this story

Wings for Life World Run

Wings for Life World Run – the world's largest running event – is back for 2025, where hundreds of thousands run for those who can't.

Siya Kolisi

A dynamic and inspirational loose forward, South African national team captain Siya Kolisi has led his squad to two Rugby World Cup titles in succession.

South AfricaSouth Africa

Karsten Warholm

Hailing from the fjords of Norway, Karsten Warholm is one of his country's most successful track athletes and the fastest 400m hurdler in history.

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