Red Bull Ready Check
© Red Bull
Exploring the power of Aimlabs for gamers
If you need to work on speed or precision, or you simply want to flex your FPS muscles, trying Aimlabs is a must.
By Natalie Hamingson
6 min readPublished on
Even for the leading gamers who specialize in first-person shooter games, improvement never stops. As Red Bull Gamer iiTzTimmy explains, honing his abilities was a big motivator in re-entering the world of gaming competitions.
"I want to be better than other players,” he says. “I want to be an outstanding player among my peers, and I want to show that in front of other people's eyes.”
iiTzTimmy© Leslie Colon / Red Bull Content Pool
If you also want to impress your peers, aim training is a great way to refine your skills. From increasing your ranking among other gamers to competing in the Red Bull Ready Check first-person shooter competition, Aimlabs can help you get ready. Read ahead for an Aimlabs guide, along with the different exercises you can try to boost your shooting skills.

What is Aimlabs?

As its name suggests, Aimlabs is a tool to improve your aim for first- and third-person shooter (FPS and TPS) games. This aim trainer is available on the popular gaming platform Steam and looks much like a digital target practice. You can choose from numerous settings to practice hitting colorful targets at a range of speeds and angles. Each of Aimlabs’ 12,000 tasks is designed to isolate and strengthen some aspect of your aiming, such as flicking, tracking, and click timing. You can think of it as a gym for your FPS and TPS muscles.
G2 ShahZaM plays Red Bull Ready Check on Aimlabs
G2 ShahZaM plays Red Bull Ready Check on Aimlabs© ShahZaM's Twitch channel
In addition to a range of custom training scenarios, Aimlabs gives you access to personalized data and analytics, so you can track your progress. Since there are over 25 million Aimlabs users, you’ll see how you measure up among the greats. You can also get tips on how to reach the top too.

The benefits of using Aimlabs

Whether you’re training for a professional tournament or you just want to show off to your friends, Aimlabs has what you need. You can use it to:

Boost speed, accuracy, or any other areas of improvement

If you’re struggling with your mouse control on, say, VALORANT, it can be hard to focus when you’re trying to defend your team. With Aimlabs, you can slow it all down and work on building your skills in a controlled environment. Like a runner targeting quad strength off the track, Aimlabs can help you pinpoint an area of weakness and improve outside the game.

Practice game-specific skills

One of the biggest advantages of Aimlabs’ custom settings is the ability to adjust training scenarios for an individual game. Under the game settings, you’ll find profiles for hundreds of popular shooter games, from Apex Legends to Rainbow Six Siege. This way, you’re practicing aim and accuracy at exactly the right sensitivity for the game you want to beat.

Get an edge above the competition

Aimlabs is a great way to improve your reflexes, so it’s no surprise that many esports pros use it. Given its combination of specialized training and detailed performance insights, Aimlabs’ tools can help you reach your personal best. When it’s time to choose your character in whichever game you’ve been training for, you’ll feel sharp and confident.

How Aimlabs works

To start your aim training, create an account with Aimlabs. You have the option to play offline, but in offline play, organizing and tracking analytics is different. Before you get started with a task (training exercise), you’ll adjust your settings to fit the scenario you want to practice. If you’re unsure which game’s sensitivity you want to use, 20cm/360° to 50cm/360° is the most commonly used range. You’ll also select your preferred skill level.
From there, you’ll select a weapon before moving on to your chosen task. In addition to the options provided, you can customize your weapon, along with your target, map, and audio. Once you’re all ready with your setting and equipment, you can select from one of 12 task categories.
  1. Gridshot. Strengthen your flicking and accuracy in this exercise that always features three moving targets.
  2. Micro Gridshot. This task adds speed to all of the training aspects of a Gridshot task. As each new target spawns once you strike the center orb, you’ll have mere moments to hit the new target. If not, you lose points.
  3. Decisionshot. Learn to make lightning-fast decisions with this matching exercise. After shooting one initial orb, two new differently-colored orbs will appear. If you don’t want to lose points, hit the target that matches the original orb’s color.
  4. Spidershot. This task is similar to the Micro Gridshot exercise, but with greater emphasis on spatial performance.
  5. Sixshot. Once you’ve mastered the Gridshot task, you can add some additional challenge with this task that features six targets instead of three.
  6. Micro Sixshot. Similar to the Micro Gridshot task, this exercise works on flicking and precision, with the added bonus of practicing on small, faraway targets.
  7. Microshot. Strengthen your micro-flicking with this exercise in speed and accuracy.
  8. Blinkshot. Improve your aim — especially on teleporting opponents — and destroy a target with three hits.
  9. Motionshot. Boost your flickshots and reaction speed as you hit quick-moving targets in every direction.
  10. Motiontrack. If you need help hitting moving opponents, this is the exercise for you. You’ll practice quick flicking and perfect your tracking motion until the target is destroyed.
  11. Motionshot-GunGame. Practice speed and quick thinking in this task as you try multiple weapons, one after the other, every round.
  12. Strafetrack. As your target slides back and forth at random, you’ll practice keeping your crosshairs on — and tracking — a moving target.
Once you feel satisfied with your tasks for the day, review Aimlabs’ extensive analytics and data visualization to see how you measure up. Each task’s analytics are tailored to that skill, so you get the best tips possible on how to up your game however you need.

Practice on Aimlabs and train with the big leagues

For beginners and experts alike, Aimlabs is a great way to sharpen up your shooting skills. It’s so trusted in the FPS world that it’s the platform Red Bull Ready Check uses to find the best aim in the game. If you need to work on speed or precision, or you simply want to flex your FPS muscles, trying Aimlabs is a must.
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