© Firaxis / 2K Games
5 XCOM 2 Tips Rrom Firaxis to Help You Save Earth
These XCOM 2 tips direct from the game's developers will guide you to victory on Earth.
By Tom East
3 min readPublished on
XCOM 2 is here. Yes, Firaxis' brilliant sequel to the hit 2012 PC strategy game is out now, and with an army of invading aliens to battle, it's more challenging than the original. Good job then, that the guys at Firaxis have furnished us with five top XCOM 2 tips to help you beat the aliens and take back Earth.
Watch the XCOM 2 launch trailer below:
To do this you’ll have to manage supplies, build new facilities, upgrade your soldiers, and put your plan to take back your home into place. Then, when you jump into a mission, you’ll be on the ground against the enemy, using the awesome new soldier classes to take out ferocious aliens and uncover their nefarious plan.
There are new things to learn as you can now sneak up and ambush the enemy in a completely new way, and you can choose when you want to take on missions, gather intel, research rumours or expand the XCOM resistance network. As Firaxis told us, setting up the perfect ambush is incredibly satisfying as you watch your soldiers take out an unsuspecting group of enemies, while the new challenges that come up in each game will add replayability.

So if you want to get off to a good start in XCOM 2, check out these top tips direct from the developers.
XCOM 2© Firaxis / 2K Games
1. Invest in the Psi Operative

XCOM 2’s Psi Op is a game-changing unit that plays like no other class. Psi Ops are very powerful and can gain tons of awesome skills, but the trade-off is that it takes a lot of resources. We made it worth the cost with fun unique abilities like Fuse, which lets you detonate the explosives your enemies are carrying. They also have great support abilities and perks like Sustain which will keep your Psi Op alive after they’ve taken a fatal hit.
2. Don't underestimate the Specialist’s Gremlin

The Specialist is XCOM 2’s Support class who comes equipped with a flying robot companion called the Gremlin. Players can decide to give the Gremlin life-saving healing abilities like Restoration (the Gremlin heals/revives each of your soldiers) or guaranteed damage-dealing abilities which are vital at higher difficulties. The Gremlin is also the best hacker in the game and can turn the enemies’ mechanized units, like turrets and MECs, over to your control.
3. Sometimes you need to retreat
XCOM 2 is a tough game even on lower difficulties. If you ever see a mission going south, evacuate your soldiers right away. Coming back from a mission with wounded or dead soldiers is a big hit on your capacity to take on future missions. Every soldier is essential, but winning every mission isn’t.
XCOM 2© Firaxis / 2K Games
4. XCOM 2 is not a stealth game
Concealment is a great way to get the drop on a small group of enemies, but you won’t be able to complete a mission undetected. You can put yourself in a bad place if you try to go too far with your concealed soldiers. As soon as you’re revealed, enemy patrols you sneaked past will start pursuing you. Now, all of a sudden you’re surrounded. Good luck, Commander.
5. Get guaranteed damage

Choose upgrades, abilities, and perks like the stock upgrade because they grant you guaranteed damage. Knowing your attack will hit is useful for removing an enemy’s overwatch or releasing a soldier from the Viper’s Bind ability. Not to mention, it’s always nice to sidestep the hit chance every once in a while.
Good luck! This way for more more tips for the latest and greatest games.

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