Michaela 'Mimi' Lintrup is seen during Red Bull Campus Clutch World Finals in Sao Paulo, Brazil on December 16, 2022.
© Fabio Piva/Red Bull Content Pool
These agents will give you the best chance to succeed in VALORANT
These are the agents that just could just make the difference in the game when you play as a team in VALORANT.
By Kay Raadschelders
4 min readUpdated on
VALORANT now has an ever-expanding roster of unique agents. This not only provides a lot of variety for players and viewers alike, but also means that choosing a team with the strongest and best agents working together has become even more important. In fact, the choice of team composition on the field of battle could just make the difference at tournaments like Red Bull Home Ground.
Depending on your playing style, each agent naturally has their own pluses and minuses, but that's not the only thing that determines which character has the best chance of winning. For example, certain agents are especially strong on specific maps and there are regular updates by Riot Games that can completely change the current meta.


A good VALORANT team needs of a balanced composition of agents. You don't want to enter the playing field with five aggressive Duelists, but you can also question whether a team consisting only of Sentinels and Controllers will ultimately have enough punching power to defeat opponents. Something the Initiators, in turn, excel at.
To get you started, we've listed a few popular agents for each role, so that you'll be as prepared as possible for your matches and tournaments.


Image of the agent Jett in the game Valorant.
Jett is probably the most mobile agent in Valorant© Riot Games
The most popular Duelist is still Jett. Her great agility and smokes, with which she can protect herself, ensures that she already possesses all the qualities that players look for in her type of agent. Add to that an ultimate that allows you to send kunais (which can one-shot if aimed at the head) and can make the difference in eco-rounds, then she's hardly out of the ideal formation.
Another option in this category is Raze. The Brazilian bomb-lover boasts a better kit and scores even higher than Jett in terms of pure damage, but for the element of surprise needed to do that damage, she's just a little too dependent on her blast packs to really come close to the qualities of her South Korean colleague.
The last aggressive agent we'll highlight is Reyna. This radiant queen certainly has the capabilities in her kit to make a difference, but will probably be a less interesting option for the absolute top teams due to her solo play style.


Cypher is one to include in your team composition
Cypher is one to include in your team composition© Riot Games
If you want to add a Sentinel to your team, you really only have two serious choices at the moment. Of these, OG agent Cypher is currently preferred by most players. Indeed, with the change from an aggressive push-meta to a more controlled way of playing, his kit having an extra pair of eyes is a huge plus.
Should you not want to play a purely intel-based Sentinel, but also be able to really do some damage, Killjoy is your second option. The German hacker was once the most played Sentinel before the Cypher update and has been a valued force in many teams. Nothing has changed in that regard during the latest patch – she's always a safe bet.


Portrait of Clove, the new agent of the Valorant videogame.
Colve is THE Controller to have© ©Gamosaurus
In the Controller role, there's an absolute must-pick at the moment - the newest addition to the Valorant agent roster: Clove. Whereas Controllers normally have to play controlled to assist their team, in the case of Clove nothing could be further from the truth. Due to the fact that their abilities can be used even after death and their kit contains an ultimate to be able to bring back life, Clove is actually made to be active on the front lines.


Finally, let's take a look at the Initiators and there as well, one agent stands out above the rest. Sova has been favored by a lot of players for a while now. Indeed, the Russian archer has a very balanced kit, which never really looks out of place.
Image of the agent Sova in Valorant.
Sova© playvalorant.com
Nevertheless, there's also another agent in this category who deserves attention, especially because of one of his abilities. We are, of course, talking about Gekko and his Wingman. When used properly, the wingman can be one of the strongest abilities in the game. However, until recently Gekko didn't quite fit into most team compositions due to the rest of his kit. But that's changed lately. The Spanish creature whisperer is being valued by increasingly by teams and is likely to make an appearance during the next Red Bull Home Ground tournament.
Red Bull Home Ground this year takes place in Berlin, Germany on November 20–23. Find out more about the tournament here.
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Red Bull Home Ground

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GermanyArena Berlin, Germany
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