A screenshot of mechs in new video game Left Alive.
© Square Enix
Talking Left Alive with the men behind Armored Core and Metal Gear's mechs
We speak with director Toshifumi Nabeshima and character designer Yoji Shinkawa about their new mech action title, Left Alive.
By Jamie Stevenson
8 min readPublished on
Left Alive is the new game set in the Front Mission universe, the series of action strategy games with a heavy emphasis on clanking metal hulks capable of wreaking all sorts of destruction. The game embraces this mech-based legacy while offering something new in three playable characters, and placing the series in a more realistic setting.
Behind these changes is a new development team, made up of action-game luminaries who bring vast experience to the creation and design of both the memorable characters, and their metal counterparts. The team is steered by director Toshifumi Nabeshima, the man behind Armored Core, and character designer Yoji Shinkawa, who's responsible for some of the most memorable mechs in gaming history, including those from the Metal Gear series.
In our exclusive video interview below, we spoke with Nabeshima and Shinkawa to discuss the design and inspiration behind the new characters, and just how Left Alive will breathe new life into the Front Mission series. First, though, what exactly is Left Alive?
20 minTalking Left Alive with the men behind Armored Core and Metal Gear's mechsWe speak with director Toshifumi Nabeshima and character designer Yoji Shinkawa about their new mech action title, Left Alive.

Story and character

Left Alive is an action survival game set in a world not far removed from our own, with Nabeshima stressing the desire from the development team to deliver something 'real' – a step apart from the Front Mission series so far.
"The Front Mission universe serves as a backbone for this title, and when you look at the series, the setting feels very realistic," Nabeshima says. "Everything from the story to the country names are, of course, fictional, but it employs a world setting that has some continuity with the real world."
This extends to the game's story, too, even though Nabeshima was keen to maintain the overarching series' themes. "We discussed how it would be better to craft a story that had some sense of reality," he adds. "We also thought a story in which various characters get entangled in a greater evil force, such as conspiracies between countries, felt like something in the vein of Front Mission. So, I was conscious about ensuring the story would turn out that way."
The story follows three playable protagonists who must escape a city torn apart by war, where battles are fought with Wanzers, the mechs that have been so prominent in the series so far. The first is a young soldier and Wanzer pilot named Mikhail. His story begins when he finds himself completely isolated after his unit is attacked and defeated by enemy forces.
The second is Olga, an ex-soldier turned police officer who left the military as a result of a particular incident, and becomes intertwined with the war when she visits the slums to investigate a case.
The third is Leonid, who according to Nabeshima is "quite complex". He's a character who's presumed to have been executed, after receiving the death penalty. He essentially becomes a fugitive, who escapes prison in the midst of all the turmoil caused by war, though publicly he's believed to be dead. "It turns out he was framed for his crime and sets out to discover the truth in order to prove his innocence," he adds.
As for how this will work in-game: players will control a given character in each of the stages, rather than choosing characters they'll use to progress the game. The story will advance in a way where once a player beats a stage, they'll move onto the next one, and play as another character.
"So, each of the characters essentially acts independently, and are not initially acquainted with one another," Nabeshima explains. "The story will follow each of these three isolated characters in their attempts to escape and survive. There are scenes where they encounter one another, and set off on their separate paths once again."

Action and design

The game, while part of the Front Mission series, is more in line with the action titles from Nabeshima's back catalogue. He explains that, while they initially began with a traditional strategy game approach, he quickly decided to play to his strengths.
When asked how the experience differed from his work on the likes of Armored Core, he replies, "The biggest difference had to be the environment, because I'm working at a different company. Considering this game is being developed in a different environment, with different staff, and considering it's a new title, even if it inherits certain aspects from Front Mission, I think it was most challenging to share a common understanding for what this game was setting out to achieve with the staff."
A screenshot of mechs and soldiers in Left Alive video game.
Mechs patrol the streets© Square Enix
Among the staff was Yoji Shinkawa, whose extensive experience and glowing credentials made him a perfect fit for the series. But how did the two work together to build Left Alive?
"Even prior to discussing specifics, he had reached out to me about designing characters for a new game in the works, set in the Front Mission universe," Shinkawa says. "When I actually got to speak with them, it was partially because I was thinking this would be a Front Mission game, but the game turned out to be different from what I imagined, so I was very surprised.
"However, Mr Nabeshima had a pretty clear vision from the start, and provided me text that outlined the role each character would take, as well as their respective backstories, so it was relatively easy to use that as the foundation to build out the designs."
One of the characters however did prove more difficult to design than others, with Nabeshima recalling that Shinkawa ran into some trouble with the design of Mikhail. "Considering the game's setting, I figured he was reaching out to me to design the more seasoned/middle-aged male characters," Shinkawa says. "But when he requested a handsome guy, I really contemplated over the design. I think I ended up redrawing this character the most."
"We received a design that made him appear a bit conceited. It appeared like he was an affluent child, acting all arrogant in the military. That was the general impression," Nabeshima adds.
After working with notes and dialogue however, Shinkawa adapted the character. "He gradually appeared more honest and earnest, as I continued to adjust his appearance. I also believe it's necessary for the characters to have some level of reality, as if they may actually exist somewhere," he explains.
Recalling this struggle brought about more recollection from Shinkawa and Nabeshima, with the former explaining his misconceptions when first approached about the game.
"When I heard it was a Front Mission game, I just assumed it would be a robot action game, with everything evolving around mechs," he says. "But when we had a discussion, I was told it would be a game where players would control characters, and I realised humans would be combatting Wanzers, so I started to consider giving them a power suit or a guard suit. However, it turns out we were taking a completely different direction."

Design influences

As for how his existing aesthetic influenced Left Alive, Shinkawa was adamant that he remained faithful to the existing universe. "There are certain visual directions I excel at over others, but I tried my best to make sure that the designs didn't deviate from the intended image," he says. "I would have the team review my designs throughout the process to, for example, see if they wanted someone to look tougher, or have a cleaner look. I spoke with the team several times and gradually built out the designs."
In a broader sense, industry experience and the series' predecessors also had an impact on how Shinkawa approached Left Alive.
"There are influences that fundamentally led me to this kind of work. When it comes to artists you like, you feel a sense of admiration towards that person," Shinkawa explains. "This person is Mr Yoshikata Amano, who also created concept art for Front Mission characters. There's actually a character I drew while being conscious of the characters from the very first Front Mission
"At the same time, I imparted and incorporated my own sensibilities, while also adding a sort of essence that suggests a Front Mission title. I feel like it's best to not think about this so much, to just go with the flow."
Artwork featuring the main protagonists from Left Alive.
The three mains of Left Alive© Square Enix
As for hopes for the game's design, and the game itself, it's clear that both Shinkawa and Nabeshima are proud of the game, and the hard work that's gone into its development and design. "I truly hope the designs express the characters’ struggles, hopes and desires as Mr Nabeshima envisioned," Shinkawa says.
"This is my first project since transitioning to a new environment, so honestly speaking there were many challenges faced along the way," Nabeshima says. "But there are many people I wouldn't have been able to meet if it weren’t for this project, including Mr Shinkawa. In my own way, I poured all my efforts into this game, so I would love it for people to try it out."
Before we wrap up the interview, Nabeshima quickly points out that Shinkawa had, in fact, gone beyond the main and side characters and designed a mech for Left Alive – something fans will be eager to catch a glimpse of.
"I'm not sure how to put this in words, but those instances feel like stillness and motion. I want everyone to see these moments that make you feel like, 'Yay! It appeared', and makes you feel like it's Front Mission after all," explains Shinkawa.
Left Alive hits PlayStation 4 and PC on March 5.

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