Todd Liubinskas works through lunges at HYROX Sydney.
© HYROX Australia
Fitness Training

My first HYROX at 40: how I found my passion for fitness

A health-and-conditioning expert takes on the ultimate fitness challenge: HYROX. This incredible race doesn't just test his limits – it changes his entire perspective on life.
Written by Todd Liubinskas
7 min readPublished on

Why would anyone take on the HYROX Challenge?

As I stepped onto the bustling floor of the Hyrox event, I could feel my heart pounding – not just from the excitement but also from the anticipation of what lay ahead.
At 40, and with a passion for sport and a background in professional sports in rugby union, rugby league, touch football, triathlon and adventure racing, I thought I had experienced the toughest physical challenges… but nothing quite prepared me for my first encounter with HYROX.
HYROX is a fitness race unlike any other, combining running with various functional fitness movements. It’s designed to push even the fittest athletes to their limits, and as an ex-athlete, I was eager to see how I would fare.
Admittedly I had only prepared two weeks for this specific event, but there was a lingering question: 'Could I still cut it at this level?'
Todd Liubinskas crosses the line at HYROX Sydney

Crossing the finish line

© Red Bull


What is HYROX?

The structure of Hyrox is straightforward yet formidable. The race consists of 8km of running, broken up with a functional workout station in between each 1km run that includes Ski Erg, Sled Pushing, Sled Pulling, Burpees, Row Erg, weighted Lunging, Wall Balls, and did I mention a lot of running?
Each station is designed to test different aspects of physical fitness, from strength and power to endurance, and just hard work.
I'll tell you something though, the nerves kicked in a little about 30 minutes before the start.
As you walk into the warm-up zone, each individual eyeing off each other like a bunch of gladiators about to go to war in the modern arena of pumping music, meticulously crafted fitness outfits (most shirtless, as a cotton allergy seemed to be in place on the day), local gym community members cheering on their weekend warriors, and cheers from the pocket of crowd at the finish line marking someone welcomed into the HYROX community finishing their race.
Shuffling our way into the start zone under the Red Bull inflatable arc, the shirt comes off, and I have that feeling I would get before any big game, similar to how you feel when you are about to jump off a cliff into the water. Butterflies and adrenaline!
As I started the first 1km run, I felt confident. The rhythm of running came naturally to me, a throwback to the days when I would be doing 400m efforts in preseason felt like a distant memory now. However, my confidence quickly waned as I hit the first workout station: 1,000m SkiErg.
Todd Liubinskas using the SkiErg at HYROX Sydney.

Powering through 1,000m of SkiErg

© HYROX Australia

The SkiErg simulates the motion of Nordic skiing, demanding both upper-body strength and cardiovascular endurance. Completed in just over 3m 35s. By the end of it, my arms were burning, but I pushed through, motivated by the crowd and the competitors around me.
The most underrated and unspoken-about part of this workout is the Roxzone, this is the area that leads into and out of each station in between the running circuit. Here you can grab a small breath between each exercise and run if you choose to. All up, you end up running an extra 200m-300m between every set station.
The subsequent stations included Sled Push, Sled Pull, Burpee Broad Jumps, Rowing, Farmer's Carry, Walk Lunge Weighted, Wall Balls, and each interspersed with a kilometrer of running.
The workouts were tough, but it was the running that proved to be the most gruelling part. The 8km of running felt endless and each kilometre seemed to stretch longer than the last. My legs, accustomed to short, explosive bursts of speed, struggled to keep up with the sustained pace required for HYROX.

A time to remember: 76 minutes and 23 seconds

I have a superstition from when I played football that stands to this day: writing my goals on my footwear. Affirmations, people that motivate me, or a time to beat.
While I had a goal of 68 minutes, I finally crossed the finish line with the clock reading 76 minutes and 23 seconds. It was a time that I was immensely proud of, considering the short time I had preparing for this race.
Getting to the last exercise of 100 Wall Balls, my heart rate was red-lined, gritting in my teeth, I was determined to get these reps done as best I could. In saying that all hopeful of doing 100 reps unbroken went like this, 40, then 20, then 20, then final 20.
HYROX had tested me in ways I hadn’t been tested before and I had emerged stronger for it.

Key takeaways: lessons from the HYROX Arena

Endurance is key: Despite my background in training within the 98Gym Hybrid programming, where short, intense bursts of activity are the norm, HYROX demanded a different kind of endurance. The 8km of running were a stark reminder that continuous endurance is just as important as explosive power. Training for HYROX has given me a renewed appreciation for the benefits of sustained cardio training.
Mental toughness: There were moments during the race when I wanted to stop. The cumulative fatigue from running and the high-intensity workouts was overwhelming. However, pushing through these moments was a mental challenge as much as a physical one. I kept telling myself to crawl faster than stopping and get a rep out no matter how slow it was. The race taught me the importance of staying positive throughout the race, telling myself I am good, feeling good, let’s f*cken go!
Todd Liubinskas working through 1,000m on the rowing machine at HYROX Sydney.

Hitting the rowing machine hard

© HYROX Australia

General physical preparedness: HYROX’s combination of running and functional workouts highlighted the importance of well-rounded fitness. It’s not enough to be strong or fast; you need to be versatile. This event pushed me to improve my overall fitness, incorporating more functional movements into my training routine. I've been training under the program of 98Gym for some time now, and more aligned with the Hybrid Programming they offer, so the exercises outside of the running components were completed with ease, to be honest. Now the challenge is to incorporate more simulated HYROX workout scenarios to improve.

HYROX community and support

One of the most rewarding aspects of HYROX was the sense of community.
Fellow competitors and spectators provided constant encouragement, creating an electrifying atmosphere. This support was crucial in helping me push through the toughest parts of the race.
It reminded me of the camaraderie I had experienced in my early days of local fitness competitions and touch football round robins, it was awesome to experience it as a competitor.

Why it's never too late to compete

At 40, I wondered if doing another event would hurt me more than motivate me, however, it has lit the fire again. HYROX proved that age is just a number. With the right mindset and training, I could still compete and achieve personal bests. This realisation has reignited my passion for fitness and competition. It's safe to say I am training for the next one.

Reflections and future HYROX goals

Participating in HYROX was an epic experience. It challenged me in ways I hadn’t anticipated and left me with a profound sense of accomplishment. Reflecting on the race, I’m grateful for the lessons learned and the opportunity to push my limits. Yes, I need to run more, but it was also a good baseline for where I'm at with my fitness. I can still move some heavy shit, pull a sled, ski and row my butt off, carry some heavy things, lunge without stopping, burpee until I pass out, and squat so I'm walking like a cowboy the next day.
Looking ahead, I’m inspired to continue training and improving. HYROX has reignited my competitive spirit and I’m already planning my next race. My goal is to improve my time and refine my technique, focusing on areas where I struggled, particularly the running segments. I’ve also started incorporating more functional fitness movements into my training, ensuring that I’m well-prepared for the diverse challenges HYROX presents.
To finish, my first experience with HYROX was a powerful reminder of the importance of pushing boundaries and embracing new challenges. It’s never too late to pursue your passions and test your limits.
HYROX has given me a renewed sense of purpose and a fresh perspective on fitness. I encourage anyone, regardless of age or background, to take on the challenge. You might just discover strengths you never knew you had and reignite a passion that you thought was long lost. I'm sure it will give you wings to take on anything that life throws at you.
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