At the ripe old age of 35 and fresh off the release of his epic part in ‘Holy Fit’, Van Homan’s riding career hasn’t begun to slow down, not by a long shot. And, as a perk of being a pro bike rider, Van basically has had the opportunity to live anywhere in the world he wishes over the past decade and a half.
Yet, for the past eight years, Van has continued to live in the same town where he learned how to jump curbs: Pennsville, New Jersey. What keeps him there? “To be honest it's a question I've been asking myself for a little while now. Why am I here, and do I want to stay? I came up with two pretty important foundations as to why I live in and love Pennsville – family and the feeling of home.”
And it’s not from lack of seeing new places – quite the contrary. Over the past 16 years, Van Homan has been around the block and then some. From journeying to 18 countries and 45 states in the US, Van has gotten a taste of many other cultures and climates. Plus, from the ages of 19–26, Van lived across the state border in Pennsylvania.
In 2006, he decided to make the move back to his hometown. He continues to live there today. Is Van going to continue living out the rest of his pro riding days posted up a few miles from the Delaware Memorial Bridge? Only time will tell; but for now, Pennsville continues to be home: “No matter where I travel to or end up in the future, there will always be a comfort and a connection for me in Pennsville, New Jersey.”
Here are Van’s top-five reasons for living in his hometown:
1. Hazel, My Dog
Running my dog, Hazel, near the lake where I learned to swim and around the woods where I grew up camping and playing in.
2. Hometown Familiarity
Riding the street spots I've been riding since I was 12 years old and knowing the transition of every curb in town. It's also cool to ride the same spots for over 20 years and still be able to look at things with new eyes as your riding progresses or changes.
3. Family is Important
Having family close and being able to stop by my parents' house for a home-cooked meal or go fishing with my dad on a whim.
4. Cruising Time
Having and knowing the country roads that are perfect for a good cruise on the motorcycle.
5. Best of All Worlds
Having the space to shoot beer cans with my BB gun or have a bonfire in my backyard but still being close enough to Philly to see a show, ride FDR and what the streets have to offer, or visit friends with ease.
Follow Van Homan on Instagram and Red Bull Bike on Twitter for more BMX videos and action.