Excited participants at Red Bull Homerun in Georgia
© Rezi Kenia/Red Bull Content Pool
Essential ski terms every skier should know
Spend any amount of time on the slopes and you'll start to notice the unique lingo used by seasoned skiers and snowboarders. Here are 16 words you need to know and how to use them.
By Stuart Kenny
9 min readPublished on
If you speak to a dedicated skier about skiing for any significant period of time, you’ll realize pretty quickly that the sport has a language of its own. If you want to fluently speak the language like freeskiers Jérémie Heitz and Bella Bacon, there are certain ski words you should have in your vocabulary.
Since skiers also tend to use ski lingo even when they’re not in the mountains, it’s useful to know at least some of the basics of the dialect. And since — for the time being at least — the ski dictionary isn’t on Duolingo, we thought we’d step in to help you out.
Below are just a few examples from the skier’s dictionary.


Paddy Graham is the definition of steeze© Dom Daher/Red Bull Content Pool
Definition: A combination of the words ‘style’ and ‘ease’ used to describe effortless elegance on the slopes. Most commonly attached to freestyle skiers and backcountry powder hounds.
“Candide’s double backflip over that cable car was so steezy, man.”
“No doubt. He’s the steeze king.”
Not to be confused with: Other words that sound similar, like ‘breezy,’ ‘wheezy,’ or ‘lemon-squeezy.’ If you’re talking to a skier and they said something that sounds like one of these words, it was probably just ‘steezy.’ Trust us, it’s a real word.


Jesse Agustinus on Mount Washington at the Red Bull Slide In Tour© Brian Nevins/Red Bull Content Pool
Definition: Shorthand for the word ‘powder,’ the term ‘pow’ is probably one of the most commonly written down words in skiing slang and can be heard on days when the snow is good and the face shots (see point 10) are flowing.
“The pow today is absolutely out of this world.”
Not to be confused with: POW, the comic book noise Batman makes when he punches people.


Bobby Brown prepares the course on Mammoth Mountain© Peter Morning / Red Bull Content Pool
Definition: A groomer is a ski trail that has been leveled by a snowcat, providing a flattened and ideal surface for skiing.
“I spent all morning carving turns on the groomers; it was like gliding on silk.”
“Groomers are perfect for building up speed and practicing technique.”
Not to be confused with: A “glade,” which involves skiing in forested areas between trees and other natural terrain. A groomed slope is distinctively smooth and free of natural obstacles.


Birk Irving rides at Mammoth Mountain in Mammoth Lakes
Birk Irving rides at Mammoth Mountain in Mammoth Lakes © Christian Pondella / Red Bull Content Pool
Definition: A ski line that provides a lot of potential for gnarly (see point 8) riding, whether that be a particularly steep or dangerous line or a line with a huge kicker that allows for a big jump. Both could be described as “sendy.” Similarly, to “send” something in skiing is to ride it with full vigor and at high speed, and to “go full send” is to go as hard as you possibly can.
“That couloir is so sendy. That is one seriously sendy couloir.”
“Looks like we’re going to need to go full send.”
Not to be confused with: The word ‘sending,’ which is only loosely connected in that you do send yourself from the start point of a ‘sendy line’ to the endpoint. Still, to use the most obvious example of something that you traditionally ‘send,’ neither a letter nor the envelope it travels in, is ‘sendy.’ There’s nothing sendy, in this context, about the Royal Mail.


Eric Jackson performs a nose butter during filming of The Book of John J
Eric Jackson performs a nose butter during filming of The Book of John J© Blake Jorgenson/Red Bull Content Pool
Definition: The act of rocking onto the tips (nose butter) or tail (tail butter) of your skis and holding your weight there long enough to turn 180 degrees or more in one smooth, beautiful, life-affirming motion. Definitely one of the steeziest (see point 1) moves there is on skis.
“I’m getting quite bitter because I can’t butter better.”
Not to be confused with: Chutney, margarine, butter, I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter or any other spreadable edible. You can’t eat these butters. Though they do look so sweet.

Park Rat

Bobby Brown competes at Red Bull Cascade at Solitude Mountain Resort© Mason Cameron / Red Bull Content Pool
Definition: A skier or snowboarder who spends nearly all day, every day, skiing or snowboarding exclusively in the freestyle sections of the ski resort — namely, the park, half-pipe, or airbag. The park rat is also easily identifiable outside of the park, though a rare sighting, as they’ll be wearing a hoody 19 times too big for them and will probably be halfway through a backflip.
“Look, there’s a group of park rats coming!”
“How can you tell?”
“They’ve all got twin tip skis and their jumpers go way down past their knees.”
Not to be confused with: actual rats in a park. Park Rats are very much human, and rats in parks are very much rodents. Don’t give either too much cheese.


Fabian Boesch and Mac Forehand at Mammoth Mountain, California, USA on January 31, 2024.
Fabian Boesch and Mac Forehand at Mammoth Mountain, California© Christian Pondella / Red Bull Content Pool
Definition: An abbreviated term for a ski lift operator. The person who runs the ski lift. The guy or girl who controls the ski lift. On the ski slope. Normally in a little hut.
“The lifty gave me a courteous nod this morning before turning on the oompah music and taking a swig of a hip flask.”
Not to be confused with: Bellhops. The only similarity is that they both stand near mechanical devices that take you to a higher altitude. Lifty are hardened outdoor professionals, master DJs, shovel diggers, and safety kings and queens.


Marco Odermatt at of the FIS Ski Alpine World Cup opening in 2024
Marco Odermatt at of the FIS Ski Alpine World Cup opening in 2024© Johann Groder / Red Bull Content Pool
Definition: Carving is when you use the edges of your skis to make sharp, controlled turns, resulting in a smooth, defined curve on the snow.
“She made perfect carving turns down the groomer, leaving crisp arcs in the snow.”
“Carving is all about controlling your edges and leaning into the turn. It feels amazing when you nail it.”
Not to be confused with: “Snowplowing,” which involves skis being placed in a wedge shape to slow down or stop. This technique is typically used by beginners, while advanced skiers typically carve.


Sebestien Toutant performs a switch over a fence© Yann Roy/Red Bull Content Pool
Definition: To ride backward on skis. If you do a 180 and then land correctly, you’ll now be riding switch. However, if you start the 180 from a switch position, then that’s just riding normally again.
“He dropped into that jump switch.”
“He dropped into what, where? Do we need to go and get him out?!”
“It means he skied into the jump backwards, dude. Come on. You’re embarrassing me.”
Not to be confused with: The act of swapping one thing for another thing. Or the 2005 Will Smith song ‘Switch.’ Remember that?


Definition: Ski areas with trees are called glades. It offers a natural, forest-like skiing experience with challenging and adventurous ungroomed terrain.
“Exploring the glades today was incredible ‘cause the powder was untouched, and the trees added an extra thrill.”
“Glades are perfect for skiers who want to get off the beaten path.”
Not to be confused with: A “groomer,” which is a slope that’s specifically been smoothed for easier skiing. Glades aren’t flattened to offer a more rugged and natural experience.


Repelling on some gnarly sections
Repelling on some gnarly sections© Swatch
Definition: Gnarly mainly means something that is particularly extreme, radical, or cool. But it can also mean something that is downright painful, unpleasant, or unattractive, like a horrible wound or scar. It can also mean something that’s good or even perfect, so you can wish someone a ‘gnarly day.’ What we’re really telling you here is that it pretty much means whatever you want it to.
“Look at that skier! That line is totally gnarly.”
“Especially in gnarly weather like this.”
“Oh no! He’s taken a gnarly crash.”
“Gnarly, dude.”
“Totally. I’ve got to head off, dude. Stay gnarly.”
Not to be confused with: The animal ‘narwhal.’ You know, the one with the big tusk coming out its head? The unicorn of the sea.


Nadine Wallner skiing during the Red Bull Alpine Camp in Zermatt© Frederik Kalbermatten / Red Bull Content Pool
Definition: Freeride refers to skiing or snowboarding in natural, ungroomed terrain, often in off-piste areas where there is no set path or slope.
“Yeah, you love freeride skiing because it’s all about finding your line in untouched powder.”
“Freeride competitions push us to our limits dude, that’s why I’m signing up, so I can navigate cliffs, chutes, and deep snow.”
Not to be confused with: "Freestyle," which focuses on performing tricks and jumps in terrain parks. Freeride skiing is more about exploring natural, wild terrain without the intent to perform tricks.


Jesper Tjäder at Red Bull Unrailistic in Åre, Sweden© Emrik Jansson / Red Bull Content Pool
Past tense: jibbed
Definition: To ride your skis across anything that isn’t snow. If you hit a rail, a box or even grind a tree, you’re jibbing. The wider definition of jibbing can also include some fun or playful tricks on snow. Butters (see point 4) for example, would be included in jibbing.
"I spent all day jibbing in the backcountry, bro. It was most bodacious.”
Not to be confused with: A triangular mast in sailing, the projecting arm of a crane (if you knew that was called a ‘jib’, kudos), or the act of physically jabbing someone. If a skier tells you they spent their afternoon jibbing, they don’t mean they joined the local boxing club.


Michelle Parker gets some serious powder
Michelle Parker gets some serious powder© Eric Berger / Red Bull Content Pool
Definition: To splash up so much snow while skiing in light, fluffy, deep, beautiful powder that the snow hits and covers the face of the skier in question, often obscuring their view entirely for a split second and prompting a loud scream of excitement from the skier involved.
If you’re dealing with faceshots, then you’ve picked a good day to get out on the mountain. Extremely strong levels of pow (see point 2) are required.
"I was taking faceshots left, right, and center today. My face almost froze in a smile!”
Not to be confused with: Let's leave it there.


Birk Irving © Dasha Nosova / Red Bull Content Pool
Definition: Après-ski refers to the social activities you do after skiing, typically involving drinks, food, and relaxation with fellow skiers.
“After a full day on the mountain, let’s head to the lodge for some classic après-ski drinks and live music.”
“Après-ski is the perfect way to unwind bro, I’ve shared stories from the slopes, and recharged for the next day.”
Not to be confused with: ”Freeride,” which refers to skiing on ungroomed terrain. Après-ski is not about skiing or the sport itself but about the social aspect that follows the day's skiing.


Definition: Pizza is the technique where your skis come together to create a V-shape. It’s also called a wedge or snowplow, where your ski tips touch in order to stop or slow down.
“Don’t forget to pizza when you’re going too fast.”
“The instructor told us to start with pizza before moving on to parallel skiing.”
Not to be confused with: a pizza slice you eat. Pizza in skiing only refers to the V-shape technique you’ll learn as a beginner unless your buddy asks if you want to grab a slice for lunch.

Ski ya later: Master the lingo and the slopes

Now that you’ve got a handle on the essential ski terms, you’re ready to hit the slopes like a seasoned pro. Whether you’re carving down a groomer or going full send on a gnarly freeride, knowing ski words will help you blend in with the mountain crowd.
The next time someone asks if you caught any faceshots or wants to meet up for après-ski, you’ll know exactly which skiing term they’re talking about. Until then, stay steezy, embrace the pow, and don’t forget to pizza if you’re still learning.
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