Can you drink too much of Red Bull Energy Drink?

One 8.4 fl oz can of Red Bull Energy Drink contains 80 mg of caffeine, about the same amount as in a cup of home brewed coffee. The consumption of Red Bull Energy Drink should conform to a person’s intake of caffeine.

Many authorities around the world have looked at the effects of caffeine. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) concluded in its scientific opinion on the safety of caffeine (2015) that caffeine intake of up to 400 mg per day (five 8.4 fl oz cans or five cups of coffee) does not raise safety concerns for the general healthy adult population. This is in line with similar findings from the US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) and Health Canada. However, pregnant and breast-feeding women should limit their caffeine intake to 200 mg.

All ingredients, including the caffeine content, are labelled on the can.

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