Surfer Tom Lowe wipes out at Nazare
© Alex Laurel
Watch 80 Seconds of Big Wave Terror at Nazaré
Cringe at the worst wipeouts of the winter at Praia do Norte, Portugal.
By Andrew Lewis
1 min readPublished on
1 minWorst Wipeouts at NazaréCringe along to the worst wipeouts of the past few months at Praia do Norte. Watch our edit now.
It seems like just yesterday we were declaring open season for the world's most nutty big-wave surfers at one of the world's most nutty big-wave locales: Nazaré. Now, with summer on the horizon across the Northern Hemisphere, the mist is settling at Nazaré, so it's time to take stock of the damage.
Since that first day in October, filmer Alex Laurel has been present for nearly every massive swell that came pouring across the Portuguese coast. From his stack of mind-blowing clips, there was an equally as impressive pile of absolutely terrifying wipeouts — the best of which are now ready for your eye in the edit above.
Surfer Tom Lowe wipes out at Nazare
Tom Lowe ejects© Alex Laurel
Session after session, guys like Andrew Cotton, Kai Lenny, Tom Lowe, Lucas Chumbo and Alex Botelho were on hand, no matter how gnarly the conditions got. They paid a price, of course, for their dedication — luckily everyone is heading into summer happy, healthy and ready for another season of big, cold Naz to come.
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British big wave surfer Andrew Cotton has put his home nation on the surfing map. A dad and husband, he's sacrificed a lot to get where he is today.

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