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Elajjaz and Miss Mikaa celebrating beating a Shadow of the Erdtree boss at Red Bull Levels Elden Ring event in Berlin
© Marius Faulhaber/Red Bull Content Pool
These are the 10 best weapons in Elden Ring and Shadow of the Erdtree
Elden Ring and its DLC Shadow of the Erdtree are both full of powerful weapons to help you the defeat the games' near-invincible bosses. Here are five of the best from each.
Written by Philipp Briel
8 min readUpdated on
Whether you're diving into the world of Elden Ring for the first time or want to improve your build for the add-on, Shadow of the Erdtree, getting your hands on the most effective weaponry is vital. With the right sword, staff or double-headed axe to suit your playstyle, even the toughest boss fight becomes child's play. Well, almost. Here are our top 10: the five best weapons from Shadow of the Erdtree followed by the five best from the main game.
Explore more: Red Bull Levels presents: Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree provided an exclusive insight into the expansion and many other highlights from the world of Elden Ring. Get a taste of what went down in the video below, or check out the full thing here.

The 5 best DLC weapons in Shadow of the Erdtree

The Shadow of the Erdtree expansion has now been launched and has received similarly glowing reviews as the main game did. Of course, the DLC not only brings new weapon classes, but also some powerful new items with which you can take on the enemies in the Shadowlands. Here are our top five weapons from the add-on.


  • Type: Light greatsword
  • Weight: 6.5
  • Requirements: 12 Strength, 17 Dexterity
Milady belongs to the new weapon class of light greatswords and is not only particularly easy to obtain, but also very powerful.
The weapon skill, Impaling Thrust, really packs a punch and deals a lot of damage for just 9 FP. At the same time, the sword possesses an enormous range and very rapid speed.
How do you get Milady? Milady can be found in a chest at the top of the tower in the west of the Castle Ensis area. The quickest way to reach it is to head north from the Castle Front save point.
Artwork from Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree shows the character in a meadow with the Erdtree in the background.
Shadow of the Erdtree takes you to a new endgame area© Bandai Namco

Star-Lined Sword

  • Type: Katana
  • Weight: 5.0
  • Requirements: 10 Strength, 23 Agility, 21 Intelligence
  • Passive: Blood loss (45)
As with the main game, katanas are also very strong in Shadow of the Erdtree. The new Star-Lined Sword is a powerful weapon with high bleeding damage.
The weapon skill Onze's Line of Stars offers three movement variants that become stronger with each use. Two magic slash attacks, followed by two jump attacks, followed by an invisible jump attack - and all for just 10 FP? Bring it on!
How do you get the Star-Lined Sword? To get this sword, you have to defeat Demi-Human Queen Marigga. You can find this optional boss in the north-west of the Cerulean Coast region. To do so, travel east from the Cerulean Coast West save point and follow the path until you find the boss on the beach.
An image showing The Erdtree from the role-playing game Elden Ring.
The Erdtree in all its glory© FromSoftware, Inc.


  • Type: Twin blades
  • Weight: 8.5
  • Requirements: 16 Strength, 16 Dexterity, 24 Faith
The twin blades Euphoria are among the strongest weapons in Elden Ring. This is due to its powerful weapon skill, Euphoria Vortex, with which you swing the weapons in a circle in front of you and fire a powerful beam that deals Holy damage.
How do you get Euphoria? Getting these twin blades is a real feat. To do this, you have to follow a route in Enir-Ilim - and be well advanced in the main story of Shadow of the Erdtree. For spoiler reasons, we don't want to give too much away just yet.

Spear of the Impaler

  • Type: Spear
  • Weight: 9.5
  • Requirements: 14 Strength, 14 Dexterity, 18 Faith
A spear with a long range, massive fire damage and a weapon skill with three different attacks? Yep, that must be powerful. In fact, the Spear of the Impaler is amongst the most powerful weapons available if you've got the stats for it.
And as if that wasn't impressive enough, the spear can even be thrown and then automatically returns to your hand.
How do you get the Spear of the Impaler? To get the spear, you have to defeat Messmer the Impaler in Shadow Keep and swap his ashes with Enia in the Roundtable Hold. Yes, the same one you find in the main game - fortunately you can switch between the two worlds at any time.
The Red Bull Levels presents Elden Ring 2024 studio in Berlin set the mood for the world of the action RPG.
This was Red Bull Levels presents Elden Ring 2024 in Berlin© Marius Faulhaber/Red Bull Content Pool

Rellana's Twinblade

  • Type: Light Greatsword
  • Weight: 8.0
  • Requirements: 13 Strength, 16 Dexterity, 16 Intelligence, 16 Faith
One of the best weapons in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree is Rellana's Twinblade. What makes this item so special are the two blades and the weapon skill, Moon-and-Fire Stance, which charges your swords with fire and magic damage.
Once charged, the next heavy attack is filled with this power and deals devastating damage. A light attack, on the other hand, summons glintstone light arcs that deal damage at a distance. This means that the Twinblades cause three different types of damage.
How do you get Rellana's Twinblade? To get these swords, you have to defeat Rellana. You can find them outside Castle Lord's Chamber in Castle Ensis. You can obtain this weapon by exchanging ashes with Enia in the Roundtable Hold.

The 5 best weapons in Elden Ring (main game)


Rivers of Blood

Rivers of Blood in Elden Ring.
The Rivers of Blood katana packs a powerful punch© Bandai Namco
  • Type: Katana
  • Weight: 6.5
  • Requirements: 12 Strength, 18 Dexterity, 20 Arcane
  • Passive: Bleeding
The Rivers of Blood katana has been one of the strongest weapons in the game since the release of Elden Ring. This fact hasn't changed to this day. The katana is the best choice for bleeding builds in particular, as it deals massive damage over time.
Combined with the unique Corpse Piler skill, you can easily fight your way through the strongest enemies Elden Ring has to offer.
How do you get Rivers of Blood? To get the katana you have to go to the area Mountain Peak of the Giants and spawn and defeat the NPC invader named Okina, Bloody Finger, near the Church of Tranquility in the south-east.

Moghwyn's Sacred Spear

Moghwyn's Sacred Spear in Elden Ring.
Moghwyn's Sacred Spear scores with strong AoE damage© Bandai Namco
  • Type: Spear
  • Weight: 10.0
  • Requirements: 24 Strength, 14 Dexterity, 27 Arcane
  • Passive: Bleeding (33)
This spear is an absolute power, especially when fighting multiple opponents, with its enormous reach and impressive speed.
Combine this with its weapon ability, Bloodboon Ritual, which strikes three times quickly and causes explosions, and it quickly becomes clear why there is no way around the blessed spear when it comes to AoE damage.
How do you get Moghwyn's Sacred Spear? To grab this weapon, you must defeat one of the most difficult bosses in the game: Mohg, Lord of Blood and then hand in his memory to Enia in the Roundtable Hold.

Bolt of Gransax

Bolt of Gransax from Elden Ring.
Bolt of Gransax is hard to beat in ranged combat© Bandai Namco
  • Type: Spear
  • Weight: 8.5
  • Requirements: 20 Strength, 40 Dexterity
This spear is perfect for ranged combat builds, as its unique weapon skill summons a powerful bolt of lightning that causes heavy range damage.
As if that wasn't strong enough, the lightning can even be charged to increase the damage even further. The range is so huge that even ranged weapons and spells are outclassed.
How do you get Bolt of Gransax? You can get the spear in Leyndell. To do so, simply travel west from the Erdtree Sanctuary save point and take the elevator down. Go down the stairs and you will see a giant spear with the weapon on it. Simply jump over the railing and get it.

Bloodhound's Fang

The greatsword Bloodhound's Fang from Elden Ring.
Unleash the dogs of war with Bloodhound's Fang© Bandai Namco
  • Type: Crooked greatsword
  • Weight: 11.5
  • Requirements: 18 Strength, 17 Dexterity
  • Passive: Bleeding (55)
You get Bloodhound's Fang very early on in the game. Nevertheless, in 2024 it is still one of the five best weapons in Elden Ring.
This is because its basic values of 141 physical damage are already very strong and scale excellently right through to the endgame. The weapon skill, Blodhound's Finesse, not only deals a lot of damage, it also gives you an additional dodge animation.
How do you get Bloodhound's Fang? Go to Limgrave and from there to the save point Agheel Lake South. From there, head south and up the cliff, where you will find a seal prison. There you summon a boss called Bloodhound Knight Darriwil, who drops the weapon after his death.

Blasphemous Blade

Blasphemous Blade in Elden Ring.
Blasphemous Blade is still the strongest weapon in the game© Bandai Namco
  • Type: Greatsword
  • Weight: 13.5
  • Requirements: 22 Strength, 15 Agility, 21 Faith
  • Passive: Nothing
As of July 2024, Blasphemous Blade is the strongest weapon Elden Ring has to offer and has been since the game's release. However, the requirements are somewhat restrictive, because there are hardly any good reasons to play a faith build.
One exception to that is this blade. If you have it, it's worth re-skilling immediately, because this greatsword, with 121 physical damage and 78 fire damage, destroys even the toughest bosses in just a few seconds.
The real special feature, however, is the Taker's Flames weapon skill, which ignites the sword and buries everything in front of you under a wave of flames. As if that wasn't strong enough, the skill also heals you a little.
How do you get Blasphemous Blade? To get this weapon, you have to defeat Lord Rykard in Volcano Manor. You will then receive the Echo of the Blasphemous Blade, which you can exchange with Enia in the Roundtable Hold.