The SSC SuperSonic Car
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These speed records set by humans are incredible

Marvel at some of humankind's most admirable and spectacular speed records across a range of transport modes.
By Lluís Llurba and Pablo Bueno
3 min readPublished on
Humans have always been driven to push their limits to the maximum and one of the most extreme of those is speed. In a relatively short period of time, some unbelievably fast speed records have been set, thanks to a combination of the finest engineering skill and stomach-churning pilot fearlessness.
These are some of the most spectacular speed records that we've set as a species:

Top 1 Oil Ack Attack

The two-wheeled Top 1 Oil Ack Attack.

Top 1 Oil Ack Attack

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As Triumph continue to try and break the 400mph (643.73kph) speed barrier on a motorcycle, the current landspeed record for a motorcycle stands at an eye-watering 605.69kph, set by TOP 1 Oil ACK ATTACK. Not content with that, the team will go again between August 3-8, 2017, on the salt plains of Uyuni, close to the Andes, as they attempt to break 700kph with a spectacular backdrop to boot.

SSC (Supersonic Car)

The Supersonic Car (SSC) is a fusion of car and jet plane, powered by Rolls Royce Spey 202 turbojets, the very same turbojets that propel the famed McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom, so there's no messing about here.
Andy Green broke the sound barrier with a top speed of 1,232.93kph in Black Rock, Nevada, USA in 1997, and since then the record has stood firm.

Lockheed SR-71 (Blackbird)

The Lockheed SR-71 in flight.

Lockheed SR-71

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The Mach 3+ recon aircraft remains the fastest aeroplane in the world and, after three decades in service, was retired in 1998. It's incredible capacity allowed speeds of up to 3,540kph – it could escape surface-to-air missiles by simply outracing them.
It became known as the Cold War's ultimate spy plane and was able to cross the United States (from Los Angeles to Washington) in just 67 minutes.

North American X-15

The hypersonic rocket-powered North American X-15.

North American X-15

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This hypersonic rocket plane was another piece of engineering mastery by US aerospace brains. It wasn't designed to take off from runways or aircraft carries, but to be able to launch like a missile.
That makes comparing it to 'regular' jet-propelled aircraft a little unfair, but its numbers can still be studied in disbelief. It surpassed the Mach number 6.72 times (hitting 7,274kph), and for a few minutes was able to reach the sub-orbital layers of space!

Apollo 10

Apollo 10 orbits in space.

Apollo 10

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Three missions prior to the famous Apollo 13 mission, Apollo 10 registered the top speed experience by a human at a whopping 39,897kph during its return from the moon on May 26, 1969.

Voyager 1

Voyager 1 in outer space.

Voyager 1

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Voyager 1 is a space probe that was launched on September 5, 1977, and which continues operating today with its mission of locating and studying the limits of the solar system and interstellar space.
On August 25, 2012, it crossed the heliopause and became the first spacecraft to enter interstellar space. It's the farthest spacecraft from planet earth and has the potential to reach a speed of 62,140kph.

Helios 2

A computer-generated image of Helios 2 in space.

Helios 2

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The absolute speed record by a man-made object was set by Helios 2. Launched in 1976 with the mission of studying solar processes, it has been able to achieve a speed of 252,792kph.