"Welcome to Red Bull Racing": the call that changed Liam Lawson’s life
One call, two life-changing words and a father’s tears – here’s how Liam Lawson earned his dream seat alongside Max Verstappen at Oracle Red Bull Racing.
From the karting circuits of New Zealand to the pinnacle of Formula One, Liam Lawson’s meteoric rise continues as the young driver secured a coveted seat with Oracle Red Bull Racing for the 2025 season. The 22-year-old will partner with four-time World Champion Max Verstappen, marking a new chapter in his career and solidifying his place among Formula One’s elite.
From karting to F1: Liam Lawson joins Oracle Red Bull Racing
Liam Lawson’s story began in New Zealand, where his passion for motorsport was nurtured by his family. His father, in particular, played a pivotal role, with Lawson recalling an emotional moment when he shared the news of his Oracle Red Bull Racing promotion. “He’s been with me since day one,” Lawson said in an interview, describing his father as a constant source of support and inspiration. “He always made me believe that I could achieve anything if I worked hard enough for it. Seeing him get emotional about this news was really special – it’s something I’ve never seen before.” That unwavering family support often came at a great cost. In a podcast earlier this year, Lawson revealed that his parents even sold their house to fund his racing career. “My parents and siblings have given up so much for me to be here. This is as much their achievement as it is mine.”
Lawson’s journey to Oracle Red Bull Racing began in 2019 when he joined the Red Bull Junior Programme. A string of impressive performances followed, including a second-place finish in the 2021 DTM series with Red Bull AF Corse. His Formula One debut came with Scuderia AlphaTauri at the 2023 Dutch Grand Prix, where he quickly proved his potential by scoring points at the Singapore GP in just his second race.
I can't stop smiling – my face hurts from smiling so much!
In 2024, Lawson took on the role of Reserve Driver for both Red Bull teams while competing for Visa Cash App Racing Bulls. Standout performances, including points finishes in the United States and Singapore Grands Prix, solidified his reputation as a talented and resilient racer.
When Red Bull Racing team principal Christian Horner delivered the news of his promotion, Lawson was overcome with excitement. “Christian called me and gave me the classic one-liner: ‘Welcome to Red Bull Racing.’ Since then he hasn't stopped smiling: "I couldn’t stop – my face hurt from smiling so much!”
Lawson joins Verstappen at Red Bull Racing for 2025
Joining forces with Max Verstappen, one of Formula One’s greatest drivers, is both a privilege and a challenge that Lawson embraces. “I’ve got the best guy as my team-mate to learn from,” Lawson said. “Max has been really supportive over the years, even when I was a reserve driver feeling the pressure. There’s no one better to learn from, and I’m looking forward to working alongside him and contributing to the team’s success.”
Although Lawson acknowledges the difficulty of immediately challenging for a championship, his long-term goals remain clear. “Every driver’s dream is to win a World Championship, and that’s been my goal since I was a kid. But for now, my focus is on helping the team secure the Constructors’ Championship and becoming competitive as quickly as possible.”
Oracle Red Bull Racing team principal Horner expressed confidence in Lawson’s abilities, highlighting his tenacity and adaptability on the track. “Liam’s performances with Visa Cash App Racing Bulls showed he’s not just capable of delivering results, but also unafraid to mix it with the best. His promotion reflects Red Bull’s commitment to nurturing talent within our Junior Programme.”
As Lawson gears up for 2025, he carries with him the dreams of his family, the hopes of his homeland, and the lessons learned on his journey. With Red Bull Racing, he has the tools, mentorship and determination to carve his legacy in Formula One. “I’ve worked for this since I was eight years old,” Lawson said. “This is a dream come true, but it’s just the beginning. I can’t wait to get started.”
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