Hong 10 of Korea competes during the Red Bull BC One World Final at Court Philippe-Chatrier, Roland Garros, Paris, France on October 21, 2023.
© Dean Treml / Red Bull Content Pool

觀賞Red Bull BC One 2023在巴黎的精彩對戰

深入了解Red Bull BC One 2023世界總決賽在巴黎舉行的一些最令人驚嘆的Breaking對戰。
由 FraGue Moser-Kindler 編寫
4 min readPublished on
2023 Red Bull BC One 世界總冠軍賽在巴黎的第三個版本再次寫入歷史。在Red Bull BC One 20週年慶典上,來自南韓的Hong 10和來自日本的Ami分別獲勝,整個晚上的所有對戰都值得一看。但如果你時間有限,我們整理了這份在10月21日發生最激烈的10場對戰清單。

Red Bull BC One World Final 2023

Watch the world's best b-boys and b-girls battle it out to become the 2023 Red Bull BC One World Champions.


1. Hong 10 vs Phil Wizard的b-boy決賽

Hong 10 of Korea competes against Phil Wizard of Canada during the Red Bull BC One World Final at Court Philippe-Chatrier, Roland Garros in Paris, France, on October 21, 2023.

Hong 10 in the final battle against Phil Wizard

© Thinh Souvannarath / Red Bull Content Pool

當然,我們必須以b-boy的最終對戰開始。Phil Wizard和Hong 10在去年無限回合對戰的再現中對決,讓觀眾整場都站了起來。網上的聲音已經把這場對決視為Red Bull BC One有史以來最佳的決賽之一。

2. Ami vs 671的b-girl決賽

B-Girl Ami of Japan competes against 671 of China during the Red Bull BC One World Final at Court Philippe-Chatrier, Roland Garros in Paris, France, on October 21, 2023.

Ami shows her acrobatic skills in the final battle against 671

© Thinh Souvannarath / Red Bull Content Pool

The final battle of the ladies also had two absolute heavy-hitters face off in a showdown between Ami and 671. Both b-girls showed that they have the complete package with a gigantic arsenal of moves, intricate understanding of the music and stamina for ages. This battle is proof that the era when b-girls stood in the shadows of the boys is finally over, as these two b-girls would definitely smoke all the e-boys hating online.

3. Khalil vs Issin的八強對戰

Khalil (front) of France competes against Issin of Japan during the Red Bull BC One World Final at Court Philippe-Chatrier, Roland Garros, Paris, France on October 21, 2023.

Khalil does the tracks in his battle against Issin

© Dean Treml / Red Bull Content Pool

Issin vs Khalil的對戰充滿了能量,傑出的特技和瘋狂的速度水平。觀眾不確定應該替Khalil(家鄉英雄,贏得了最後的機會對決)還是來自日本的Issin而更加歡呼,最後他們決定整場都發出歡呼聲。

4. Yasmin vs Nicka的八強對戰

B-Girl Yasmin of Japan competes against B-Girl Nicka of Lithuania during the Red Bull BC One World Final at Court Philippe-Chatrier, Roland Garros in Paris, France, on October 21, 2023.

Yasmin in the battle against Nicka

© Little Shao / Red Bull Content Pool

這場對戰是立陶宛b-girl奇才Nicka對上贏得Red Bull BC One Cypher Japan的Yasmin。Yasmin被證明是當晚最令人難以忽視的舞者,以瘋狂的音樂感展現最時髦的舞步。另一方面,Nicka則展示了她是明年體育賽事最有希望的候選人之一,因為她在2023年贏得了一個又一個冠軍。

5. Hong 10 vs Dany Dann的半決賽對戰

Hong 10 (right) of Korea competes against Dany Dann of France during the Red Bull BC One World Final at Court Philippe-Chatrier, Roland Garros, Paris, France, on October 21, 2023.

Hong 10 in the semi-finals against Dany Dann

© Dean Treml / Red Bull Content Pool

Hong 10和Dany Dann在通往決賽的道路上沒有減速,以數十年的經驗和非凡的耐力與無與倫比的音樂性對決。

6.Stefani vs India的八強對戰

B-Girl India of Netherlands competes against Stefani during the Red Bull BC One World Final at Court Philippe-Chatrier, Roland Garros in Paris, France, on October 21, 2023.

India came prepared and took another shot at the world title

© Little Shao / Red Bull Content Pool

Last Chance Cypher的勝者Stefani對上回歸冠軍India。在這場比賽中,我們看到India全神貫注,而Stefani則滿臉笑容站在舞台上。

7. X-Rain vs Mighty Jake的16強對戰

X-Rain (left) of China competes against Mighty Jake of Venezuela during the Red Bull BC One World Final at Court Philippe-Chatrier, Roland Garros, Paris, France, on October 21, 2023.

X-Rain mid-air in the battle vs Mighty Jake

© Dean Treml / Red Bull Content Pool

來自中國的X-Rain與來自委內瑞拉的Mighty Jake在風格的史詩對決中相遇。X-Rain以全面的風格、精湛的表演和細緻的細節呈現,而Mighty Jake則展示了為什麼他是當今最出色的力量舞者之一。

8. Riko vs Kimie的16強對戰

Kimie (right) of France competes against Riko of Japan during the Red Bull BC One World Final at Court Philippe-Chatrier, Roland Garros, Paris, France, on October 21, 2023.

Kimie vs Riko in the round of 16

© Dean Treml / Red Bull Content Pool

在16強賽中,來自日本的wildcard選手Riko遇到了去年被邀請參加wildcard的法國選手Kimie,後者透過Last Chance Cypher對決晉級。兩位選手都帶來了高能量和壯觀的動作,迅速引起了觀眾的歡呼。

9. Phil Wizard vs Issin的半決賽對戰

Issin (right) of Japan competes against Phil Wizard of Canada during the Red Bull BC One World Final at Court Philippe-Chatrier, Roland Garros, Paris, France, on October 21, 2023.

The battle between Issin and Phil Wizard

© Dean Treml / Red Bull Content Pool

Issin 在半決賽中對上Red Bull BC One全明星Phil Wizard,這可能是整個晚上最令人興奮的對決。他們兩人都呈現了高度個性和獨特的舞蹈風格,表現出無可挑剔的執行力和節奏。

10. Firebird vs 671的16強對戰

B-Girl Firebird of Bulgaria competes against B-Girl 671 of China during the Red Bull BC One World Final at Court Philippe-Chatrier, Roland Garros in Paris, France, on October 21, 2023.

Firebird pulled out big moves against 671

© Little Shao / Red Bull Content Pool

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