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Sunglasses: check. Hat: Check. Good to go!
© Mihai Stetcu/Swatch Beach Volleyball Major Series/Red Bull Content Pool
Beach Volleyball
5 easy tips that’ll help you play beach volleyball
Straight from the mouth of pro players: here are a few tips that’ll get you progressing fast
Written by Duncan Regnarg
3 min readPublished on
Alexander Brouwer and Robert Meeuwsen of The Netherlands are no strangers to success: the 2013 beach volleyball world champions and 2016 bronze medallists from Rio have been at the top of their beach volley game for some time now.
We sent them back to basics and asked for five easy tips for beginners who want to learn how to play beach volleyball, and here's what they say:
Have fun, and keep the ball off the sand
Brouwer and Meeuwsen

 1. Get your body ready; it always helps

Working those jumping legs
Working those jumping legs© Jarno Schurgers/Red Bull Content Pool
Beach volleyball itself is a whole-body workout, but if you do want to hit the gym with the sandy court in mind, focus on legs, arms and core stability: the whole package.
Key tip: Get used to moving around in sand.
How: Hit the beach or your local beach volleyball court and train there. Focus on your footwork: ladder training, short distance sprints, shuffling, back pedalling... all of these will help your agility and speed.

2. Get the right equipment

Sunglasses: check. Hat: Check. Good to go!
Sunglasses: check. Hat: Check. Good to go!© Mihai Stetcu/Swatch Beach Volleyball Major Series/Red Bull Content Pool
Which is, basically, nothing. Hat, sunglasses and sweat-proof sunscreen will definitely help you enjoy a sunny day on the court (and not regret it the day after).
Key tip: Ditch the shoes
How: Go barefoot anytime you can. If you play on a hot day, take it easy and keep the duration short to avoid blisters.

3. Don’t think too much about the technical aspects

Alexander Brouwer (NED), Robert Meeuwsen (NED), Ricardo Alex Costa Santos (BRA) and Andre Loyola Stein (BRA)
You'll get there too, but first, have fun!© Martin Steinthaler/Swatch Beach Volleyball Major Series/Red Bull Content Pool
Thinking too much about techniques and tactics right from the start will just slow down your progression. Technique will come eventually: just play.
Key tip: Your only job is to keep the ball off the sand on your side of the court.
How: Keep your eyes on the ball and, mostly, have fun with it.
Bonus tip: Play with more than two players on each side: it makes it easier at the beginning.

 4. Bring a ball with you wherever you go

Clemens Doppler (AUT), Alexander Horst (AUT), Alexander Brouwer (NED) and Robert Meeuwsen (NED)
Bring the ball wherever you go© Martin Steinthaler/Swatch Beach Volleyball Major Series/Red Bull Content Pool
Make the ball your friend, take it with you wherever you go and play around with it. The more you play with it outside of the game, the easier it will be.
Key tip: Goof around with the ball when you have a bit of down time.
How: Try to break your own record of how many times you can hit the ball without dropping it, or bounce it against a wall.
Bonus tip: Practise outdoors or in an open space until you have full control!

 5. Be creative with your court: there’s no such thing as bad equipment

Clemens Doppler (AUT), Alexander Horst (AUT), Alexander Brouwer (NED) and Robert Meeuwsen (NED)
Be creative with your court!© Martin Steinthaler/Swatch Beach Volleyball Major Series/Red Bull Content Pool
Anything can become a court, it doesn't have to be sand. If you're just on a regular beach, draw the lines on the ground.
Key tip: Don't use stones or sticks to make the lines – just imagine what'll happen if you dive for the ball, over the 'line'...
How: Start without a net. A simple line on the ground or even a clothes line will do.
Bonus tip: Search the sand for unwanted objects. You’d be surprised what you can find:
The craziest thing we have ever found in the sand, aside from big, buried sticks, was a hobby knife, planted there, even though we just checked the court. Or fish nets...
Brouwer and Meeuwsen

 Bonus tip: If you dive, keep your mouth closed

Alexander Brouwer and Robert Meeuwsen (NED) - Action
Even the pros don't always follow the tips© Tomislav Moze/Red Bull Content Pool
Beach Volleyball